MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > Meh, not worth the time.

Meh, not worth the time.

I watched the first season and was getting ready to start the second when I realized this was a waste of time. Pretty much every character is an unlikable miserable jerk, and everything is more dramatic than it needs to be. There's simply nobody worth caring about. Plus, the whole " wahman stronger than man, especially the evil White man" bullshit that was sprinkled throughout the season got old really fast, and I can only assume it will get worse as the show goes on. One thing I did appreciate was the point they made about rich west coasters coming in and changing things for the worse.


Yeah, they're all a bunch of miserable twats. Where's some comic relief when you need it?
The pilot was all over the place and very confusing.
A few episodes in and it turns into a Montana cattle Mafia soap opera, sending people to the train station for having seen too much, even though it's not much apart from cattle and more cattle. Laughable.


Hmm. Doesn’t appear that anybody really cares what you think, huh?… Lol.

I have yet to understand why, number one, so many people think everybody else wants and needs to hear their opinion and second, why did you even bother taking time out of your day to post this if you don’t like the show? Oh, I know. How silly of me. It’s because you think we care, that’s right.


Well, I care enough that I won't watch the show because of reviews like this. So it's a mixed bag, this world of yours!


And see that’s what’s worse, people like you listening to people like that.

You mean to tell me, that because of this bad review and what other bad reviews you’ve heard, you’re not going to try to watch the series? What, are you not able to make decisions on your own that you’re going to let other people make them for you?

Why don’t you give the show a try. You might like it. Hell, there’s been all kinds of shows and movies that I was told was really good but I ended up not liking them at all and I’ve even been told quite the opposite about some shows and movies and ended up loving them.

And I didn’t say anything about this being my world, I guess I’m just speaking on behalf of why people like the OP really think most other people have any care at all about what they say.


Because there is SO MUCH out there and I don't want to endlessly watch the screen is why I try only after due consideration.


A lousy, oh, lol just totally completely pointless and nonsensical reply because unless you just absolutely have no idea what you like and what you don’t like, nobody is going to be able to choose for you what you’re going to like and what you’re not gonna like but whatever, it’s none of my business and none of my concern at all what great movies and TV shows out there you may miss out on because you spent too much time listening to what somebody else had to say about it. That’s your loss. I’ve already proved my point when I said yesterday that there’s been all sorts of movies and TV shows that I ended up liking very much even though somebody said it was crap and that there’s also been a bunch of movies and TV shows that I absolutely hated just despite how good somebody else said it was. I can’t be any clearer than that.


Just like that new movie Babylon that’s in the theaters right now; I can’t believe that movie has the good reviews that it has because within an hour and a half of watching it, I was ready to leave the theater but because I was so curious to see how the movie ended, that’s why I stayed there… Lol.


Babylon has a mere 60 on Metacritic so I'd go with that and skip it. Maybe later some scenes on YT if there's something useful in there.
You have a point but in the long run my method is a time saver and I don't believe I've missed much because of it. (Besides, those shows aren't going anywhere if sudden need should arise)


I've just started Deadwood but i have had my eye on Yellowstone and the spin offs, but the trailor doesn't look that exiting and Costner does have history for long slow boring films.

Are the spin offs any good?

The Sam Elliot one looks decent and he's one of the best Western actors in the game


Deadwood is a gem. Be sure to finish with the movie!


I'm on ep 3 i do like it, bit hard to follow in places because they speak in vague oldy dialog but i am getting to grips with the plot





They say it in the show every 5 seconds lol


Keep watching and you'll get the joke :-)


They’re actually, all three, pretty good, in my opinion. 1883 only has one season right now that I guess was only primarily designed to be just one season but there’s talks about continuing that series and 1923 so far is pretty good also. But if I had to guess what probably a lot of people don’t like about these shows is that they are uncut and they are uncensored.

I really enjoy it when movie and TV show crews go against censorship. I really liked how they didn’t necessarily make the transformers franchise exactly kid friendly and even though this was still a good movie, it’s still aggravates me that the second teenage mutant ninja turtles movie they made back in the 90s was so watered down because so many parents bitched about the first one being so violent. In my opinion, that’s what makes the original live action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies so awesome.


I recently re watched the original Turtles and i thought it was amazing, such an odd anomaly of a film

Just going off the trailors for all 3 the Harrison Ford and Sam Elliot look like the ones that interest me more, but i guess ill have to watch YS first in case they i miss something

To have 3 legends back for one last dance is great though


Yeah, it’s just too bad they didn’t make the other two the same.

Even though they watered the second one down, I still enjoyed it but I think I’ve only seen the third one maybe once, I only saw bits and pieces of it and I really don’t care to see it again.

But back to Yellowstone, I’d watch it first because even though 1883 and 1923 are precursors to YS, watching those other two first could be a little confusing.

The characters in Yellowstone are great, too. I love Rip who’s played by Cole Hauser, the guy who played the villain in 2 Fast 2 Furious. I don’t think they coulda picked a better actor. And Beth- she’s somethin’ else. She’s kind of a hard character to like but she’s definitely a chick that doesn’t take no shit and you damn sure don’t cross her. A little crazy but she knows her stuff.


I get it, if you don’t know you’re missing out on something then how are you going to know you’re truly missing out? I guess I can understand how that one little point alone could make everything Ive said totally moot at this point but as far as I’m concerned, I don’t really want to miss out on some of the great movies and TV shows out there just because some schmo didn’t like it.


Some people are easily satisfied with whatever they do. Bless their hearts.


Some people are ok with whatever who does, those other people or themselves?….lol. Sorry but being that you’re letting yourself be dictated by other people’s likes, I’m not sure who “they” are that these some people are ok with what they do.


I quit after episode 1. I don't care me for no rednecks ya hear?


Oh but there’s so much more after just the first show, man. Lol. But there’s a difference between rednecks and cowboys and these aren’t rednecks.


There weren't any rednecks in this. Just Hollywood's idea of what country people are like.


The first 5-6 episodes or so aren’t good. But it gets very good afterwards. By season 2, I was hooked
