He's where he belongs

He threw a cat into a fire. Right? So what's everybody worried about? He's where he belongs. He's a degenerate who deserves to die in prison. He is a life-long criminal who offers nothing to society except torment and pain.

Why do people care about this guy?


That whole incident has been taking way out of proportion. As for this "life long" ciminality. You do realize he was wrongfully convicted of the rape of Penny Beernsten....right? You do realize he was in prison for 18 years of his life for a crime he did not commit.

As for "caring" about this guy. The evidence clearly shows he and Dassey did not do this. There is still no concrete proof Teresa Halbach is dead. You do realize that there wasn't one speck of blood from Halbach found in either his house, his garage or his property? You'd have to believe two low IQ types were capable of committing THE perfect murder in that nothing was found. The amount of blood that would have been present had they "shot her in the head" or "slit her throat" would have been next to impossible to clean up without there being one speck of blood there. Also they used luminol and found not one of those specks. The key is suspect because of 1) those who conducted the search were told they were not allowed to be on that property without a "chaperone" due to the civil suit that was still pending, and 2) the key was part of a bunch that were never found.

The only degenerates here are the likes of Len Kachinsky and Fassbender who used a kid with learning disabilities to get evidence that didn't exist without exacting a huge bit of pressure, pressure that Judge William Duffin pointed out in his decision to vacate Brendan's conviction and order him released. Then there is the nature of Kachinsky who as an attorney was supposed to be working FOR his client not the prosecution. Also you have the issue of the prosecutor who was found guilty of sexting women who were victims of sexual abuse and or spousal abuse.

You think it's all black and white, check out this guy's Youtube channel. You'll find what you know about the case is wrong:




That's not how the world works.


You are so right. He covered a cat in a flammable substance and threw the cat in a fire to see what would happen. he's a dangerous sociopath. And he's not innocent.


Those people probably have mental issues.


Agreed. Avery is an ignorant, dirty, and guilty creep. Honestly, I don't give a crap about the key, posssibly introduced by law enforcement. Why should we care? Oh , the poor and simple Avery family, who know a total of 5 verbs and 3 adjectives among them. Just a bunch of scumbags.
I really feel bad for Teresa's loved ones, having to tolerate this mad circus.
