MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) Discussion > Sequel Set in Europe? Begins Minutes Aft...

Sequel Set in Europe? Begins Minutes After Avengers 4 Ends?

Apparently, Spider-Man 2 will pick up moments after the climax of Avengers 4, and will involve Spider-Man journeying to Europe.

Also, looks like their casting or 2 roles, one of which seems to be a villain, the other a high school student

I wonder if this will be in addition to the Scorpion character teased in the first film, or if he's being saved for later.

The rumors are that the villain is European, aged 35 to 40, and someone with "elevated ideas." Dr. Doom fits, but he's not Marvel's (not yet, anyway).

Mysterio? He'd work as a European, or even as a she, as the fishbowl helmet and reliance on illusions and gimmicks would make sense with pretty much anyone underneath. Plus, something about Mysterio seems a little bit European, even the name, even if in the comics he was generically American. The more I ponder this, the more I like the idea of a sleazy Eurotrash Italian Mysterio somehow luring Spider-man to Venice for a showdown.

Or are we getting another goblin? Maybe a Hobgoblin?


I don't see why he couldn't take on Tom Hardy's Venom.


Maybe a rights issue? Sony and Marvel are partnering, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sony wants to retain full rights to the characters they're featuring in films. If Venom is a success, they will want to follow up with sequels featuring Venom as the star of their own film, rather than in a supporting role in a film Disney owns.

This is all speculation on my part.


There could be a rights issue but considering how much money a bit of collaboration made recently for everyone a Venom tie-in with the recent Spider-Man would be instant buckaroos and a nice platform to build upon for complete autonomy for a Venom only series of films.


I think this will be set before Infinity War at least in part. His confidence and ability in IW is so much greater than Homecoming and I think his experiences in the sequel are the reason.


Maybe, but as it was Amy Pascal, Chairwoman of Sony Pictures Studios and a producer on Spider-Man: Homecoming, who stated the film would begin just minutes after the end of Avengers 4, I'm inclined to believe it's true.


Well they could be saying it to wrong foot us. If they said it takes places before IW it would have raised suspicion. It's not confirmed fully until the teaser and synopsis hits later this year.

Plus Amy Pascal is a waste of space.


Maybe there's a slight timejump at the end of Avengers 4? Even if it's a few weeks, that'd give time for the dust to settle so this can be its own movie, but the events of A4 would still be relevant?


So this news is basically a bit of A4 spoilage, telling us that the ones snapped away by Thanos will come back.


Hard to say. This could be misdirection, or something that has been changed since it was revealed, or simply incorrect. Also possible that some heroes return, but others don't. I remember when the Russo Bros. said that Avengers:Infinity War would be a stand-alone film, with the following film telling a separate story. At the time, many people were convinced *that* was misdirection, and we'd be getting a cliffhanger a la Back to the Future 2/3, but we now know they were being honest. They've recently said that the deaths were real, and that not every story being told has to be told in a linear fashion. There are numerous ways to interpret that, but my completely wild guess is that they'll find some way to bring Spider-Man back, if not anyone else.
