Poster in Billy's Room

I'm not anti-porn or anything, but for THIS show, I thought it was weird that the poster in Billy's room depicted a porn star. And not just any porn star, but one that had a sad ending of suicide.

This is the image in the poster (or it was at least from the same photo session), which is NOT a porn shot (but is of a sexy bikini shot if that sort of thing is NSFW for you):



Looking at her wiki, she grew up in Minnesota. Born in California. Hawkins is in Minnesota. Season 2 was set in '84 the year she commit suicide.

Billy was also born in Cali and moved to Minnesota. He didn't seem to care whether he lived or died. He was very unhappy in Hawkins. Probably fascinated with suicide himself. So as an edgy guy maybe it makes sense.

I don't think its weird he would have the picture of a playmate/porn star/cover girl on his wall. Not at all. It's not like it was a nude poster.


Hawkins is in Indiana. Winona Ryder is from Minnesota.

A bikini poster up in a high school boy's bedroom. Who would have thought?


Yea I realized that I had it mixed up after I said it. Prob should edit it but whatever.

"A bikini poster up in a high school boy's bedroom. Who would have thought?" and yea lol exactly.


It looks a lot like Minnesota, even though it is filmed in Georgia and is supposed to be Indiana.

My walls were filled with maps of the world and heavy metal posters back in the day. My brother did have a life-size poster of a woman on his door. Many guys had beer and tool girls up in their garages.


When I decided to try to make my bedroom of now look 80's, I looked at a bunch of people's pictures of their bedrooms from the 80's. If they were a teen boy, pin-ups were pretty much always present, and since Billy seems kind of hypersexual, I was actually surprised to only see one pin-up (that I noticed anyway).

As for her history, people didn't have the internet back then (in their homes) and probably wouldn't have heard about it.


For the show... maybe (season 2 was more graphic overall). But for a character like Billy? It seemed realistic. Shoot, I would expect him to have more posters (explicit ones, at that) like that in his room.


He probably would, and maybe did briefly at one point, but the dad seems like an ex-marine with a few screws loose ready to go all Full Metal Jacket if you provoke him. He probably disapproved strongly and made Billy take them down. Strange the way guys like that think. Naked girls are bad. Bullying your kid is okay.


Indeed. His father is definitely not a sane person, and it’s safe to assume Billy acts the way he does because of him. A terrible influence, to say the least.
