Who is the killer?

Right now I say the mom. But that is subject to change.


The only one I am positive it isn't, is the older politician sister. They're shaping her character up to be the central character /heroine later on. So, unless M. NIGHT Shyamalan gets involved, I doubt it's her.

My bet is the younger sister, or her detective husband. Or both in on it together.


We've seen the detective alone too many times and his reactions in private make it appear as if he is discovering this information for the first time.

If he was the killer, it would be one thing to put on a show when others are around, but acting surprised when there's no one watching would make no sense.

There's no logical reason to suspect the detective, he's been shown to have too little information and to be actively doing his job when no one else is there watching over him.

And the younger sister (he's married to) only works if she has a split personality or some kind of mental trauma that makes her repress the information.


Plus younger sister would need the ability to Time Travel, because she was a little kid when the killings started.
Also she wasn't allowed to ride her bicycle down town.


Which of course shoots down the idea it was her husband/detective because he's too young, too.


Obviously the father thats pretty obvious first 8 minutes.


Which is why it isn't him.

You obviously haven't watched enough of these types of shows.


The onl one I know its not is the oldest brother, Garret. How obvious would that be? Weirdo seclusionist guy that left town right when the murders stopped? Too obvious.

I just hope this isn't one of those shows where the writers don;t actually know who the killer is and will drag this out for year.


not for years but maybe until september, it's a mini-series (even if it was a regular series it would probably not get renewed, so be cool, we're gonna find out soon).


They specifically pointed out the youngest sister's age (27) in the pilot. I wonder if they did this to point out she woul be too young to be the SBK, or just old enough? She would've been 13 years old when the killings stopped, but 8 when they started, which seems too young to be able to kill grown adults with a belt. Then again she may've been a little psycho like her nephew.


Oh you know I was thinking the same thing. She had no qualms killing her husband who was making a recovery, and then also covered it up.


I think it was the mother, father, or the brother. I think Garrett found out and left town because he couldn't face them anymore and couldn't turn them in either. So he left town. Why did the killings just stop coincidently at the same time Garrett left town?

When life gives you lemons!
Throw them at the tv!


Mom looks more and more like the killer. 1. She's very secretive. Her mom is still alive and an alcoholic. Pretty much analogous to her addict son and her crazy-a** grandson who is a psycho in-the-making ala his grandmother. 2. Right after she gave her mom an ultimatum - either come with me to meet your grandkids or I'll double your monthly allowance if you stay quiet - you see her driving off by herself with a tear in her eye and no grandma waiving goodbye. Most likely she killed her mother. Plus, she mentioned "my mother was an alcoholic" to her son. Of course, the emphasis is on the word "was", meaning she is no more.


I don't know if they'd have the wave goodbye kind of relationship. I didn't get the feeling she killed her, but I guess it's possible.


I also thought that she may have killed her mother, but it may be what they wanted us to think. (Maybe Grandma was inside counting her money?)

I agree that Mom looks more and more like the killer. She did kill her husband after all...

but I still think they are making it too obvious, it will probably be someone you least suspect.


Maybe it'll be some family member we don't know yet. Saying "family match" is very broad.


I still think it's the Dylan Bruce character (Juliet Rylance's husband). What if he is Mitchell's illegitimate son who has been stalking the family since he found out as a teenager who his dad is, even to the point of marrying his half-sister (I know, ewwww).


What if he is Mitchell's illegitimate son who has been stalking the family since he found out as a teenager who his dad is, even to the point of marrying his half-sister (I know, ewwww).

I like that idea. I feel he's got a part to play in this plot.


Oooh, yeah.
Plus they have the weird "Open Marriage" set up. Except that Alison didn't like that he was boffing the reporter. However that could've been because a scandal would affect her candidacy. That actually makes sense.

Whoever is the killer is definitely not the only one who knows about it, mark my woids.


