Season Finale

Really satisfying cap to the season


I had to DVR it. Will be watching at 8:00 tonight, about 30 minutes from now. Can't wait.


In season finale we saw the development of the storylines started in the previous episode, plus something weird happened on Venus. But we'll have to wait another year to find out what exactly. Something really bizarre is going on there. Anyway, the Venus crew isn't dead, but they'll probably wish they were soon enough. I wonder what happened to the Martian ship.

We also discovered that protomolecule aliens are dumb. Whatever human parts they developed to create hybrids, brain wasn't one of them. I am slightly disappointed in those aliens.


Also, blink and you miss it Adam Savage cameo on the Venus crew )))


This episode wasn't as dramatic as I've hoped it will be. The audience is supposed to "can't wait" for the next season to start, but that wasn't the case here. We are left with only two moments of suspense: the fact that Fred Johnson now has the protomolecule, and what on Earth (or on Venus) is happening on Venus?

Also, one silly moment: the conversation Bobbie had with that technician guy. It wasn't believable at all. Plus he gave up too soon.


I agree, no big drama to end with, but over all, a good episode with one caveat below. ***
So, you don't think the people in that Venus spaceship are dead. How do they survive outside their spaceship,with no spacesuit on? Where did the Martian ship go?

***This episode had a wee bit to much that I mean too much Holden dialog with the others while we are watching the alien rip open the ship's hull. IMO, That could have been done faster.


So, you don't think the people in that Venus spaceship are dead.

If you re-watch that scene, you'll notice that they are floating in the air, looking around in amazement. They seemed pretty much alive to me.

I haven't figured out where exactly is Mei in the last scene? Is she still on Ganymede in some hidden base, or did Dr Strickland take the kids somewhere else? Right before the scene where he puts Mei in the sleeping pod, we are shown a picture of a moon. I'm not sure if that's Ganymede or some other moon. What are your thoughts?


That clearly is a moon of Jupiter, not sure if it is Ganymede, but can't see why not.

Do you think they are transforming Mei into an alien with all those other sleeping kids? They had a bunch of pods there on that ship or station.

Yeah, after looking at that Venus scene, clearly they are not dead and I did notice a bunch of blue bubbles much like that protomolecule, so now I'm not sure what will happen to them floating around. They didn't look like they were in distress. My wife actually thinks that alien that was blown up by the Roci somehow transported to Venus and was keeping them alive and had something to do with their ship being blown up. That seemed like a stretch to me, just because that scene followed the alien being blown up scene.


Yeah, it's probably Ganymede. I had doubts because in earlier episodes we saw that life support was failing on Ganymede, but if children are in sleeping pods, there's no need for air or food, right? Except for Strickland himself. (or it could be, as you suggested, that they are on a ship and he is transporting them somewhere cause life support failed on Ganymede)

I don't think that alien transported to Venus, he is a goner. RIP alien.
But he isn't necessary to explain what's happening on Venus, cause Venus is full of strange things even without him. Something formerly on Eros is keeping them alive. Julie and Miller?


Julie and Miller! I forgot about those two. I agree, I expect to see both in the next season.


It was a good ending, but not great. It took forever to free Holden. I was actually wondering if he was going to be sacrificed.


It took forever to free Holden, and it took forever to free Avasarala. The whole Avasarala storyline in this episode had a few funny moments though. Like this exchange:

Bobbie is checking the escape route through the elevator shaft, and says to Avasarala: "You'd never make that climb".
Avasarala says "Not because I'm old, but because he's been shot".
The guy (Cotyar) says "Plus, she's really old"... lol


Lol. Yes that was a good one. Bobbie actually was the star of last night for me.


I thought it was pretty disappointing as compared to the high-tension previous episode. Several scenes dragged on for too long.

Plus, the protomolecule hybrid monster is the worst piece of CGI of the entire show. It doesn't seem to match the polished look of other imagery. Sounds like they ran out of budget for good CGI.


Season 3 the aliens will have even more magic powers. I gotta say the only character I've liked so far is Miller. The rest I don't care if they get spaced any day of the week. The series has not really "grabbed" me - but I like that it's watchable and not god-awful like most of the stuff from SyFy the last 10 years.

I have much the same opinion for Dark Matter, Kill Joys, and Z-Nation, except that I like the characters much more on those other shows.


I feel like the story of this show is really simple, I really wish there were more "factions" with different motivations, hopefully the protomolecule aliens aren't just one dimensional beings who just want to eat radiation so that everyone unites against them. The one thing I really like about this show is the characterization of the Belters and the role they play in the system. The show had great potential but I'm afraid the story will become too simplistic and boring. Guess we'll have to wait for next season to know how it unfolds!

I still enjoyed this episode, best (space) sci-fi out there atm!


You need to look at it from another angle. The System was in a state of status quo until the protomolecule became a catalyst of change. So there's going to be a lot about politics and fractions and all but at every stage the protomolecule's evolution will dictate the pace and the playing field. So we do need to see it in action...


Hm I'm not that optimistic but perhaps yes the show still has great potential!
