MovieChat Forums > Legion (2017) Discussion > Was it real? (episode 3)

Was it real? (episode 3)

In episode 3, all four of them are in Davids memories. Syd makes a remark that she didn't think they were actually memories. Was it real for all of them? Or what do you think she meant?

If yes, I wonder what that means for Davids abilities. In addtion to the abilities that already have been covered, can he make his imagination come true? also for others? As I'm pretty sure the yellow eyed monster and the angry boy are part of his imagination. Unless, he actually is schizophrenic - in that case he would be both schizophrenic and have powers.


Is psychofrenic something different than schizophrenic? I just didn't want to start talking about one when you really meant something else, haha.

I'm still wondering if any of it is real. I wouldn't be surprised, as of now, if we get to the end of the season and the show just starts pulling us back through everything we've seen and reveal it's all been in his head or something. That's just the kind of show we're dealing with here. Or I've just watched way too many of these kinds of stories, lol.

I think Syd's remarks meant like he was putting up walls, a defense, like Melanie said. I got a serious Inception-vibe from this part of the episode. I don't know if you've seen that, but not just from there putting themselves under to get into someone's subconscious, but the fact that David's mind seemed to probably sense there were intruders in it and did what it could to get them the hell out of it (they also ended up sort of needing a "kick" to wake themselves up out of it).

As for David's abilities, them saying he was a god seems right. From what I've gathered from fans of the comics, he is less a traditional superhero and more like a very mentally unstable person who also has godlike powers on top of that. What a whopper of a combination, right?! No wonder we're seeing what we're seeing, hah.

And yes Devil with the Yellow Eyes and angry boy are certainly a part of his mind. They're different facets or personalities of it, it seems, as are more people...people we're probably even seeing. I have a theory about Syd as well, but this post has already gotten long enough so I'll get to it later. Gotta leave em' on a cliffhanger :p


Yes haha I meant schizophrenic - translation issues (not a native English speaker). I edited my post to avoid confusion from other users (hopefully they'll turn up at some point).

I truly hope not everythings in his head though, the other series that had this type of ending disappointed me. I'd like for most of this to be real - especially in sense of this powers, them escaping from the "bad guys" (can't remember their name right now), basically most of it. But I love the idea of him being both mentally ill and a mutant. I support mental health being more a part of our cultural program and putting this topic on the agenda.

In episode 1&2 I thought Syd was also part of his imagination, but I noticed Melanie addressed her directly in episode 3, so I don't think that anymore. What's your theory about her?


It's all good, I wasn't trying to make ya feel bad about spelling or anything. Lord knows we all mess up from time to time with that. For not being a native speaker, I'm impressed with your posts to begin with (hope that isn't condescending)!

I don't think I'd mind if it was all in his head actually. A lot of the time I would be, but this show has established itself that way already. It wouldn't be out of character for Legion to go that way, in fact, it's already sort of inviting us to think or wonder about it do it wouldn't be seem like it came out of nowhere for shock value. That's why I'd be a bit more forgiving. That said, I'm sure some things are real, but I would wager not a lot. I think there is a lot of layering and cloaking going on so even if we're seeing reality it's a very filtered one.

I'm a big mental health supporter too, so I would very much like that to stay in the show and be something they explore alongside the powers. I think watching a character honestly juggle both has the potential to be really unique and maybe even profound in its portrayal. In fact, I'd be seriously upset if they got rid of that angle altogether. But it seems like with Melanie stressing so much that he only has powers and now they're questioning it along with the way the episode ended...I'd say, his mental problems are here to stay.

Pertaining to Syd; I've gone back and forth with if she's real or not. They've given us evidence for going either way, and after seeing that only she could see some parts of his "memories" in the last episode, I thought to myself maybe she's both. If I've read correctly, David has the ability to manipulate reality and manifest personalities so who's to say he didn't create Syd, literally and physically? So, instead of a pure figment, she's more like an apparition of his mind. Where she looks and seems real, where people can interact and acknowledge her, but she's actually just a construction of David's psyche still? Having her and David both realize this could make for some very interesting drama and scenes, I think.

Also...if you ever need help understanding anything I'm saying just ask me to clarify. I have no problem doing so!


Thanks :) Don't worry though, I tend to google words and phrases I don't understand.

Yes I completely agree about the juggle between powers and mental illness, it was one of the aspects that intrigued me about this show. It also differs this show from the hundred other superhero shows we have.

Syd being the only one who could see his memories was curious, yes. So there's definitely something there. And I like your theory, Syd being created by David. That would definitely be interesting to see play out in future episodes. It also very much makes sense!


