Annoying things...

Two annoying things in Get Out I...

- Jeremy's (the brother) accent... Sounded too urban, like from New Jersey or somewhere unlike the rest of his family
- Too many obvious Microsoft product placements... Very heavy handed with the camera lingering over the logos on the phone, laptop, etc...

Otherwise, it was a fun movie...


I liked it overall too, but I agree about the brother. He didn't seem as white bred as the rest of the family.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-

reply was ridiculous...Here is this upper class white family in the suburbs somewhere yet the "brother" of the GF somehow has the accent & demeanor of some mobster from NYC. lol Very cringey

& Yep blatantly obvious Windows product placement bothered me as well


Wealthy people own and use Apple technology.
