Who is the killer?

Right now I say the mom. But that is subject to change.


Still think the mom


After the last episode revealing that there was a DNA match with Father Mitch but this really does not prove that he is SBK or killed Morales. His blood might have just ended up on the belt for a million odd reasons, plus, revealing the killer on 13-episode series on the 6th episode seems to me to be a attention diverting ploy to a more sinister ending. My theory Tessa is SBK!!!??? LOL. The case being that of Jack, Cam's son, who seems growing to be a really good psychopath. Methinks that Tessa had the same predilection when she was growing up and somehow was responsible for all those killings! Dunno. I guess we all have to wait for Episode 13 for the SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am beginning to lead toward Cam more and more. There's just nothing really suggesting he didn't do it. Maybe he was always high when he helped his dad kill people. Mom still definitely in play though.


My vote goes for the Cat Lady !!


has to be Allison and/or her husband (someone in another thread mentioned he could have some kind of family connection from long ago). she and the family has the most to lose if she did it so that's why it's such a big deal to blame it on dad. Allison and her husband's age is right too - late 30s I reckon.


Mom has something to hide, if it isn't her she knows who it was.

Alison's husband crossed my mind as well but I don't get why Garrett would protect him 14 years ago.

The other mystery also still unsolved are the scars on Garrett's back - they may have just been a red herring or tie into the whole plot.

What if dad used one of his kids as a look out - maybe one of the kids was like Jack - with a morbid fascination for murder and death and willingly assisted, then mom maybe had through hypnosis the memories wiped out.

Garrett brought up that he wanted to tell the truth and asked his mom what she would do if he did - asking her if his dad wanted to tell the truth and she killed him for it. Why would the father want to tell the truth if he was the murderer or did he want to come clean because he was concerned about one of his children?

Or did each of the victims do something bad to the Hawthornes and mom and dad went after them?

The only one who I care if they are the murderer or not is Garrett. They set him up at the beginning to make it look like he was, now they are sort of showing us he was more of a victim. If it ends up that's he's involved in the actual murders it would to be a let down IMO.

Guess we don't have to wait too much longer.


Garrett brought up that he wanted to tell the truth and asked his mom what she would do if he did - asking her if his dad wanted to tell the truth and she killed him for it. Why would the father want to tell the truth if he was the murderer or did he want to come clean because he was concerned about one of his children?

I think you bring up an important point. It almost sounded like Garrett was keeping his mother's secret, and not his fathers. His mother wants him to blame his father so that the truth doesn't come out.

That makes Garrett look like the murderer again, and she is trying to protect him. But I think it's misdirection... I think it looks like Garret is protecting his mother.

What woman in her right mind slaps the face of her adult daughter because she dropped out of her mayoral race? That was really weird. Maybe it implies that Mom has a bad temper and expects perfection from her grown children.

Has anyone considered that the blood on the belt was really Garrett's? And it was because someone was beating him? (That would explain the scars on his back.) Maybe Cam saw a body being dragged down the stairs but maybe that person wasn't really dead. Maybe it was Garrett?

That would explain him leaving to go and live in Maine... maybe he had too many memories of being abused by his father... or his mother!

That scene at the end when Brady said that the killer had a driver to help him (when they looked at the video from the garden gnome which caught their "practice run"). As he said that, they focused right on the Mom leaving the hospital after visiting Garrett, and she looked very very guilty (like she was the driver they were talking about).

Maybe they are making the mother too much the obvious choice, so we'll think it can't be her... but it will be her!


I wouldn't be surprised if it was Jack, in his previous incarnation. That kid is seriously deranged.


Mommy did it,she had the balls to kill her husband.
