Who is the killer?

Right now I say the mom. But that is subject to change.


Leaning towards younger sister.


Now I have not watched last night's ep yet. But I am now leaning towards ....all of them. Key words from last week's episode "it runs in the family" referring to them being crazy & nuts.


The youngest daughter. But she's got a mental health issue and isn't conscious of it.


Re: Who is the killer?
by Tree_Woman
Sun Jul 17 2016 08:03:55
IMDb member since March 2014

Post Edited: Sun Jul 17 2016 09:55:27

Did you notice in the last episode, just before the drug dealer showed up at the door, Cam was drawing, in a sketchbook, just like his son, and the image Cam was drawing was a hanging man?

Edit: alternate theory - since this all started when the bridge collapsed and the belt was found in the rubble, and it has come to light that the (now) mayor was the (then) building inspector...

He had access to the pour site, he could toss in a belt and conceal it, he could have harbored resentment towards the wealthy Hawthorne family, he was physically strong enough to kill adults with a belt that belonged to one of the Hawthorne kids.

The oldest Hawthorne daughter, running for mayor, seems unintimidated by him, joined forces with him when the victim of the bridge collapse threatened to sue... She knows something.

Now that we know that the mayor and the female cop have an association, my previous alternate theory just might be possible. It ended last night with 'young' Garrett saying to his mother "He tried to kill me", the body dragged down the stairs in Cam's memory could have been a wounded building inspector... this just keeps getting more and more interesting.

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill


Ah ha, TreeWoman, you may be right after all!

I thought I might follow suit and repost my prediction...

» Sat Jul 9 2016 06:17:05
IMDb member since May 2014

I posted about this in the other thread, but my guess would be someone you might least suspect, like the nasty Detective Linda Cutter.

She seems a little too obsessed with pinning the blame on one of the family members. She's old enough to have been around 10 or 20 years ago, and maybe she has some ties to the deceased father, has a grudge against the family, or perhaps to some of the victims. (I wish they would talk more about the silver bell victims, if they ever found a connection... did they?)

She also could have stopped the killing when she made detective (which is a promotion in most cases I believe). And now since the belt was found (she may have taken it from the Hawthorne home years ago), she hopes to boost her career by proving (or framing) one of the family members.

I still am very suspicious of that woman! And she was seen meeting with the mayor...

we shall see who the real killer is! 


I still am very suspicious of that woman! And she was seen meeting with the mayor...

And she could be the one that offed the old lady that she and the detective went to question, and he found that she had a program from his father-in-law's funeral...

Oh, the suspense! 


Mom is a killer but not SKB. she protecting someone. The 8/17 episode seem to point to Alison. I think someone on this thread or another mentioned a long lost twin,sibling. This disturbed and possibly disfigured sibling did the killings. That really seems likely. I really don't think the dad was primary. He might have tried to stop the killings. There could be another reason that his blood was found at one of the crime scenes.

He/she is probably locked in the attic (the good old crazy, disfigured relative cliche'.) But got out when the groundskeeper "hanged" himself.


So we know that the dad was the familial match, but the accomplice doesn't have to be in the family (do they?). Considering Alison was married in 2002 and Garrett was heard saying "he tried to kill me" it could be her husband. Also, when the reporter was whacked in last night's episode, who else would know where she was? Alison probably told the husband where she was and then had him kill her on air.


So we know that the dad was the familial match

I most likely missed something,
most likely.....lol

but there was no DNA from Mitchell Hawthorne, was there?
Mommy removed all traces of Mitch and had the body cremated....

So what DNA are we talking about??


The cops took the DNA from MItchell's football jersey at the school.... he had a nosebleed at some championship game. They took the jersey out of the trophy case.


What if the mayor was the accomplice? Or if he was the guy the mother had the affair with? Or both.


Well I want to know who put all those bells in Madeline's purse? Did she spill them all accidentally or did someone else put them there? Was that supposed to show that Madeline had kept the bells and had just used one when she killed the reporter?

And why is Madeline so jumpy?

So I guess Garrett was trying to finally get rid of any evidence of a body from that night when Cam saw someone being dragged down the stairs.

I can just see it now, Brady is going to do a DNA analysis on the body and find out that the dead person was the real Silver Bells Killer (the man that Garrett killed in self defense because he was trying to kill him).

I have a feeling it was Madeline who killed the reporter, and made it look like the Silver Bells Killer, to save Garrett, and to help to get Garrett out of jail. She would do anything to protect her family.

But that still does not explain who the accomplice was. There's still Grandma out there, Madeline's mother. I think she might just make another appearance.


The cops took the DNA from MItchell's football jersey at the school.... he had a nosebleed at some championship game. They took the jersey out of the trophy case.

That was quite convenient of Madeline, wasn't it?
She hides ALL traces, then specifically mentions an actual nosebleed blood on a jersey.
Seems too scripted to me.


Well I was about to say, the blood on the jersey could have actually been from another player in the same game, so it wouldn't be a match. But that wouldn't work because he was a famous high school football player (hence the jersey in the framed case in the school gym), so the nosebleed would be indelibly imprinted on the memory of every student/fan who saw that game. Or were told about it.

Back to square one, I guess.

(btw, this IS scripted! It's FICTION!! LOL)


could have switched jerseys.....

with Maddy anything is possible
