MovieChat Forums > Fury (2014) Discussion > It's the Gentleman's Guide to Chivalrous...

It's the Gentleman's Guide to Chivalrous Rape During Wartime movie.

Really, best war film ever because it did not shy away from the normalcy of rape, the encouragement and praise of rape and the horror of how too many women spend their last day alive. A ~must see~ film.

ETA on 2/27/15 There appears to be a need for this information. I suggest taking a minute to look at this page which identifies different types of rapists and how best to survive victimization at their hands. This is good for anyone to know, but it's also the bare minimum a poster would need to know to "hold their own" on this thread. Here's the link:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Was there a rape in this film?

 Live long and prosper.



If a 15 year old girl consents to sex with an adult, is it rape?

If an enemy civilian consents to sex with an invading armed enemy soldier, is it rape?

In both cases yes, the women in both cases are not legally capable of giving consent. The 15 year old because of her age, and the wartime example because the women has no way to refuse, so consent is under duress.

"Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc"


When did she say she was only 15? I may have missed that.
Is it a rape when a hungry woman trades sex for food?


When did she say she was only 15? I may have missed that.

She didnt, and I didnt say she did.

Is it a rape when a hungry woman trades sex for food?

To me thats a grey area. Personally i would not take advantage of a desperate woman and would share any food i had if she was starving.

Its rape when no consent is given or if the law sees consent as impossible. This case is clearly statutory rape and although no one would bring charges, if they did, legally they would be correct.

In law, an invading soldier can't have consensual sex with an enemy civilian. There is ALWAYS going to be the suggestion of coercion and the womans fear of what will happen if they refuse.

Ask yourself this, in the situation in the badly written scene in the film, do you think the women had any choice in cooking Brad his dinner, or in having sex with his new recruit?

"Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder rolled around their shores; burning with the fires of Orc"


To me thats a grey area.

It's not a gray area. It's not rape.

There was no rape in this film. None.

 Live long and prosper.


You surprise me, Spock, of course it was rape. A bunch of armed men kick your door down and make it clear they're to be obeyed or else? Yes, it was rape no doubt about it. The women were well aware that if they refused anything they would be most likely be killed. Hence their submissive behaviour- they were too terrified to resist.
If armed men broke into anyone's house even today the occupants would do what those armed men wanted in order to try to survive.
This scene shouldn't have been included in the movie IMO, as by far the great majority of US and British servicemen were not rapists but this movie gives the impression it was commonplace. It's an insult to Allied servicemen.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.


It was not rape by any stretch. The girl led the American into the bedroom and initiated sexual contact. She then stayed near the American and did not want him to leave. No way that would get a conviction for rape. Zero chance.

There is nothing in the movie suggesting your claim that "they knew they'd be killed". The proportion of German women killed by GIs, if any, must have been very small. One in a million? Less? GIs were pretty popular among German women. I've known several Americans who found brides there.

As for the previous speculation that she was 15 in order to try to justify a claim of statutory rape, her age is never stated, and she was played by a 21-year old actress.

 Live long and prosper.


"GIs were pretty popular among German women. I've known several Americans who found brides there. "

Well, nobody is denying that.

But the scenario depicted in the movie - "armed American soldiers invade an appartment,find two frightened women and have consensual sex with one them five minutes later" - is not realistic. Or can you name a single documented case (in the history of mankind) where sth like this has actually happened?

Of course, Norman would get convicted of rape.


"armed American soldiers invade an appartment,find two frightened women and have consensual sex with one them five minutes later" - is not realistic.

You confuse an unrealistic plot for a crime. Since the movie shows us what happens, absurd as it is, we are to accept it as part of the unrealistic story. Absurd as it seems, the girl took Norman into the bedroom and initiated sexual contact. That right there precludes any possibility of rape. On top of that, they are friends, singing together at the piano and parting like lovers who will miss each other.

The only reasonable conclusion is that it was not rape.

 Live long and prosper.


