MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > I took offence at the Jesus Joke!

I took offence at the Jesus Joke!

The joke was just weird. Why are they mocking Christians? Would you mock the prophet Mohammad and offend Muslims? Oh no, they are a "minority", so they cannot be persecuted or bullied. Christians? Fair game! Mock away! Disgraceful.


I think you’re s troll but in case you’re not screw your offense. I deprogrammed from that waste of time a while ago.


It was a joke. Jokes usually aren't meant to be taken seriously. So, don't.


I don't think it's the joke that truly offended you, I think it's the double standard that does. Which I understand. No one these days has the balls to treat any other religious faith, especially Islam, with the same mockery that they do Christians.


Yes but I also only like to hear Jesus’ name said with reference, not a punchline.
