What’s wrong

With her face?


Trouble is she is older than she should be... when the show was starting she was already in her late 30's... she just happened to be aging well at the time, but all good things come to an end and when father time started kicking her in the ass she apparently decided to use plastic surgery to fight back - she lost.


Not sure I agree. It's the fillers, I think. Fighting age too hard makes you look sillier than actual aging.


You could be right, I probably should have said she apparently decided to use a plastic surgeon... because it isn't clear whether she had things nipped and stretch or just injected with god knows what... but the damage was most likely done by a plastic surgeon.


There wasn't much movement left in it in the previous seasons but it was fine imo. Now she's done the pillow face thing where the whole face shape gets outta wack, too. I guess the make up department now has to paint on a new set of eyebrows to indicate a change in emotion every scene. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whose face are we talking about?


I would also like to know. I'm guessing they're talking about the ones playing either Chloe or Linda. Probably Chloe, judging by the age-related talk above. (I did think Chloe was a little stiff this season, but it didn't occur to me something was wrong with her face.)


I just realised that Lucifer has a 4 season.. Stopped watching at the end of the second season.

Nice to see Lucifer looking as charming as before but I got a shock seeing Chloe ...I don't want to be offensive ....but her bottom lip ..what the heck happen to it ?

Came on the board to see if I was only imagining that Zulu lip or not.

So I 'm not the only one that noticed something was wrong....it's very distracting.

Don't understand why actresses do this to themselves. She isn't even old.


It's like she's wearing a mask of her own face.
