MovieChat Forums > Trigger Warning (2024) Discussion > Jessica Alba as a skilled Special Forces...

Jessica Alba as a skilled Special Forces Commando?



Another waste of time modern film. Surely it will be loaded with propaganda and social engineering. As far as Alba goes.... nobody cares. I will cut her some slack because actors just take whatever they can get these days unless they have control over their own projects and outside of Tom Cruise there is not a whole lot of that going on. A standard "Actor" isnt allowed much power these days. Even Directors have very little outside of Low Budget unless they are someone with outside power as well similar to Nolan who is HIGHLY overacted compared to decent to good directors of the past.

I highly doubt anyone will see this. The average demographic for this film doesnt even watch full movies anymore. They would be better of making 15-20 minute short films in terms of viewership.
