MovieChat Forums > Bad Moms (2016) Discussion > If your on this board complaining about ...

If your on this board complaining about man bashing in this movie..WTF

What the *beep* is it with all these whiny bitches saying this movie has too much man bashing. Jesus Christ!! As a guy i would be ashamed to accuse a movie of having too many insults towards men. Like men haven't had all the power in 99% of movies over the last fifty years and your actually offended by a few put downs. Holy *beep* shut up and grow a pair. Funny movie and really enjoyed it.


Any guy who gets offended by a movie like this has some serious issues dealing with women.

Even if this was a feminist propaganda piece designed to humiliate men, like these people claim, who gives a F&*K? How does one random comedy affect your life? Are they so insecure that they can't even deal with indirect criticism against the 50% segment of the population that they happen to be part of?


There's no man bashing in this movie and people who think that are insecure little children who can't take a joke. Personally I had a great time watching this movie, best comedy I've seen this year.


If you consider this the best comedy of the year, then the mainstream comedy genre is in deep, deep sh@!.



This movie was utter propagandist *beep* pal, and I'm sorry you couldn't see through that veil. Seriously think about it. The most "liberated" character in that movie is the slutty single mom. ALL the men in it are idiots, push-overs, and in the case of the adulterous love interest, a completely vapid and mindless kiss-ass for Kunis's character. You can pass this off as fictional entertainment only if you don't believe it has subliminal programming for your brain to adopt. My own review for it was deleted from imdb, so I guess I was hitting too close to the mark. All that feminism you believe in is nothing more than the social construct fembos (feminist + bimbo = fembo) claim gender binary is. Yeah. Time to break your programming. (And for the lesson, you're welcome)


I'm a 24 year old guy, and I loved this movie.
It amuses me that some people think this movie was somehow "man bashing" ?! Like wtf?! How and when the hell that happened is beyond me.


It's not about it offending, it's about double standards. This movie is basically the Buzzfeed of movies. Nobody likes buzzfeed unless you're retarded. People don't bash on buzzfeed because they're offended; they're attacked because they're hypocrites.


Nice job, ma'am. You must not get out much. Advertising has been portraying men as bumbling Neanderthals who can't feed or dress themselves without women for decades!


Lol, feminists say sexism is bad and then act openly sexist towards men, coming up with reasons why it's ok. The hypocrisy is staggering.


This thread is disappointing.

Misandry (sexism against men) is becoming very toxic and openly stated. In truth the people spouting of these insane takes are a minority but it's alarming.

What I'm talking about is men getting blanket blamed for the misdeeds of a few. That's how all discrimination works. The misdeeds and flaws of certain individuals get extrapolated to their entire group (gender, race, sexuality, religion, nationality etc)

A Black man stealing a car becomes all Black people are theives.
A woman cheating on her partner becomes all women are whores.

In the past week in my local area a pregnant woman was stabbed to death. This has started up the whole shitshow about how men are a problem, women are being victimized by men and something needs to be done about it.

In England during lockdowns when a woman was raped and killed by an off duty police officer some feminists openly stated that there should be curfews for men. That they shouldn't be allowed out on the streets after a certain time period so as to provide a 'safe space' for women. The audacity to openly state such discriminatory measures! They talk like this and still think they're the goodies. Add a race/relgiion before men and see how that looks "Black men shouldn't be allowed out past 8pm", "Muslim men shouldn't be allowed out after 9pm". These same people would claim to be against discrimination!

I'm reminded of a woman on twitter making some snarky misandrist 'joke' that all men should be killed. This was around the time of the George Floyd incident. Someone asked her if she thought George Floyd deserved to die, she said no. It was then pointed out to her that he's a man.

With regards to movies, on Letterboxd (a site not too dissimilar from IMDB) many misandrist 'jokes' are in reviews such as "men...smh", "men are the worst" etc. You would get banned from the site for adding a race/religion to the front (well okay maybe if you added White or Christian you'd get away with it).


A lot is made of 'manosphere' sites promoting misogyny. Nothing is made of the fact that most feminist sites, forums and sub-reddits are populated with insanely misandrist opinions.

The most popular female sub-reddits are basically echo chambers about how awful men are.

The fact some men are trying to pride themselves on taking discrimination on the chin and that calling it out makes you a 'whiny little bitch' is absolutely pathetic. Grow a backbone and call out discrimination. Stand up for yourself.

A simple way to tell if something is discriminatory language is to apply the same comment to a 'protected'/'victimized' group. Such as women, 'minority' races and certain religions.

Men are evil becomes Black men are evil.
Men are the worst becomes women are the worst.

Then you see how ridiculous and offensive it is. Extrapolating the crimes and behaviours of some people to half the human population is outright stupidity.

A man making these comments about women is seen as a danger. A vile, evil person. The women making these horrendous comments about men should be seen in the same manner. Not applauded and encouraged.

Saying shit like; "I wonder what my child will be, a girl or an abortion." Is heinous and not funny.


Another local incident which showcases the insanity and idiocracy.

A woman was murdered whilst out jogging. This kicked off a whole debacle about how men in this country have issues, something needs to be done about them, they need thorough education on how to respect women etc, etc.

This riled up local 'right wingers'.

The man who killed the woman was caught. He was a foreign national who had been in the country for two years and barely spoke English.

This then started a pushback from 'right wingers'. Anti-immigration became the new topic. We shouldn't allow immigrants in, they don't respect women and so on. The same people who were slamming the men of their own country suddenly began defending men from foreign nations from the 'racist' anti-immigration rhetoric.

#AllMen suddenly became #NotAllForeigners

Watching these people who slammed their own men and switched sides to defending men when it became known they were foreign was absolutely hilarious and depressing. How these people don't understand that hating men is no better than hating foreign men is beyond me. They're dangerously stupid.

Apologies for spamming your comment. I needed to vent.
