Awful Movie

Bad acting, seemed like a school project, other ratings must be from the cast


Nah, this was a good movie. Maybe your judgment sucks. I mean coming to the conclusion that the ratings must be from the cast says a lot about your intelligence.

THIS was a good movie.

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump


Its a school project,i fealt cheated that i trusted the ratings and paid money to see this crap. Trust me
I love a good scary movie and mediocre movies i still
Like but this was bad in every level.


I have to say this surprises me and makes think you just don't like good horror and maybe just prefer gore fests like Saw. I rented it because of the reviews on Amazon and thought it was genuinely terrifying like all the reviews said. You are probably the type of horror fan that either loves gore or easily falls for those stupid jump scares that most simple minded horror fans fall for that this one does no have.

Enjoy Saw 17 or whatever they're on:)



I haven't watched this, probably won't now, but the fact that you apparently made an IMDB account just to make this one post supporting this movie is pretty suspicious. Either you're someone involved in the making of this film or you're from one of those PR companies that posts fake reviews online for crappy movies to turn a quick buck.


I could care less if you watch it or not. In fact don't. As I said, its not for everyone.
I never reply to or engage in these boards but I am a found footage fanatic so I checked out this one after seeing the film with a group of people and had to laugh at some of the comments.

Good day.


It is actually a pretty good movie . I saw a lot of positive reviews and thought 'yeah ,right ,I've heard that before and been disappointed".But I was bored and couldn't find anything else I haven't seen already.It creeped me out a few times and parts of it were a bit like watching a documentary . I don't feel like I wasted my time ,wasn't constantly thinking of other things or getting coffee during boring bits .Of course you know how it will end ,they all end the same in found footage ,and there were a couple of questions I would have liked the answer to ,but overall ,worth a look.


Obviously you aren't familiar with that style of filming....It is supposed to look cheap. It is supposed to look like a school project.
Fortunately, some of us are actually able to look past that...It was a good film.


I found the movie too claustrophobic, choppy, dimly lit and too uneventful to allow me to become immersed in its universe. And for a found-footage movie, those are unforgivable shortcomings.

Grave Encounters wasn't great but it was miles above this disappointment. GE was mostly about a bunch of quickly frightened people trying to find a way to exit a haunted asylum. Hell-House LLC was mostly about people preparing to open a horror amusement house. Can you see which framing device allows for more suspense? Only at the very end of HH did the people even realize that something was wrong.


Wow, I totally disagree. I thought that HHLLC had enough tension to keep me interested. I didn't find it claustrophobic at all. I like both Grave Encounters and HHLLC, both have their issues, and both have great moments. I find the couple of jump scares in Hell House to be a little more effective.

Horror films are completely subjective as what terrifies one person, another will find boring, and another will find hilarious. I think that both GE and HH are great additions to the FF genre which really has few films that are any good.


i'll add my voice to the dissenters here. i absolutely love this movie, think it's an absolute blast and one of the best ff films. and it's a film that rewards repeated viewings, and in fact it's become a staple of mine, something that i like to throw on every three or four months. i find it incredibly fun to sink into.

it's a big old world, and we're all entitled to our preferences, but every time someone says something bad about this movie, i will be here to make the case for it. it's a terrific movie with lots of genuinely creepy moments.


The one jump scare still gives me goose bumps.


i'm sure i'm gonna make myself sound lame, considering how many times i've watched it, but i'm not sure what jump scare you mean.

do you mean the mannequin, where paul first finds it where it shouldn't be?

i'm sure i'm being dense, lol.


That's the one.

There are a few in the movie, but that's the one which gets me every time. I don't jump, I just get chills.


ok, yeah - i can totally see that.

the scene that gets me every time is in the second film, when those two guys follow the female hitchhiker into the basement. i hate to sound like a sissy, but that absolutely freaked me the hell out the first time i saw it, and that image can still give me a pretty good jolt.


The other ones which get me are the ones in the basement when the heads move. They use it in both the first and the third. I mean I hate clowns, so that's just so creepy.


yes! both of those scenes really work.

these movies are good, and i need the universe to recognize this proven fact.


I agree.Even on low budget found-footage curve this movie fails. I'd also agree that the (relatively) high rating is "curious" to say the least. I love horror and encourage anyone with the inclination to try to bring one to the screen- but I can't, in good faith, recommend people spend their hard earned money (and valuable time) on this one. It's just not entertaining.

They may be on to something if they are trying to earn a place in the Guiness Book of World Records for most F-Bombs dropped in a feature film. They'd make Eminem blush.




Wanted to like it, but can't do shaky cam found footage. Also, the build up just didn't seem to pay off at the end. It got kind of predictable


Thank you so much for mentioning the shaky cam. Shaky cam nauseates me to dangerous levels, so I work hard to avoid it. Now I know not to waste my time on this. I feel like shaky cam is lazy anyways.


Furthermore, most of the action takes place in small dimly lit rooms and corridors with the camera often aimed at people's feet. Don't bother.


but can't do shaky cam found footage.

Then why did you even watch it, you fcking moron?

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


I would not say awful. It's not good, but it's not bad. For a found footage movie, it's average. It lost points with me because it failed to scary me.


I would cut out those interviews, the parts they put in the movie to make the story looks more real or to explain the movie, to me it would be better if it was only found footage and no explanations. I would keep only the reporter saying she was gonna make a story about it, and talking to Sara, taking the tapes, show the tapes, she goes into the house and that's it, end credits, and then put the part showing Sara's death, like a bonus for the audience. And I would put that weird clown killing her and Paul.

Actually I don't like this in any FF movie, interviews, or an opening credit saying that it is "evidence", or a "secret army tape", or "this is the 911 call...", "what you are about to see is raw footage, no editing...", etc. But most of those movies have this, like Alien Abduction, Skinwalker Ranch, Exhibit A, The Tunnel, Grave Encounters, and so on.

I prefer FF movies like Skew, it's just the found footage and that's it, you decide what to think about it, no explanations, nobody saying it's real, no opening saying it's a tape found on Area 51... If I cut out the opening on Grave Encounters, with the producer saying "it's all real", the movie jumps 2 points with me! It's the same here, take out those interviews, and the movie gets 2 extra points.

And the shaking, bad acting, bad light, etc., is part of FF movies! It's not supposed to look like a hollywood movie, it's supposed to look like ordinary people with a camera!


I have no problem with adding textual exposition to a found-footage movie. It's a common addition to documentaries in lieu of narration. But adding interviews can do far more damage to a found-footage movie since they can break the immersion.

Bad acting is a minus for FF immersion. And bad lighting and artificial glitches were already anachronisms for self-made digital videos in 2009, when HH LLC took place.


But adding interviews can do far more damage to a found-footage movie since they can break the immersion.

Not a found footage film but I def agree about that point. I feel like the initial interviews really hurt the quality of Antrum, which already isn't that great to begin with. But the poor acting in the interviews made it feel like a joke instead of intensifying the creep factor.


ur post shows u know nothing about this sub genre.


I really enjoyed this, it was well put together, youve got to understand not everyone has the same taste as you, if you dont like it and it has a high rating that doesnt mean the cast and crew were voting it up, it could be people actually liked it.


You may as well of said that in Chinese.


Glad to see this movie getting some positive responses. It definitely deserves it. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes horror films!

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump
