MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016) Discussion > Tucker Carlson has his "sloppiest, most ...

Tucker Carlson has his "sloppiest, most dangerous" vaccine segment yet

The Fox News host has been under fire for playing up vaccine skepticism for the past few weeks, but last night he misleadingly tied COVID vaccinations to thousands of people dying after taking the shots. "It may be a stunning picture, but it’s also a highly misleading and cherry-picked one," The Washington Post's Aaron Blake says of Carlson's comments. "The most crucial thing to note at the outset is that just because someone died after getting the vaccine doesn’t mean they died because of it." As CNN reports, even some of Carlson's Fox News colleagues are objecting to his reckless anti-vaccination rhetoric. "They are speaking out in small ways on Twitter -- but they are not being given the prime time platform that Carlson enjoys, and the millions of people who watch Carlson are not being given accurate information about the Covid vaccines," reports CNN's Brian Stelter.


Considering that CDC and FDA are both saying that not one person died because of covid vaccines, while all sorts of disastrous side effect are evident for all to see - I'm going to assume that Tucker gives a more honest picture than CNN truth ministry and the health ministry combined. Furthermore, there's also VAERS database, which, because it makes cv19 vaccines look bad is now deemed to be completely unreliable and overestimating (traditionally, VAERS database underreports deaths anywhere from 50 to 100 times less than the actual number).

The real danger is that no one will ever again believe WHO, CDC, FDA and the governments that continue to push them as the harbingers of truth, when the reality is plain for all to see - these vaccines are by far more dangerous than any approved vaccines that have come before - and that's due to the fact that they were all rushed and forced/coerced onto people.


It's the end of the world as we know it.

Some how the Commies are OK with that.


The whole world has gone commie, my friend. It would appear that Tucker is one of the very few mainstream entities which is actively fighting against it in the media world (I'm not sure how honest that battle is - we need to remember that democrats were vehemently opposed to vaccine mandates/passports prior to the elections - if republicans were elected, Tucker could well have been cheering for vaccine mandates/passports, while CNN would become the network of reason, in my eyes). Meanwhile, you yourself have said how dangerous his segment was - did you get a red star with that badge?
