Chief Willoughby's Letters

I really liked the letters, they were very well written and personal and added a lot to the movie. Here's my thoughts and I'm curious what other people thought of them too.

Wife - I killed myself now so you can have good memories of me instead of watching me get sick. I wanted to have one last day with you and the family to just enjoy ourselves and not worry about me.

Mildred - Billboards were a great idea? I don't really get why he thought that and the meaning of the rest of his letter. Maybe b/c they brought a lot of attention to the case and were the only way to get it solved (like Mildred mentioned to him earlier).

Dixon - You've been through a lot and have a lot of hate inside but if you want to become a good cop/detective you need to be calm and think.


The letter to his wife almost brought a tear to my eye. I'm not saying, it almost made me cry, I'm saying there was someone cutting onions in the theatre during the reading of that particular letter.

The letter to Dixon was also very nice.






Other than the obvious dramatic necessity, Why didn't he say these things before he died? I'll grant the conversation with his wife would be difficult, but put that aside for a moment.
Why not tell Mildred that he thought the billboards were a good idea? Why not tell her the investigation was tearing him up? Why allow her to think he didn't care for so long?

Why not have the conversation with Dixon? He is a troublesome employee, causing all kinds of problems, and Willoughby totally ignores the issues until after he kills himself. He could have had that conversation in less time than it took to hand write a 3 or 4 page letter. If Willoughby is such a good man, why not do something while he was alive, and not leave letters to be opened after his death? I've known for several years that you are hurting and need help, but I ignore it so there can be a dramatic post death reveal.

Regarding his wife, he couldn't tell her he was planning suicide, but he could have had a conversation with his wife about do not resuscitate orders.
I realize it is a plot device, but not a brilliant one in my opinion.


"Why not tell Mildred that he thought the billboards were a good idea? Why not tell her the investigation was tearing him up? Why allow her to think he didn't care for so long?

Because he was a cop who probably hadn't decided to commit suicide yet, so had the keep with the professional i'm a cop angle.