Speaking from experience, my father "was an alcoholic" and it was stated that way even when he as still alive. The "was" part referred to when she was growing up, probably. Also, they refer to themselves as "recovering" alcoholics, because the job is never finished. (they never say they "are" a recovered alcoholic) So both present tense and past tense work.

If you ask me every one of these characters is worthy of being the killer. As said here on another post, it will turn out to be someone we've barely noticed or been introduced to. I'm starring to think it's the husband of the older daughter, both due to notes on this forum, and because an article I read pointed out that the husband had NOT ONE LINE to speak in the first episode. You couldn't shine less light on a character than to not write him any lines! Now I have to go scare up the first episode online and watch it again! DirecTV doesn't have the first episode On Demand!!


NOTE: SBK1 and SBK2 writers omit details that would help us form the killers profiles.

01. SBK1 is hard to deduce. All we know is that the victims were wealthy. Why those in particular? There are a lot of wealthy people living in Boston. Forensic details that would reveal more about whether the victims put up fights or were surprised into submission would be helpful. This info is glossed over quickly. Silver Bells is just a signature of the killer(s). What is its metaphorical meaning? That's the question.

02. Mitchell Hawthorne could no more fit into Cam's belt than the Mayor, Gunther or a young Detective Cutter, that is if you are seriously considering one of them as SBK1. The same belt was not used for all the killings.

03. A wild guess at SBK1 would be Madeline’s parents — two ‘Silver Bells’ (i.e. two in their Silver Years.) This would possibly make us toss a coin on Ross, Sr. or Maddy’s Dad being in the grave Garrett dug up. Either way, Mitchell and Maddy both decided to avoid a scandal.

04. Very strange — the last scene of S01E01 Madeline holding her hands in lap, with Mitchell’s oximeter on her finger, sits in the portrait pose of Whistler’s mother, hospital bed curtains and art hanging on the wall next to her like in the original painting. Acting imitating Art. The episode is named Arrangement in Grey and Black. The original James McNeill Whistler oil painting was named Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1 in 1872. Whistler drew many imitators (i.e copycats) of his work and later wrote about his disdain for them.


05. SBK2 will be a big shocker if it’s X. I’m sure. But, my best guess is Cam. Sophie may be his partner.

06. Cam has a history of drug abuse and mental illness with blackouts. He’s not sure what he saw, or if he was even in his body. There hasn’t been any indication of it, but I think Garrett stabbed Cam that night in self defence. We all saw how violent Cam can be (i.e. beating the drug dealer with the pipe.) This could have been an unrelated event to SBK1 that took place that night.

06. At age 12, Cam is in therapy for mental and drug-related problems. Cam's 9 y.o., Jack, has mental health issues requiring professional treatment.
So far, in this series, there has been no mention of medical treatment for mental health issues with a young Garrett.

07. ‘Kidding on the Square’ as the writers do quite a bit, the mention of psychopathy and predatory birds in one’s environment creates a huge epiphany with Cam as he recalls and looks around in his parents home and sees them everywhere in the house. Cam has predatory birds tattooed on both biceps. (S01E01)


08. Of course, Brady Ross would be the wild card, if his father turns out to be SBK1. Since the writers give us no info about his family, Brady would have access to more leads, as a police officer, to a cold case of a 12 to 14 y.o. boy whose father disappeared about 20 years ago.

09. Brady is a rogue police officer, who does whatever he wants. He doesn’t follow the orders given him by his superiors. He can’t control himself and behaves unprofessionally. He is angry and aggressively goes after the Hawthorne men, even young Jack. He has a knee-jerk reaction to the slightest provocation and runs with many mistaken hunches. (S01E10) The last scene left off with Brady aiming a gun on unarmed Garrett.

10. Perhaps a third party (Tessa, Jack, Cam or X?) will take Brady down some way before he shoots Garrett. I keep thinking that the crossbow is bound to come up again sooner or later. You never know about these things.
