KK *Almost* fired


So the latest gossip is that the only reason she hasn't been replaced yet is because she's fucked Star Wars up so much that now nobody wants to replace her.

Probably bollocks but it's an interesting theory.


Well, we live in hope. Disney should have shoved her out the airlock already


It’s one under performing movie, vs three billion dollar movies. No one gets sacked on one misstep.


But it's not one misstep though.

Here are the issues:

* With the exception of TLJ every single new Star Wars film has been beset with production issues. There have been expensive reshoots and the majority of first choice writers/directors ended up being fired.
* TLJ was down $700M on TFA - it still made a lot, sure, but nobody was expecting that kind of drop
* Solo was the first Star Wars movies in history to lose money. This is huuuuuge. Unprecedented. It would be like a James Bond movie losing money. Solo is maybe going to gross less than the Special edition that game out in 1997.
* It seems like at least half the fan base doesn't like the movies and the fans that Disney is losing are the ones who spend lots of money on Star Wars. Toy/merchandise sales are apparently far below expectations.
* According to the clip Lucasfilm isn't a happy place to be right now with it being split between pro and anti Kennedy factions. This might just be gossip but considering how many people she's fired it doesn't seem that unlikely.
* Senior Lucasfilm contributors have been happy to tell customers to go fuck themselves. This might be getting them likes on twitter but it's no way to run a business.

And just remember that Star Wars was an open goal. People write about Star Wars fans being impossible to please... absolute bollocks. Star Wars fans are so forgiving that TFA - a fundamentally terrible movie - grossed over $2B after 3 terrible movies in a row with the prequels. But it looks like we've finally found the limit... it looks like if you make 5 terrible Star Wars movies, treat the original stories with contempt, kill off all the old characters to prop up your new shit ones and piss all over your customer base the fans might actually start to say enough is enough.


Spot on. If KK stood for Kevin Kennedy or Keith Kennedy, he would already have been fired.


Well it's fair to see that Salon, Huffpo etc are going to cream in their cheese if/when she does get fired. There's going to be 10,000 identical articles all screeching the exact same crap before you can say 'toxic masculinity'. The thing is - they love it! So it's win-win - the fans get someone not incompetent in charge and the blogosphere can larp about how oppressed they all are. Everybody will be happy!


Toy/merchandise sales are apparently far below expectations.

This is a big thing people forget about. Star Wars is not just the movies its a whole industry. The fact these things are doing poorly is a huge indicator there is a major problem.

Also some believe that because TLJ did 1.3 bil there is no issues. But it was supposed to make more and it failed to have the legs of the previous two films. It was successful financially but at the same time the performance of its run was disappointing and it fell short of expectations.


The Bluray sales are also down, if I recall.


They've left a billion dollars of revenue on the table between a lack of repeat theater viewings of TLJ, poor merchandise and Blu-Ray sales, and Solo's outright loss of $50-100 million.

TLJ destroyed the franchise and all the apologists in the world cannot hide that fact.


It’s almost as if they wanted to destroy it. Even Kylo could be seen to have alluded to this: “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to”


I like how people like yourself are so out of touch with reality lol.

Why did Solo lose money? This question is so easy to answer that I’m almost embarrassed to have to explain it to you.

The reason Solo was a box office bomb was because 4 Star Wars movies came out within 3 years of each other.....it was the unlucky 4th movie in which audience fatigue finally kicked in. It had nothing to do with the quality of the movie or Kathleen Kennedy....the stupidity of Star Wars fans continues to amuse me.

The Prequels were terrible, TFA was at worst a decent movie, Rogue One was dreadful, The Last Jedi was a hot mess......but Solo is the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back, in fact it blows away A New Hope and Return of the Jedi easily. Those are the facts!!!


Per PeppermintHippo: "Those are the facts!!!"
Such a reckless and thoughtless thing to say.

Everything you said was based on opinion.

Hasn't anyone gained any perspective in all this endless bickering?

“Trust those who seek the truth but doubt those who say they have found it.”


