MovieChat Forums > Rough Night (2017) Discussion > Dude in the diaper...did I miss somethin...

Dude in the diaper...did I miss something?

First, I feel like the guy wasted more time going to the store to buy diapers than he would have if he had just pulled over and gone on the side of the road once in a while (or when he stopped for gas which he had to do). That aside, is there a reason he wasn't wearing pants over the diaper? And when he was trying to wash windows for money at the gas station is there a reason he didn't put pants on then? This was one of the worst parts of the movie for me because not only did I not think it was that funny, it also didn't make a whole lot of sense.


He accidentally got his credit card cancelled so washed windows for tips. It's just absurd and that was the joke. It was gold. Like him doing the hand stand for a sobriety test.


Yeah I got that, I just didn't understand why he wouldn't bother to put pants on. If someone is washing my window I might be polite but if they're wearing a diaper I'd probably tell them to back the hell off lol


He was a numale beta. He probably only owned skinny jeans. Those ain't fitting over a diaper.




I think his behavior came from the handful of pills with some foreign language on them he took and all those red bulls.

After hearing the sad astronaut story which was true , its actually really funny.

I thought this movie was fun....


It's bad writing. Plain and simple. It's one of those things they thought would be funny, but just came off as utterly stupid to the audience. Kind of like every Seth Rogan movie.

Seriously fuck Hollywood.


Yea you missed it. There are environmental people out there like myself that would never consider peeing on some grass, plants or trees outside. It was very logical what this character did
