

In the beginning of Endgame, he was weakened from damage taken while destroying the Infinity Stones.


He has a huge army but none protected him. Totally logical and convincing, what a wonderful story.


He had a huge army for a specific reason and that reason was fulfilled.

No longer needed.


And you think that is plausible, really? When you have as many enemies as Thanos, that is what you do. Get rid of all power and protection and wait for your enemy to kill you?

Really think about it, does that mean sense?


[–] fc31 (155) 2 minutes ago
And you think that is plausible, really? When you have as many enemy as Thanos, that is what you do. Get rid of all power and protection and wait for your enemy to kill you?

Really think about it, does that mean sense?
Sure does. What enemies did Thanos have? The only threat that you knew of was the Nova Corp and they are all decimated. Thanos was never attacking armies he was attacking basically over populated (in his estimation) planets and after the "Snap" most planets have been diminished to the point of military powerlessness and probably had no idea who decimated them anyway.

The biggest threat to Thanos is and always has been Hubris and Arrogance.


Let's say you are a mob boss and you attacked a family but only killed half of it, left the other half trying to kill you. And you do that enough times. If you are all powerful that is OK, but as soon as you are not as powerful everyone will come after you.

Thanos told enough people his plan but did not kill everyone witnessed it. If he is still all powerful after all that then that is hubris. But he gives up all his power, that is just stupidity.

Thanos is many things but not a moron, but he was presented as such in this movie.

A lot of people after watching the movie probably had a funny aftertaste. I think the first one is this.


I think he appeared weak and did not really fight back because after destroying the stones his victory was complete. He accomplished his goal perfectly and was okay with dying. So basically he let himself be killed. At least that is how I saw it.

Or do you mean, the 'younger' version of Thanos from the other timeline?


So he was waiting for people to kill him, and maybe even humiliate him or torture him before that, and you don't find that idiotic?


Not waiting, he just didn't care. He thought he had won the ultimate victory and was badly injured in the 'fight'. So he had no real motivation anymore other than to live out his days satisfied with his victory. Because he was injured and did not have a reason to fight, he just didn't try. If you noticed in that scene he does not even make an effort to fight back at all. I took this as a sign he just didn't want to fight because he already won.


So you think he wouldn't care if avengers or someone else found him and shove a stick up his ass? Death he probably can take but what about humiliation? Is that really something you would understand?


Well I would have to admit I would not expect the avengers to be so obsessed with revenge on Thanos they would resort to torture him, I am sure Thanos would not have expected that either because it would not happen, the avengers are the good guys they would not go out of their way to humiliate a defeated opponent.

Come on, think about it would any of the avengers even consider shoving a stick up his ass? Your imagination is kind of running wild here.


Avengers are not his only enemy. His entire life is going around killing people. Not all are good people that would give him a dignified death. Many would probably go out their way to make sure his death is as humiliating as possible.


Well no one knew where he was at, he probably thought no one would find him and did not care if they were looking. I think the point is that he was accomplished and became complicit. He just did not have any objective anymore so he was just walking around fields gathering food to eat. He just seemed to not care anymore.


So he exposed himself by destroying the infinite stones and stayed there. Suddenly he is a moron. Earth technology is considered primitive in Marvel world. There will be too many civilizations can monitor such event and track him down.


I asked the other guy before but he could not answer. So I ask again, why destroy all 6 stones? Why not just soul stone (control life and death) and time stone (prevent recovery)?

When I don't care I will let myself go and eat whatever I want, but not exposing myself to various dangers.

This kind of forced mentality is what I think is stupid about this movie.


And also his work is not done. Universe will re-populate itself in less than a millennium.

He is an immortal, his work will need to continue.


[–] fc31 (157) a few seconds ago
Let's say you are a mob boss and you attacked a family but only killed half of it, left the other half trying to kill you. And you do that enough times. If you are all powerful that is OK, but as soon as you are not as powerful everyone will come after you.
Except Thanos isn't a Mob Boss and the things that he does aren't even Mob Boss-lite. When he leaves a half decimated planet the denizens of that planet are too busy trying to pull themselves back together. What purpose would be served by a decimated planet attacking Thanos when he Culled an entire planet? Revenge?
Thanos told enough people his plan but did not kill everyone witnessed it. If he is still all powerful then that is hubris. But he gives up all his power, that is just stupidity.
Those who knew of his ideology became children of Thanos. Thanos was basically All-Powerful even before he had the Infinity Stones and the Gauntlet to wield them. The combination allowed him to do things faster.
Thanos is many things but not a moron, but he was presented as such in this movie.
I haven't seen many describe Thanos' actions as Moronic or Confusing until you stated such. To each his own.
A lot of people after watching the movie probably had a funny aftertaste. I think the first one is this.
Your own personal observations are not borne out on this board but of course it is still only an opinion that you express and not a fact.