Vulcan -

the girl took Norman into the bedroom and initiated sexual contact. That right there precludes any possibility of rape. On top of that, they are friends, singing together at the piano and parting like lovers who will miss each other.

The only reasonable conclusion is that it was not rape.

I hope you are just trolling, but to anyone who agrees with that mindset, seek professional help immediately. Searching online incognito is a way to speak with other rapists who can sort you out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You are the only troll in this thread.

The facts I posted are more than enough to preclude a rape conviction.

 Live long and prosper.


I love the fact that the other guy says "Debate. Not hate" and he doesn't even wanna debate - the moment you present your facts and obviously he disagrees, he goes down the path of calling you a troll in need of professional help! Awesome dialectics...


Johanes -

I love the fact that the other guy says "Debate. Not hate" and he doesn't even wanna debate -

Before you posted that ^^^, I posted this debate: 39470116#239470116

the moment you present your facts and obviously he disagrees, he goes down the path of calling you a troll in need of professional help! Awesome dialectics...

Reading comprehension problem ^^^. What I wrote was, "I hope you are trolling." Expressing a hope is not the same as calling someone a name. I didn't write that I know the person is a troll. Of the choices, I'd prefer they were a troll.

You misrepresented what I wrote on this, too. I don't think a troll needs professional help. Like all annoyances, they too have a function. What I wrote was that I hoped they were trolling because if they really held the view they posted, it meant they shared a rapist's perspective. It's not the troll who would need help, it's the ones who share and support that rape-supportive view.

Suggesting an incognito way to seek help online is in no way hateful, in tone. It's sheer pragmatism. Even if someone writes something downright closed-minded here, they still might go do some research to get the latest information.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


So you wrote a long-winded version of what you had said in your last message, and still didn't address anything that Spock dude actually said. Also, your link just goes to the 4th page; no specific post. What am I supposed to be looking at?

Typically when people accuse someone of being Hitler, they've already lost the argument.

Cynicism is easy.


knuckle -

So you wrote a long-winded version of what you had said in your last message,

Oh, are you young or simply suffering from a deficit in attention span? I didn't check, but it's my habit to elaborate when responding to a confrontation or disagreement. In this way, the specific areas of debate may be seen more clearly. And, some people need repetition while others need things expressed in slightly different ways. My intentions are sound but my communication may not "fit" your unique needs. Deal with it.

and still didn't address anything that Spock dude actually said.

Any you are??? his publicist? his translator? I disagreed with the guy but I saw no reason to believe he couldn't communicate for himself? Do you?

Now, while I could say, "I appreciate your interest. What specifically were you wanting to know about that discussion?", I think that your agenda here is insincere, so... why bother? If I'm wrong about that, by all means, ask a specific question and I'll give you a direct answer.

Also, your link just goes to the 4th page; no specific post. What am I supposed to be looking at?

Oh, sorry, "My bad." I must have made a technical mistake but if you read the thread, you'd see that I've addressed the points the poster made, and refuted them. I'm the OP, so I addressed every poster's comments or questions. I'm imperfect... I may have missed one, but not only I, but other posters wrote responses to Vulcan's post because it was so obtuse.

Typically when people accuse someone of being Hitler, they've already lost the argument.

Do you know how to use this board? Lifting and inserting quotes? If so, by all means, try to find where I accused someone of being Hitler. Not so much for me... you're mistaken, but for yourself so you can pinpoint where reading comprehension failed you.

I'm guessing here, but I think you have mistaken this:

During the Holocaust, Germans lived happily while it snowed human remains all around them... evil continues when "good" people support it through denial, minimization or active support.

I equate that group, with men and women who purport to "love women" yet have not so much as signed an online petition (clicked a few links, typed a few keys) to fight against rape, violence and murder of women.

I'm not saying they are Hitler. I am saying those who do nothing are exactly like those who supported Hitler.

Assuming you have reason underneath that fog of snark, ask yourself this:

Is there anyone who you say you love and whom you want others to believe that you love, that you would stand by and let others rape, maim, torture, kill, sell, trade, terrorize, etc... or is it only women who get that version of "love"?

