it's a very good movie

the marketing for this movies was very poor and misleading..
I thought it was going to be the usual emasculating tasteless modern woke nonsense, egg on my face, I thought wrong..

its a solid 7/10 stars...


I really liked it, but thought the marketing was fine and you knew what you were getting, a fantasy comedy. The budget was just too much as a lot of people see D&D and it doesn't interest them.


You bring a good point. But it had so much going for it where if you understood D&D it was funny and enjoyable, yet if you knew nothing of the game or world you still could enjoy the movie as a fantasy with a lot of humor in it. The marketing should have bridged that gap and explained that whether you are a fan or D&D or not, you should see this film. (maybe they already said this xD)


I thought they did do that. I have never actually played D&D, but of course know what it is. I still found many of the jokes funny as it related to other fantasy board games and RPG type of video games in general. It's a pretty good movie, but people just didn't want to see it which is puzzling. I guess they just didn't do a good enough job.


All I saw was the trailer and was interested, but I dont remember anything in the trailer saying "its not just for D&D fans"? Perhaps they had blurbs of mini interviews where they say "watch this movie yall"!

The movie was very entertaining. One Im gonna add to my physical media collection : )