My own feelings were kept to myself, but OP echoed that feeling, so not just me.


You mean this:

posted 6 hours ago by moviebuffforever (17)
17 replies | jump to latest

damn he looked like such a loser here in endgame in infinity war he was amazing, what happened and this movie was just way too long needed editing.
Are you equating Moronic to loser because that is what moviebuffforever thinks? Also he thinks that A:E required editing because he felt it was too long? That is what you thought also?

So I ask again but using your agreement with the OP, "Why do you think Thanos was a Loser in A:E and what was it about A:E that made you feel the movie required editing and was too long"?


Too long I can take, but Thanos looks like a loser right after infinity wars I think many people will not feel right.


Why destroy all 6 stones? Destroy just one or two would have sufficed. The story if you think about it, is really stupid.


[–] fc31 (156) 3 minutes ago
Why destroy all 6 stones? Destroy just one or two would have sufficed. The story if you think about it, is really stupid.
Thanos was well aware of the tremendous power of the stones and their inherent dangerousness.

Why do you spend so much energy questioning many parts of the story elements and the overall narrative if you find it "Stupid"? I don't get it. Looks like you're looking for answers to parts of the story that aren't even questions.


What else? I was disappointed. I had high expectations after infinity wars, and this is a huge let down.


[–] fc31 (159) 16 minutes ago
What else? I was disappointed. I had high expectations after infinity wars, and this is a huge let down.
Why were you disappointed and what expectation wasn't met for you? What did you want to see happen that didn't happen in your expectation?


The first one is what OP pointed out. Like I said I felt a bad aftertaste after watching the movie, but I could not yet pinpoint exactly what I was disappointed about. OP's post surfaced that feeling, made me notice how strange the beginning of the movie is really if you think about it.

Thanos was so thorough, cunning and powerful in infinity wars, but killed like he was nothing, a buffoon in the beginning of this movie. That is just bad story telling.


[–] fc31 (165) 39 minutes ago
The first one is what OP pointed out. Like I said I felt a bad aftertaste after watching the movie, but I could not yet pinpoint exactly what I disappointed about. OP's post surfaced that feeling, made me notice how strange the beginning of the movie is really if you think about it.
The beginning of the movie is indeed quite a shock for almost everyone that witnessed what happened. I gather you wanted to see some type of protracted drawn out battle royale?

The Avengers vs Thanos Part II: This time...… It's personal!

Maybe you wanted or expected it to be truer and more faithful to the print canon?
Thanos was so thorough, cunning and powerful in infinity wars,
Thanos was not so cunning and thorough in Infinity War as you are claiming. The Children of Thanos (The Black Order) had all been killed. A major portion of his army had been destroyed in Wakanda and he stated as such, "This Day extracts a heavy toll". He sacrificed his favorite daughter, something he had no anticipation of doing.

Thanos didn't win because he was thorough and cunning, but because he had some knowledge, power and the will to win on his terms. Except he was also wrong. Loki foretold Thanos' downfall in Infinity War, "You'll never be a god!". And in that, Loki was right.

The Infinity Stones did not make Thanos Omnipotent, Omnipresent nor Omniscient. Thanos wasn't even All-Powerful, just single minded in purpose.
but killed like he was nothing, a buffoon in the beginning of this movie. That is just bad story telling.
Thanos was killed by the same Asgardian who COULD have killed him in Infinity War except Thor wanted to gloat over his victory.

Thanos had suffered the consequences of using the Gauntlet twice to devastating results but he wanted what he had accomplished to be final, according to HIS will. He did what he had to do. You just didn't like what he did.

Please explain just WHAT was "Bad-Story Telling" or at least give an example of what would have been good story-telling to you.


I can see you will die defending this movie and try to find a narrative to make it sound plausible. I suspect there are many Disney employees here. But I have made my point, I think you are just pretending you don't understand.


[–] fc31 (169) an hour ago
I can see you will die defending this movie and I suspect there are many Disney employees here. But I have made my point, I think you are just pretending you don't understand.
What do you mean Disney Employees here? Is that some type of pejorative?

No you didn't make a point. You never made a point. You were just disAppointed and apparently didn't understand large swaths of the two movies. You need any more questions answered just continue asking them on these boards. I'm sure there may be some REAL Disney employees or maybe just movie fans who might be able to answer your questions.




I argue that he's too strong given the circumstances. He was able to fend off Cap, Thor, and Iron Man all at the same time.
