MovieChat Forums > Slender Man (2018) Discussion > ❤️️ What? No posts?

❤️️ What? No posts?

Has anyone seen this thing yet?
As you can well imagine, this is a very touchy subject here in Wisconsin. Only a few select theaters are showing this. Most theaters have passed on it out of respect for the family who lost their beloved daughter.
I'm not sure if I am interested in this. Even though I am a horror addict, this really doesn't look that great, having read the description.
Perhaps one day I may see it when I can watch it for free.


Both of us are mature adult members here.
I went with a friend to see this on Saturday night. I had no real idea of what it was about or any "backstories' or side stories or incidents supposedly connected to the movie.
I just knew it was a horror movie and read a very brief description of it. I had never seen any previews or publicity. So to ME it was just another movie. Actually I kind of like seeing some things with no preconceived notions or expectations to live up to.
MY thoughts were that it was dark, creepy and "atmospheric" but that was it. It delivered nothing else for me.
Maybe a person needs some info about the whole internet myth thing. But even then, I dont think the movie delivers much. TO ME, a movie should stand up on its own and make a statement on its own. In that area, it pretty much failed; at least for ME.
I didnt find the characters all that interesting or engaging. I didnt see a coherent story line. I didnt really find a true sense of "horror".
I,m not into "stab and sash and mutilate" movies. I like something with a plot and something that makes me think. I like something that "sells" me on the idea of its premise.
I didnt really find that here.
From what I read NOW, the Slender man story seems kind of vague has changed and evolved according to who is telling the story.
I had no idea of the Wisconsin incident but it seems like a vaguely connected incident perpetrated by some sick individuals. Im sure that it is a more sensitive subject to those who are more closely connected. I dont think the movie really "capitalizes" or parallels that unfortunate situation.
I'm sorry to say that I didnt really find the characters all that interesting or that the movie or characters made me care all that much about them. I kind of want characters that I LIKE and/or can empathize with connect with in some way.
Maybe I am the wrong generation.
All in in all the movie was rather boring and uneventful to me.


Does Slender Man break the trend of bad movies about games? Im thinking of going seeing it in mut i don't want to waste my money


Do you consider this a movie about a GAME or is it about a so called "Urban Legend"
Or is it just an internet story?
I never thought of it as a "game" when viewing it.


I don't know, now that you mentioned it. I always assumed that it was based on the game, because I heard that the movie rights to the game were sold at the hight of game's popularity. Same as FNAF-rights. I guess it's about the urban legend, but like usual, Hollywood picks trending topic 3 years too late :D


I never knew about the game. I thought it was some internet thing that kids followed. Some made up legend. It wasn't even on my radar until the local news reported the stabbing here in Wisconsin, that I even heard about Slender Man.


I'd heard of Slender Man, but didn't know about the tragedy that happened in your neck of the woods until now.


It's such a sad situation. I think it's frightening when kids, and even adults confuse fantasy and reality.


I haven't Googled to find out the details, because I don't need to know. What I know now is sad and frightening enough.
