Hard to follow

I found this movie extremely difficult to follow for the first two acts. So much so that I almost gave up on it. But it picked up and started to tie things together in the last act.

Anybody else think the same of this movie?


You're not the only one. I was lost during the first 30 mins of the movie.


Read the book


Read the book
And they'll find that the film is structured in a similar way to how the book is written.🐭


I agree, it jumped around quite a bit without any sort of pattern.


Yes, but luckily it cleared up in the last part. Very entangled story.


If GOTT trips you up, avoid any David Lynch movies at all cost. Or Memento.


"Memento" is Nolan's best film, and is masterfully made. It shows how a challenging story can be made so you CAN follow it.


Yeah, I think it's meant to be confusing. But it all panned out in the end. (thankfully)


yes, challenging on purpose, and revealing of small incremental details throughout the movie that help things 'jell' at the end. I thought it was pretty damn good, sexy, and Emily Blunt (especially, and actually some/all of the other main actors/director/screenwriter ...) deserved some awards nods ... oh well, maybe I'm easily entertained.


Best response, imo and why I'm glad I watched it on DVD where I could use subtitles and replay scenes as much as I felt was necessary. It was a compelling jigsaw.


It's necessary to pay close attention to every moment, ever scene of movies such as this. Everything came together toward the end, fortunately, and solved the mysteries.
