even with Covid i could see this breaking Avatar

the reason being people are lost right now and probably for next few years.. theres covid..all the deaths..theres all the civil unrest/metoo/BLM ..theres mass unemployment etc.

as a result people are feeling beat up and theres a general feeling of distrust in governments and a belief in all kinds of conspiracies ..theres the far left and right at each others throats...all blaming each other for everything

its like we're on the brink of something big and dangerous. and evil..

we need hope..

we need to believe again..

so i could totally see this movie coming out and being like the second coming (pun intended) and easily breaking 1 billion even if Covid restrictions are still about (which surely should be more relaxed by 2022)

i mean Passion 1 was R rated and did 700m without even trying..so this could be like a Dark Knight and go off the charts (especially if its PG13).. it could be as big as Avengers (1.5b) or even Force Awakens (2b) maybe even Avatar (2.7b)

in fact forget Avatar 2.. its the Passion 2 that will most likely be the true second coming of cinema and not only restore cinema attendance but peoples faith in humanity


can't wait


Mankind did not get the message for more than 2000 years. And now they will understand? I have some doubts...
