
Mesmerising film about the turmoil involved in a marriage. The setting, the acting, the cinematography are all wonderful. The different relationships between the characters are compelling, I especially love the scenes with Roland and the Barman.

I think it's fair to say that the art of films these days has been completely lost on the general viewer. This is pure art at its finest. Most reviews on here criticising the film are from people who haven't seen it and the rest from people without the capacity to understand its beauty and genius.

Hats off to Angelina. Fantastic.


I totally agree. It was beautifully filmed, the location was stunning and considering what they're going through now personally as a famous couple, I found it especially heartbreaking. I truly think she's a gifted writer and director and have been a fan ever since her travel journal came out years ago. This film touched me because I understand how it feels to be "barren" as a woman and I think she portrayed the self doubt, self sabotage, self loathing and despair...very accurately. I was concerned about her welfare as an actress since she appeared so thin and hollow in appearance although still beautiful. I hope they work it out.


Not a masterpiece - but definitely FAR from the stinker I had been led to believe, too...

As with most things, it's somewhere between those two extremes... It's a decent movie, if one can let go of the baggage it's been saddled with.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Unironically one of the best movies I remember watching from the last 5 years or so. No wonder the hordes of plebs shit on it.