Rapists do not act independently. They operate with support. Rape culture is about the people who aren't rapists... they just clear the path to rape, and to get away with it. The criminal justice system may come to mind with untested rape kits. People using language which conveys hate towards women support rape.

It's not a matter of staying neutral. You are either one of many who fight for basic human rights or you are supporting rapists. Own it. Whatever you are, own it.

In the film, Norman had choices. He chose rape.

Cynicism is easy.

I can't tell if this is your signature or if it is directed towards me.

I am not cynical and I strongly disagree that it's easy. It looks really hard to me. I feel sorry for those people.

I get, "hope springs eternal" and "rose-colored glasses." I'm THAT type. However, I am educated and experienced in human rights, women's rights, men's rights, and rape FACTS. Because I know the facts, when people deny the extent of the problem, it is obvious they just posted to say what they think - without having done the research before attempting to refute a point.

This thread is full of links and referrals on where to get current on the issues presented in this film. Not only by me, but by other posters. Please feel free to post your own.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


bsurd as it seems, the girl took Norman into the bedroom and initiated sexual contact. That right there precludes any possibility of rape.

You're right...and even if it was volunteered , even proffered or peddled, to curry favour, rather than in face of demand and coercion intimidation, surely harsh justice to find a case of rape...leaving aside whole argument re girl's age..


Irving -

Of course, Norman would get convicted of rape.

It should be "of course," but convictions aren't so certain. However, there is no disputing that not only is Norman a rapist, but his wardaddy is guilty of coercing him into doing it. He should be convicted, along with the rest of them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It's absurd to believe the chance of a rape conviction in that case would exceed zero.

The young woman dragged Norman into the bedroom, set him on the bed, and initiated sexual relations. Not only did she obviously consent, she initiated sexual relations. Then she acts like she is his girlfriend for as long as her character remains alive, staying close to him, singing with him, and parting with sorrow.

 Live long and prosper.


Vulcan -

It's absurd to believe the chance of a rape conviction in that case would exceed zero.

The young woman dragged Norman into the bedroom, set him on the bed, and initiated sexual relations. Not only did she obviously consent, she initiated sexual relations. Then she acts like she is his girlfriend for as long as her character remains alive, staying close to him, singing with him, and parting with sorrow.

If I were writing the character of a rapist and needed to show the mindset, I'd be writing the words used in your posts to illustrate the point.

I think some rapists are born that way. Like, a pedophile shares that view, too, about how the victim came onto them and showed them they wanted it. They were best friends, in the sick adult's mind. You echoed that perspective in the quote above.

Here's what a sexually healthy man would do, whether it was a child who "came on to him" or an adult woman in an occupied war zone. He'd say to the child, "Who hurt you like this?" And, he'd immediately stop the child because it's a child! Yes, a child who was molested and is now confused so they act sexual towards adults, but we healthy adults see the injured child, and not an opportunity to have sex.

The woman, while old enough, is threatened. She is as friendly as she needs to be to stay alive. Submitting to the rape will injure her but she may choose that pain over death.

Coerced submission is not consent.

If you sincerely can't grasp that, then I repeat, you are holding a rapist's mindset. If you would like to not share a rapist's mindset, then you've got some work to do. Do whatever it takes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


A reasoned person would skip the BS and look at the facts. The movie depicts a woman taking a GI by the hand, walking him into her bedroom, and initiating sexual relations. She not only consented, she initiated. She subsequently acts a bit like his girlfriend, in that she stays close to him, sings a song with him at the piano, and is sorrowful when he leaves. For his part, he is also sorrowful and clearly mourns her death when the house is hit by artillery.

These facts fly in the face of a claim of rape. Given these, there would have been no chance of a rape conviction.

You must ignore these facts to get to a conclusion of rape.

 Live long and prosper.


Rape by definition requires the "victim" to be UNWILLING. Unwilling is the operative term in RAPE. Doesn't matter under what circumstances, unless STATUTORY RAPE is the issue under discussion. If there is a willingness to participate there is absolutely no rape.