I'm trying to learn another language myself, so I understand using google and translation tools, I do it all the time, haha.

The mental illness coupled with powers is a big part of what got me interested in it too. I think that's what makes this show stand apart from just becoming another X-Men, run of the mill, action story. It can very much get into the more nitty gritty, nuanced, aspects of being this sort of person and living with this sort of thing. Lots of opportunity there!

That thing with Syd and his memories is definitely weird and leapt out to me right away. There has to be something up with that and what it means about her presence in David's life. Plus, you think about dream girls and how we think those sorts of things up...and I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what David did. Either that or someone got into his mind and is doing this themselves, like they're the ones exploiting and manipulating his reality and memories and also created Syd (maybe others) as a way to blind David to what's really going on. I mean, who knows?!

I plan on rewatching it again today and already have another idea for a thread. So, I shall be back for sure! Thank you for giving this board some life and good discussion ;) Let's keep it up!


"Either that or someone got into his mind and is doing this themselves, like they're the ones exploiting and manipulating his reality and memories and also created Syd (maybe others) as a way to blind David to what's really going on. "
Yes this got me thinking about the fact the David wasn't able to let Wallace (the memory guy) further into his memories, they were blocked without his control. Could have something to do with your theory!

Also if Syd is a part of this, infiltrating his mind... she could be orchestrated by the Eye. Will be interesting to find out :)

Good luck with learning the second language btw!


I've had my suspicions about Melanie and Co. That this was sort of a long con on David and they aren't really as altruistic as they seem...I was surprised to see so much of that brought up last night! I really figured it'd be drawn out more, but this leaves me more perplexed as to what else the season will be about.

It seems like they were as caught off guard as David. His mind shutting them out, I had rationalized as just his brain defenses. You know, we tend to repress things and shove them down if we don't like them or it's a moment in our lives that hurts us. So, I thought that's just what was happening. A common enough brain function, but you're right in that it could be more of some kind of psychic architect (there's more Inception for ya) working their way through his mind and building it how it benefits them or helps. Someone trying to rewrite David's brain for whatever reason we yet to know. I think there could be something to that.

And thanks, I really would love to be bilingual so just trudging through trying to get myself there!


Hahaha, after watching last episode tonight I felt much more confident in understanding what was what than before. And then I come on here and read your theories and feel completely confused again 😊

"If I've read correctly, David has the ability to manipulate reality and manifest personalities so who's to say he didn't create Syd, literally and physically? So, instead of a pure figment, she's more like an apparition of his mind. Where she looks and seems real, where people can interact and acknowledge her, but she's actually just a construction of David's psyche still?"

This would be so great! And it would explain something that bugged me quite a bit in the last episode; Why Syd is the only one who sees the gap opening in the wall with the red light behind just before they are separated inside the memory world. Young David obviously sees it going to hide behind the desk, and Syd, but not Melanie and Ptonomy? Found that very strange and it does give a strong nod in the direction of Syd either being one of his characters or my new favorite theory: That he created her. Would really love it if that was the case!

English is only my second language too, so apologizes in advance for poor sentence-construction, choice of words and such. Not easy when one want to discuss a mind-twisting TV-series in a second language in the middle of the night 😄


"This would be so great! And it would explain something that bugged me quite a bit in the last episode; Why Syd is the only one who sees the gap opening in the wall with the red light behind just before they are separated inside the memory world."

That's precisely the moment that got me theorizing about her being both real and not at the same time. That sounds just insane enough to be within David's abilities (that we haven't gotten to it yet, obviously). I think I'd like it to be something along those lines because being totally a figment makes no sense for how she's been interacted with and is also sort of a cop out. And her being totally real just doesn't jive with me for whatever reason cause I'd assume there was an ulterior motive going on there, and if not, than she's kind of just a boring character to me maybe?

I don't know, I've probably just watched too much stuff like this so I've conditioned myself to almost be automatically suspicious of anything I'm seeing, lol.

Another second-language English speaker, right on! I never would've known, awesome. I have a wee bit of fascination with languages and words and accents and all that so I find it pretty cool to have an array, however small, here. Although, any language would be hard when talking about this show, haha


Great question. No clue. LOVE the series though.


I still find hilarious the kitchen memories. Although a total mess, nothing actually broke.


Just a slash on the ol' cheek...speaking of which, did that injury ever actually show up? We saw the knife fly in and cut him, but I don't recall ever actually seeing it on his face any time afterwards or even during the scene.

Could be another, weird, little thing kinda like them not finding a noose with him when he attempted suicide. All these odds and ends add up to something....