Hippo is a troll so I'd just ignore him. And I don't mean troll the way most of the internet means it as in 'Someone I disagree with' I mean it in that he's actually a old school troll who's just trying to wind people up. He's actually quite good at it too.


Nice, talented at being a troll.


Seems we could be here all day talking shit, but at the end of it it’s one movie that failed. Three wins to one. Behind the scenes is a different monster. We don’t know that it’s her. It could be Disney pushing shit on her. We don’t know, we read tabloid pish and jump on it.

And look at the idiot who responded to you. “If she was a man”. If she was a man no one would be saying fucking thing. Three fucking pish movies from toy boy Lucas, THREE. And he didn’t get half as much shit as KK did after one movie.

It’s time to stop pretending this isn’t about boys girls. It’s pretty clear by the fact sex always comes into it these days that it is about sex. It’s pathetic, and it needs to stop. I’ll give you props for not going down that route, just ruined by the reply you got.



"And he didn’t get half as much shit as KK did after one movie."

If you believe he didn't get half the crap Kennedy got you were clearly not paying attention when those films came out or you were to young.


I wasn’t too young, I was paying attention and he didn’t get half the shit she and the other females in the movies are getting. Not even manakin skywalker got the shit Rey got.


Well, you apparently forgot, because it was all over the place when they came out..Anakin got a huge amount of crap along with both actors who played him. And George was questioned from that day forward, fairly constant right up and until he sold the Lucasfilms to Disney which at the time was considered a good thing. Its only with TLJ that people now seem to see it as an error and want him back...warts and all. It is what it is, people have turned sour on the new Star Wars and Kennedy is the one leading the new films, she does not get a pass because she is a woman.


Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen both got loads more criticism than Daisy Ridley. I haven't seen much criticism of her acting as much as I see criticism of the terrible, hollow, plastic Mary Sue character that was written (by two MALE writers) for her to portray.


3 of the writers were women, which is why Kennedy said they played the biggest part in developing the Rey character as someone women, specifically, could relate to.


The writer was RJ wasn't it?

The female 'writers' are part of the story group which is supposed to piece together the lore and the overarching story/direction.


Well it was Kennedy's quote who mentioned the development of the rey character and her team of writers.

"I have a story department up at Lucasfilm, and four out of the six people who make up that story department are women," Kennedy says. "So there were as many women sitting in the room having those discussion as there were men. I think that, in and of itself, is what really began to help [Rey] take shape in a way that was relevant to us. And hopefully relevant to other women seeing the film."

4/6 = equal and rey is a character who was specifically designed to be 'relevant' to women.

Kennedy goes on to explain that JJ, Kasdan & Arndt were guided by KK herself, Michelle Rejwan & Kiri Hart and that their input was critical to the direction of the story - KK praising the lads for how 'receptive' they were of their input. rey was specifically designed to be an independent woman: "... she embodies that sense of self-reliance and independence".


Fair point but ultimately none of these people have their names on the credits for either TFA or TLJ. Given that one of the roles of the story group is to ensure continuity and given how bad the continuity has been so far I suspect that they mainly exist for PR purposes.


"We could be here all day talking shit" = "Yeah I'm just gonna ignore all your points"

And I'll tell you what is pathetic: endless accusations of sexism as a lazy attempt to win arguments. If somebody says: "Well of course Kennedy can't run a big business: she's a woman" then call that moron out for being sexist, but don't pretend you have psychic powers and claim to 'just know' when criticism of a woman is sexist. Doing that isn't helping to eliminate sexism - it is *perpetuating* it.

Kennedy's got a lot of shit, yes - but nothing like the shit Lucas has got. There's a feature length documentary, 'the people vs George Lucas' FFS which actually got good reviews and did good business and if you think KK has reached that level of criticism then I don't know what to tell you.

And yes - as Texas Jack points out below, Daisy Ridley herself has barely received any criticism, the audiences ire has been reserved almost solely for her character which was written by men. Two Jews in fact (at least in TFA) so it probably makes more sense to call critics of Rey antisemitic & misandrist as it does sexist.



IN a time where people had more integrity and class. It would not be such an issue to replace her, but now you would have to fire her and most of the people under her because she apparently has a lot of cronies
