MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Can Infinity War win Oscar for Visual Ef...

Can Infinity War win Oscar for Visual Effects!

Do you think guys that there a chance for Infinity War to win an Oscar for Visual Effects..
For me i think its deserve because despite huge amount of CGI its was incredible effects and for example Thanos character looks real


Is there a chance


Honestly, just for having so many goddamn characters, dozens of arcs, and still be riveting, this should be nominated for Best Picture. But it won't. It's hard to believe but the original Star Wars was nominated for best Picture, because of it's massive impact on culture and society. The Dark Knight was the most written in Best Picture nominee in 2009, because it wasn't nominated.

This movie should be nominated for beyond it's technical skills. How about that screenplay which could have easily been 3.5 hours... condensing so much in just 2.5 hours is labourious work and takes ample skill. It's shame but IW won't be nominated, and if it is it won't win. The OScars are a joke!


No best picture iam huge fan of infinity war but its maybe deserve to win Oscar for Visual Effects


The film has a strong chance of at least getting nominated. It would be a startling omission if it doesn’t. The year isn’t over yet, however I don’t see IW being shut out because it will have tons of competition. I think the only movie released this year so far that comes close to matching this Marvel epic in the visual effects department, is Ready Player One. So providing there are still more upcoming movies this year that’ll have mind-blowing effects, then Infinity War should have no trouble scoring a nomination — and possibly a win. It’ll deserve it.

Minus a few scenes, the effects in Infinity War are all around some of the greatest ever in my opinion. Thanos in particular is the most impressive looking CGI character ever put in a big motion picture (not forgetting the incredible characters Andy Serkis has played). He looked stunningly realistic and the level of detail that went into him is remarkable; the same can be said for the Black Order but Thanos’ design alone should be enough to merit IW a visual effects nom. So with that said, Infinity War would make a worthy winner for visual effects (unless something comes along that overshadows Thanos).

As for other potential nominations, I know I would love to see Alan Silvestri get recognized for his musical score. It’s brilliant, perfect for IW, and basically film music at its finest.


I hope its win Oscar for best Visual Effects but for the musical score no i don't think that the score was good but not that great


Understandable. After the extraordinarily unique musical scores for Thor: Rangarok & Black Panther, Infinity War’s more traditional score may not seem all that special. Nevertheless, I think it’s epic on every level and each theme conveys all the emotions and different tones of Infinity War perfectly (which is quite the feat if you ask me). But yes, the Visul Effects are one aspect of Infinity War that should get recognized.


Yes even the score for captain America winter soldier and civil war was epic but its even nominated so there no chance for Infinity War


vfx was super crap lol


Like you


shut up marveltard


you crap mcu fantards


Ok so what you do here DC shit fan get your ass out from here


dc best marvel sucks like you


mcu is going to destroy


yes , MCU is going to Destroy its competition, well said , now eat shit


Yes of course fuc& SHIT DC


DCEU doesnt even exsist anymore, WB were so fed up with the direction it was going they rebranded it World of DC and started to copy Marvels template, just look at the Aquaman and Shazam trailers, gone are the dark boring moody depressing Snyder movies.


Yes it's dead but to be honestly the only thing good about DC is the C. Nolan Batman movies it was Epic but after that its dead even Ant Man and the wasp movie is way better than any DC movie
