MovieChat Forums > The Founder (2017) Discussion > bad ending - no word on what happened to...

bad ending - no word on what happened to the McDonald brothers...

...which I think is a HUGE oversight considering the chain still bears their name. Dick McDonald died in July 1998, age 89. Mac passed away in December 1971, just after the timeline of this film ends, age 69. After watching this I wondered if Mac's death was hastened by all the stress he went through with Ray Kroc.


Well, I would say so, judging by that famous telephone call Ray made to Mac that felled him and put him in the hospital..I think Ray's bringing "Get Well" posies (with Dick MacD. of course there) was well meaning, although, I know that plenty of others will disagree, saying that Ray was now trying to butter Mac up.


I tend to think that Kroc was simply kissing the a** of Dick McD. Not surprising given what a manipulator Ray was.


It wasn't well meaning at all, he showed up with a blank check, it was obvious what his intentions were from the beginning.


Yeah, I kind of thought so-after all, his own actions (and I say this as a CUSTOMER) did cause poor Maurice's heart attack..


Lol I ate McDonalds the other day and I couldn't help but think about that scene. Damn, those poor guys, to see someone do your business dirty like that :(


I agree. It's actually a pretty sad ending. My husband watched it last night and I just finished it. I told him "Boy, well that guy turned out to be a big jerk." What he did was just awful & I feel so bad for the McDonald brothers and their family today.