Rape by definition requires the "victim" to be UNWILLING. Unwilling is the operative term in RAPE. Doesn't matter under what circumstances, unless STATUTORY RAPE is the issue under discussion. If there is a willingness to participate there is absolutely no rape.


No, that is an incorrect belief that may be found in the OP's ETA link. You will find it underneath the rapist's delusional views of victims. It's also a point that has been invalidated by the credible references provided in this thread. Some were legal, some were military, etc... the facts are here should you wish to educate yourself.

I sincerely hope that you will see that this thread rose above the "I think this, therefore it must be true" level of discussion. By all means, please provide credible sources to support your view. In your search for one, you will see your errors.

Let's say that an armed enemy invaded your home and they have some game going on between themselves... and it involves you. Now, they think it would be great, if you literally ate some sh##, because in their minds, this is fun. It's not fun in your mind, but that's not a consideration in the game.

You've heard of this game. Your neighbors, friends and maybe even family members were slaughtered, by not playing the game. They were violently forced to eat the sh## before they were murdered. Not eating the sh## isn't an option. However, you heard that others who acted like they were willingly eating the sh##, DID survive. So, you choose to survive by pretending to like eating sh##.

Now, can you see how you have confused a choice to use a method of survival, with an act of consent? They are NOT the same thing.

No one has to actually BE a rapist, to be an active participant in creating and maintaining rape culture. The rapists need the willful ignorance, the apathy and the denial, of those not directly involved. So, take care what you advocate or support. You, the general you.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


I think, legally this is why there is more weight given to observed events that to witness accounts. The example you gave paints a clear picture of coercion with much at stake to lose. Fortunately in this movie we have the benefit of seeing the events play out. So in your view she PRETENDED to go willingly so as to save her skin. Did she also pretend to enjoy playing the piano and singing with him? Did she pretend so wistfully be affected by his leaving? It's apparent that's not behavior consistent with someone conceding to sex to save her own skin. In your example there is clear unwillingness: in the movie the exact opposite is true. Btw sorry for the late response! Ha


So in your view she PRETENDED to go willingly so as to save her skin. Did she also pretend to enjoy playing the piano and singing with him? Did she pretend so wistfully be affected by his leaving? It's apparent that's not behavior consistent with someone conceding to sex to save her own skin.

Yes, the pretense is a survival skill and it is used because it may be effective.

In your example there is clear unwillingness: in the movie the exact opposite is true.

No, they are parallel experiences.

The failure of some to recognize the rape is a reflection of rape culture.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


It's a stretch buddy. Pretend to take him to the room.. go through with the sex... maybe. Singing with him and playing the piano and obviously ENJOYING IT? Then visibly upset he's leaving? That requires a step beyond just self preservation.


I appreciate open-minded, curious debaters.

I pity sexists, racists, homophobes, zealots and other types of limited capacity thinkers.

deus initium insaniae


As for the previous speculation that she was 15 in order to try to justify a claim of statutory rape, her age is never stated, and she was played by a 21-year old actress.

Nobody said that she was 15 year old.

There is nothing in the movie suggesting your claim that "they knew they'd be killed". The proportion of German women killed by GIs, if any, must have been very small. One in a million? Less?

I doubt that anyone cares about statistics when a foreign army invades your home town. It is only natural that women are afraid of being raped and killed under these circumstances. And it gets even more frightening when armed soldiers invade your appartment.

If you include the number of German women who were killed by American bombs/artillery "1 in a million" is a bit of an understatement.


I doubt that anyone cares about statistics when a foreign army invades your home town. It is only natural that women are afraid of being raped and killed under these circumstances. And it gets even more frightening when armed soldiers invade your appartment.

Check the thread I was responding to. Hotrodder claimed without evidence and contrary to statistics that these women "knew they would be killed". In truth, such was very unlikely.

 Live long and prosper.


