Terrible movie

Just awful. The outdoor scenes in Colorado are all clearly subpar green screen, also, try not to laugh in shame with the scene where he feeds a horse! So effing fake. what was this movie trying to go after? It has VERY little to do with Nikola Tesla.

I have 30 mins left of the movie and I'm only watching it because I've already committed over an hour to it already. Hopefully there's some redemption in the end.


thats so sad since Tesla was one of the greatest human beings ever and got us into the current modern age


Exactly... I was really looking forward to this, especially since I think Ethan Hawke is a great actor (at least he used to be) this effing movie had him (as Tesla) singing a modern song near the end... it had Edison use a cell phone in one scene too! I get that the movie is trying to be "artsy" and that the use of some modern stuff goes in line with that, but what a true waste of what could've been a great film.


Jesus Christ! What have they done to my boy Tesla?!?!


Yeah the way the green screen was done, I thought it was a tongue in cheek TV movie effect, as in, the production had a low budget so they made it artsy instead

I could be taking a huge leap, but I think the film makers wanted to create a biopic if it was done 100 years prior, in an alternate universe where Tesla transforms the world with large advances in technology

I work in finance, and he got screwed badly, say for example when his partner said they need to rip up the "horse power clause" in their contract where he gets a royalty type payment per HP generated on his machines, due to it "crippling" the company aka the company cant afford it.

Even if that was the case, what he should of done is deferred payments on the royalties, with the saved money able to be invested in the R&D, keep track of the amount owed, revisit in 3yrs time. By that time he would have the whole market and the company could then "back pay" him, while he takes insane profits over the duration of his lifetime.
If he had of done that, he would of had the money to invest in all the other ideas he had, and I'm sure he would of been able to pull a few of them off and the world would be COMPLETELY different

Bit like the burning of the library of Alexandria, that set us back easy 500 years, some people say thousands of years in some subject areas


I'm in the same boat. About 45 minutes in, and not sure if I want to finish it. It's really a shame, since the subject hasn't been properly covered in film. There are so many angles, and yet we get this watered down attempt that feels more like a half assed "made for tv movie".

Not sure what the director was thinking at times, especially those green screens. There's one where I think he's in Pittsburg, and it's a b&w image behind him, it was literally made to look cheap.

Edit....tried finishing it, gave up as soon as he started singing/mumbling karaoke. LMFAO....


You beat me. I made it to these comments about Karaoke. After the awful greenscreens (if you can even call it that). More like a middle school stage play backdrop. Terrible movie. Hawke's adaptation of Tesla was questionable too. Always a look of fear on his face. I'd have rather just watched a documentary. The effects were pitiful. And not once, but twice narrator "gotchas". (Oh wait, that never happened). Amateurish.


This movie lost me at the Karaoke bar. I should have turned it off earlier.
