MovieChat Forums > Black Adam (2022) Discussion > the justice society jet

the justice society jet

They say the Jets indestructible, and at the end it gets batted out of the sky. So pointless thing to say we never see it being indestructible.


Yeah, as I understood it (I read comics in the 70's) Hawkman's native Nth metal was gravity-repellent, just something to help an otherwise biologically human hero fly like a hawk. I doubt it was ever supposed to be DC's version of vibranium

Still, saying their plane's indestructible, then having Black Adam destroy it, is at least a shorthand (and lazy and unearned) way of showing his power.


They could have at least shown some indestructibility. Before it got destroyed.


I haven't seen this movie but yes, just saying something is indestructible and then showing it getting destroyed doesn't have that much impact. You need to have seen it withstand some colossal force successfully to show just how tough it is.


As I've stated above, it DIDN'T get destroyed. No idea why you people think it was.


for most of the super hero films I have seen, consistency and logic is always random, and out the window at any moment.
it gets tiresome. kinda done with the genre


You're misremembering.

It's clear in my memory because as soon as Hawkman commented on the Nth metal being indestructible, I *knew* there'd be a scene showing it taking a beating.

So it does. No idea why you think it got destroyed: it didn't. It *did* get swatted out of the sky; the nose piece separated (as it had before), and crashed, but flew just fine afterwards, but there's absolutely No Sign that it was damaged.

The good news: you get to re-watch the movie, and see this for yourself!
