MovieChat Forums > Gracepoint (2014) Discussion > American audiences please boycott this

American audiences please boycott this

broadchurch was a huge success in America. It was both on BBC America and PBS, it got great reviews in the American press and ratings. we've already seen this its so stupid to have a remake of it. We need to send a message to the studios that we hate remakes and that they should just play the original. this is so unnecessary.


Some UK regional accents CAN be difficult (I'm from Blighty myself, but the way some Americans squawk about them can be irritating. All pretty solipsistic really.


Americans aren't solipsists, we're xenophobes. Get it straight, damn.

NFL, Catholic Church - same thing!


Thanks, ToHelenBackAgain!! LMAO!!

"Americans aren't solipsists, we're xenophobes. Get it straight, damn."

I'm Not Dead Yet!!


Go away



Get over it. Not everyone watched the original.

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!


Why, was the original destroyed when they made this? No, so it doesn't matter. I'm loving the show so far, very gripping.


15 minute into this and its pretty much the exact copy almost scene by scene of Broadchurch. The acting is good but its pretty much watching the same show over again.


Indeed, it just seems so pointless.


I have zero problems with remakes, but after watching the pilot, I'm really wishing they hadn't made this one. It's bad, and I feel sorry for Tennant who actually comes thru with the American accent which is the one thing I thought I'd hate.


Are you boycotting Law & Order UK?

Bite me, fanboy! -- Lobo


1. Nobody cares about Law and Order.
2. Is it going to be a pointless scene for scene remake?
3. Does it actually exist?

"I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."


1. Probably true.
2. It was and is not.
3. Did and does, yes. Law & Order: UK (2009)

It's rather better than the U.S. version. I would recommend it for those who like the sort of thing. Great cast.

NFL, Catholic Church - same thing!


1. If you're talking about Americans, we do. If you're talking about the UK, well it stars Freema Agyeman and Peter Davison...
2. Yes, the episodes are recycled L&O scripts
3. It's been airing since 2009

Bite me, fanboy! -- Lobo


2. Yes, the episodes are recycled L&O scripts
No they're not. They do re-use core plots, but that is not the same thing.

NFL, Catholic Church - same thing!


I'm 10 minutes in and it already sucks


The only people I know that knew about Broadchurch were people who were HUGE Doctor Who fans and loved David Tennant. Other than that, I cannot name a single American I know that has heard of Broadchurch. If this show will be as good, or even close to as good as Broadchurch, and make David Tennant a bigger star in America, then I am happy to watch.