How would they know they wouldn't be killed if they didn't submit? What evidence did they have to the contrary? The Allies had been killing German civilians for the last 5 years. By bombing and shelling admittedly but still with little mercy shown.
Her submissive behaviour is classic Stockholm Syndrome in trying to get close to one of her captors in order to survive, not because she somehow loved him. Sex is hardly consensual at the point or threat of a gun. And that is the whole point- they were captors, prisoners in their own home. Unless you somehow think that when enemy soldiers rampage into your town that the first thing the women want is sex with enemy soldiers? I'm quite sure they don't, what they are is terrified at what is going to happen next, especially as propaganda has painted the enemy as savages for the last 5-6 years. Women prisoners in Auschwitz and other camps suffered similar ordeals in similar circumstances, they had sex with their captors in order to survive longer.
So, Spock, if a group of armed men forced their way into your house and had sex with your womanfolk would you then think it wasn't rape because they didn't have bloody faces and bruises afterwards? Because they co-operated in order not to get murdered? Don't be silly, man. Again, people submit to forced actions because they wish to survive, not because they want such a thing to happen.

Frankly, you're defending the indefensible. In this movie it was rape, clear and simple.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.


I would also mind you that most GI/British soldiers' romances (and any subsequent marriages) with German women happened after the capitulation of Germany, not before it. Even after the war non-fraternisation rules regarding the military were in place.
I'm also quite sure many German woman submitted to rape without resisting to Soviet soldiers also to try to survive- are you claiming that that wasn't rape either?
The law does not state that a woman has to have physical injuries to have been raped, as I'm sure you're well aware.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.


How would they know they wouldn't be killed if they didn't submit?

Straw man fallacy. I am not the one claiming inside knowledge of what they knew. That's all on you.

How about you defend your claim that they knew they'd be killed? Your comparison of German women interacting with American soldiers passing through town and Jews at Auschwitz is less than convincing, to say the least.

 Live long and prosper.


Straw man fallacy. I am not the one claiming inside knowledge of what they knew. That's all on you.

How about you defend your claim that they knew they'd be killed? Your comparison of German women interacting with American soldiers passing through town and Jews at Auschwitz is less than convincing, to say the least.

How about the fact that they had just gone through it with the Red Army?

From The Guardian..

Marshal Rokossovsky issued order No 006 in an attempt to direct "the feelings of hatred at fighting the enemy on the battlefield." It appears to have had little effect. There were also a few arbitrary attempts to exert authority. The commander of one rifle division is said to have "personally shot a lieutenant who was lining up a group of his men before a German woman spreadeagled on the ground". But either officers were involved themselves, or the lack of discipline made it too dangerous to restore order over drunken soldiers armed with submachine guns.

Calls to avenge the Motherland, violated by the Wehrmacht's invasion, had given the idea that almost any cruelty would be allowed. Even many young women soldiers and medical staff in the Red Army did not appear to disapprove. "Our soldiers' behaviour towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely correct!" said a 21-year-old from Agranenko's reconnaissance detachment. A number seemed to find it amusing. Several German women recorded how Soviet servicewomen watched and laughed when they were raped. But some women were deeply shaken by what they witnessed in Germany. Natalya Gesse, a close friend of the scientist Andrei Sakharov, had observed the Red Army in action in 1945 as a Soviet war correspondent. "The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty," she recounted later. "It was an army of rapists."

"You are literally worse than slavery".


The RED Army? You mean the Soviet Red Army?

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


The RED Army? You mean the Soviet Red Army?

Yes, the Soviet Red Army. I put a link to the source.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.


And after all these weeks I have TOTALLY forgotten the context of my comment.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


A film that pretty much illustrates the points you made 'A Woman in Berlin'.

The film is based on a memoir, originally considered controversial reasoning that no honorable German woman would ever submit to the enemy.


Eire -

Thank you for posting the link to the film page for "A Woman in Berlin."

Some people who would never look at research studies or statistical databases, would watch a film. If anyone can offer more films on the topic, please post them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You're nuts. Everything is rape to you effeminate PC loons. If a guy even looks at a girl you consider it rape. Grow a pair.


