Who is the killer?

Right now I say the mom. But that is subject to change.


The authors keep suggesting different people. The older brother, the younger brother, the building maintenance guy who just got fired, the father, etc.


I know but if you had to guess right now who would you put your money on? This thread is for speculating.
I think Garrett knows who did it but I don't think he did. He's too obvious.
Cam I could see it, but I still doubt it.
Alison seems peculiar enough she could have done it, but the mom knows too much and has been lying about the dad (and killed him no less) not to look the most guilty.


Did you notice in the last episode, just before the drug dealer showed up at the door, Cam was drawing, in a sketchbook, just like his son, and the image Cam was drawing was a hanging man?

Edit: alternate theory - since this all started when the bridge collapsed and the belt was found in the rubble, and it has come to light that the (now) mayor was the (then) building inspector...

He had access to the pour site, he could toss in a belt and conceal it, he could have harbored resentment towards the wealthy Hawthorne family, he was physically strong enough to kill adults with a belt that belonged to one of the Hawthorne kids.

The oldest Hawthorne daughter, running for mayor, seems unintimidated by him, joined forces with him when the victim of the bridge collapse threatened to sue... She knows something.

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill


I don't get the killer vibe from the gardener. I think he is a Red herring. My guess is older brother, mom and dad knew.


My guess is older brother, mom and dad knew.

I'd guess the opposite, the older brother found out who the killer was (possibly mother and/or father, but could be a sibling) and he left because he couldn't just keep living at home with that knowledge, but he also didn't have it in him to turn a family member in.

They promised to stop killing as long as he didn't turn them in, and he left because he couldn't look at them every day knowing the truth.


The younger sister did it, she has a split personality as she had been abused by the father. Therefore Garrett felt sorry for his twin sister and left town. He did not forgive his father - obviously.

Her husband, the cop, will find out and be forced to kill her. The ending of the last episode will be an open ending, as the viewer finds out that the creepy kid has killed his first human too and will continue the 'family legacy'.



I'm sort of suspicious of Juliet Rylance's husband, as he doesn't really seem to serve any purpose so far. We haven't heard anything about his background at all -- was he an old family friend who grew up with them all? (Though not sure why anyone in the family like Garrett would feel they needed to protect him).


He bought the company after the mom decided to sell


I agree. She also seems to be the only one who confronts Jack. Her memories seem so specific when they involve her father. Her pregnancy will bring back her repressed self.


My bet is the younger sister.

She's the only one they haven't hinted at possibly being the killer, and they have gone out of their way to show her as a perfect little angel. It all seems like an obvious ploy to make sure we don't suspect her .... which makes me suspect her.


Exactly! ;-)


Nah... She was a little kid 14 yrs prior, around the time Garrett left for parts unknown, which is when the last murder happened.
And this is a Serial Killer, over a period of years. She could have been 5 or 6 y/o when the first one was done. I'll be honest, I hardly care at this point, but will continue watching, because I have to find out whodunit. And I might even get to laugh again, like I had to when the News Anchor made his announcement on-air about "Looks like something horrible just happened to our reporter on remote, she seems to have been attacked. Possibly fatally." I laughed for five minutes straight.

Plus everyone knows you don't use adverbs in proper writing!


I posted about this in the other thread, but my guess would be someone you might least suspect, like the nasty Detective Linda Cutter.

She seems a little too obsessed with pinning the blame on one of the family members. She's old enough to have been around 10 or 20 years ago, and maybe she has some ties to the deceased father, has a grudge against the family, or perhaps to some of the victims. (I wish they would talk more about the silver bell victims, if they ever found a connection... did they?)

She also could have stopped the killing when she made detective (which is a promotion in most cases I believe). And now since the belt was found (she may have taken it from the Hawthorne home years ago), she hopes to boost her career by proving (or framing) one of the family members.

Just speculation, subject to change, especially if she turns up dead which kind of eliminates suspects!


It's one of those *beep* deals where the writers direct the audience to suspect particular characters each week. It'll be the one that never has the light shone on them at all.


I'm guessing it's Madeline, the mom. She killed her husband, and her line to Gunther, "Today is your last day." left the door open to interpretation. Last day on the job? Last day alive? Last day [fill in the blank]? Could be the writers way of dropping a hint. I think Garrett believes it to be his father, but we'll find out his father was covering for his mother.


Wow. Absolutely right about mom's comment. I know they said Gunther committed suicide because of the note, but is iit possible that mom had something to do with it? I mean could she have staged the suicide like she staged her husband not making it because of his heart attack?


I think it was Caramel the cat. Cats have been known to live several decades, and I have every confidence she was around during the SB killings. Or maybe it was the Log Lady who owns her. Either way, the creepy psychopath kid should watch out.


best theory so far.
