MovieChat Forums > The Guest (2014) Discussion > The Plot Made No Sense

The Plot Made No Sense

David was supposed to be on the run from the military as well as had lots of money. Why show up at this family's house and pretend to be their dead son's Army pal when he could have just jogged a few more miles into Mexico? It made no sense. If he was so smart and wanted to lay low, he certainly didn't behave that way.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.


Not to mention, he wasn't really a deranged killer and had no lingering revenge or reason to hurt folks. Instead, it was the government who experimented on him and created the mess


They were mashing up plot lines from different genres. It was an interesting movie, I have to admit. But the plot made no sense

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.



I agree. It is not an A movie, but definitely a B++.


I agree, nothing made any sense regarding his targeting of this family. I kept expecting to learn that their son had done something bad to him and this was his long-con revenge. There was no point to his taking all the trouble of befriending this family, why did he need them in any way?

By the time all the shooting starts you hate the guy so much you just want him to die already.


because he promised the dead son he would look in on his family , and comfort them about his death , because they were friends.
he explained all that


Exactly. He didn't set out to hurt them, but he had been completely reprogrammed by the military (or this contractor group or whoever). He had some of him in there, but much of that was replaced. He meant well and it is likely his friend was involved in the whole mess too but died. He goes to comfort the family, possibly fulfilling an agreement with his friend. They get him to stay. He does. With his lack of empathy, he kills those around the family, but his mission is to help the family. Gov't shows up and gunfight ensues. Reprogramming kicks in. Mission is now to tie off all loose ends. That means kill the family. He doesn't want to but doesn't have a choice, according to his programming.


I agree. This is how I interpret the plot as well.
