MovieChat Forums > Split (2017) Discussion > did he rape that one girl?

did he rape that one girl?

When he first caught them, he sits in front of them shortly and says; "I pick you"... an then drags one of them out.

She comes back a little beaten .... however, nowhere is it mentioned what was done or if anything was done and also it seemed like a split second and so hardly enough time for rape.

What do you think?


whatever it was i'm not sure if it is considered rape if he just wanted to watch her dance in her underwear but was reminded my Patricia that it is wrong whatever that is with the girls having to stay pure


I saw it on board an airplane so perhaps something was edited out. Did we see her being forced to sexy dance or something? cause in the copy I saw, nothing like this was shown... only that he dragged her out of the room and then almost immediately after she was back...


i think the girl may have mentioned something about him wanting her to dance and i think his psychologist mentioned something about dennis having this sickness with wanting to watch teenage girls dance in there underwear but i might have to watch this movie again


OratiaGlake below offers an explanation to what happened. And essentially it is that he took her out to do "dance" stuff and she then peed herself which promptly interrupted whatever it was he wanted with her... I vaguely remember the girls talking about peeing one selves as a measure against rapists... so perhaps this was the point of this scene.


He seemed to want her to dance for him (and also he liked to have them remove their clothing, although can't recall if this happens at this point, or further on). It's like he wants to touch them, but can't/isn't allowed so does that instead.
The scene makes you feel like he's going to be some kind of rapist perv, but from the dialogue and reactions of characters in that scene, I think she has wet herself (doesn't one of them tell her to, to prevent a rape?), which disgusts him and therefore he chucks her back in the room with the other two.


I remember the dance thing is informed to us later on. The "rape" scene was in the very beginning, but you are probably right: He takes her out and she quickly returns and is visibly soiled. To me the reason was unclear and in my sick mind I only considered an edited out dirty rape scene (plus she was hot as fucx, so hey....).... but I too remember them talking something about peeing as a way to turnoff a rapist.... so this was probably supposed to show this and why she was soiled, and then later his lady persona forbid him to do "dance" stuff again.

So I think you are right; she peed herself and this promptly interrupted whatever it was he wanted...


If this is the same scene I'm thinking of, he chooses the girl and then Kasey says to her "piss yourself, not as a way to deter a rapist but because she has noticed Dennis's OCD (I think he wiped the chair with a cloth before he sat down) so when he took her away, she wet herself and he was repulsed by the germs and let her back into the room with the other girls almost instantly. The psychiatrist brings his OCD up in a later scene regarding his need to move the dish of chocolates in her apartment and when he walks through the pile of trash on the street.


It was definitely a gamble, but the "pee yourself" advice definitely paid off.


No, she pissed herself like the other girl told her to, which turned him off because that personality is a clean freak.
