MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Is this movie overhyped or is it really ...

Is this movie overhyped or is it really that good ??

Everyone praising it and shit


No, it's really that good. I would even say that it has it's moments where it verges into true greatness. Certainly in the top 5 best films of that genre.


It freaking awesome !! And so sad to


It's quite good, but not extraordinary. The last third of the movie loses most of its punch, since it becomes -SPOILERS!!!!!-.................

...a retread of Origins, X2, DFOP and Last Stand. Once again, we have an evil government organization after mutant kids with superpowers, and Wolverine sacrificing himself to save them. Heck, quite like Origins, he stands alone against a super-powered mutant weapon protecting the kids. And once again, we have the government trying to wipe out the mutants -with more success, though-. It also had more than a touch of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, IMO. So, plotwise, the setting begins great, the action is awesome, and there are new elements, but in the end we are back in too familiar ground.

Still, is one of the best X-Men movies. Jackman and Stewart are great in their roles, although IMO Stewart outshines Jackman. Worth the price of the ticket.


Judging it within its genre and within its fictional universe it's almost perfect: for a superhero blockbuster movie and an Xmen movie, it's everything one such movie should be. It has character depth, character development/journey, compelling plot and proper closure, the right amount of characters, it hits all the right notes, it pushes the genre further than its boundaries, it handles being gritty and gory quite gracefully while not betraying the source material (as far as I can tell). I'd say for a superhero movie it's a 9.5/10.

Now, as a standalone movie compared to all movies ever made regardless of genre, it still fares quite well. The important part being "standalone". Even to someone who doesn't know the Marvel Universe it would make sense and it would still retain most of the merits mentioned above. Of course there are flaws: the introduction of **[spoiler]

the new generation of X-kids[/spoiler] towards the end of the movie, introducing a whole bunch of new characters in the wrong part of the movie, some unavoidable action movie/superhero movie cliches (e.g. one-dimentionality of the villains), some action scenes dragging longer than they should... For those reasons it would score something like 7.5 out of 10 (10 being the best movie ever made), but that's still pretty high considering.


Well i've seen it and I think the hype is about right on point. I didn't care for the movie. It wasn't bad, but I didn't like it. I quite enjoyed the first half, but it never really gets to going anywhere and then it sort of becomes a greatest hits grab bag of scenes from other films. But it was pretty much exactly what the trailers promised. And it was pretty great to finally hear Wolverine talking like Wolverine and showing the violence. There still wasn't enough blood. Seriously, when you tear people apart, there is GEYSERS of blood. It ain't no little splash. It's disturbing. And I actually thought they were swearing too much. Come on now with the F bombs, this is ridiculous! I totally lost interest after the Vegas scene and watching old dying Logan stumble around like a sprinter in the special olympics wasn't very satisfying. But kudos to Jackman for acting his brains out with that stuff.


I don't know if it's overhyped because I don't pay much attention to marketing efforts.

Sure, I heard it was different, violent, thanks to Deadpool for R rating success, yada yada. I also noticed there were no "stinker" reviews.

So I decided to think for myself. Imagine that.

Should you spend the money to see it while it's in the theater rather than wait for a rental: yes. It's good, it's tight, you will be entertained. I haven't heard a single person say they were disappointed, or that they wish they hadn't gone to see it on the big screen. So go.

That said, it's probably my favorite X-Men film (I own all of them, including Apocalypse, which IS pretty much a yawner IMO), certainly my favorite Wolverine solo.



If you like seeing the same action replayed over and over but in different settings, it's good. If you like seeing unlikable characters doing stupid things, and being ultra violent and nasty, it's good. If you like movies with pointless endings that make no sense but are overly dramatic to try and hit you in the feels, it's a good movie. You will definitely need to shut your brain off completely, unless you are easily manipulated by overused movie tropes. It's such a try hard film, and it's so obvious. Nothing subtle at all.

Charles wants to spend the night in the someone family's house, despite being tracked and hunted down by serious killers, just to show Wolverine what a family is like because he has a kid now. Like a guy who lived over 300 years, has never seen a family interact before. Definitely worth risking the lives of strangers...


i expected more-much more from the xmen


Overhyped garbage. Ze Wolverine in Japan wuz better movie