You're nuts. Everything is rape to you effeminate PC loons. If a guy even looks at a girl you consider it rape. Grow a pair.

Great example of woman-hating sentiments. ^^^ There's help, if you seek it out.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


As for the previous speculation that she was 15 in order to try to justify a claim of statutory rape

Learn to read and understand what is written. I DID NOT say she was 15.

I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy the SAME way a 15 year old cannot legally give consent.

Coercion can't be ruled out as the women may feel under threat in such a situation even if there is none.

In the scene in the film, wardaddy makes it clear that the women had NO CHOICE in making his dinner and in having sex with Norman.

How can consent be given when there is NO CHOICE.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


My apologies for misunderstanding your analogy.

I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy the SAME way a 15 year old cannot legally give consent.

Please provide the pertinent laws to support such claim. It sounds made up.

But it's good to see you recognize it was consensual.

In the scene in the film, wardaddy makes it clear that the women had NO CHOICE in making his dinner and in having sex with Norman.

Not really. He says such to Norman in English. The German women did not speak English. It's not clear what they know. The scene seems entirely unrealistic, but the girl seems to perceive Wardaddy as a threat, and seems to seek out Norman for protection. They seem to develop a bond with unrealistic suddenness. They sing at the piano together, they stay close, and Norman agonizes over her loss.

How can consent be given when there is NO CHOICE.


Consider: Does a person consent to cancer treatment? Yes. He/she signs consent documents outlining the risks and benefits. The alternative is almost certain death, yet consent is obtained. In the case of this movie scene, the alternative is unclear. There is a small chance it might include death, but such is never stated or implied. Even when the alternative is death, consent can be obtained and very often is obtained.

 Live long and prosper.


My apologies for misunderstanding your analogy.

Apology accepted, Captain Needa.

But it's good to see you recognize it was consensual.

I dont, i am saying consent is not possible in those circumstances.

Please provide the pertinent laws to support such claim. It sounds made up.

You need me to provide links for the laws against rape? What?

There are circumstances where consent CANNOT be given legally and morally. In the instance of a minor, a student and teacher, an employer and employee, a soldier and enemy civilian, a girl drunk out of her head. in fact any situation where there is an inherent power gap.

"Regarding relations between an enemy soldier and the civilian population ~ A decision made in an environment of duress is not a decision. There has not been a meeting of minds or true will in the relationship. A choice made under the conditions of coercion does not indicate consent. Rape is rape. A persons choice to survive is not consent." From the book Sex and gender crimes in the new international law, past present and future.

"WHen the men claimed consent was given, it asked whether the conditions of the believed consent were consistent with conditions of possible consent. It determined that the power relationship between a civilian woman and an enemy soldier was such that consent in any meaningful snese could not have been given. Under these conditions, mistaking submission for consent was criminal" - Judgment of trial chamber in the Kunerac, kovac and Vukovic case 2001 in the Hague.

I worry about a man who doesnt see that coercion was involved in the scene in Fury, however nicely it was done.

Consider: Does a person consent to cancer treatment? Yes. He/she signs consent documents outlining the risks and benefits. The alternative is almost certain death, yet consent is obtained. In the case of this movie scene, the alternative is unclear. There is a small chance it might include death, but such is never stated or implied. Even when the alternative is death, consent can be obtained and very often is obtained.

Utter nonsense i'm afraid.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


You need me to provide links for the laws against rape?

No, obviously. I asked you to provide a reference supporting your nonsensical claim that consent cannot be given to an invading enemy.

You provided some recent opinions, but nothing from the pertinent rules of war or the rules of military conduct at the time. If you cannot find pertinent laws, then perhaps you can find a case where a wartime GI was convicted of rape after a German woman walked him into a bedroom and invited him onto her bed and then initiated sexual relations.

Your argument that consent cannot be given when there is no choice was easily refuted by a very common counterexample.

 Live long and prosper.


nonsensical claim that consent cannot be given to an invading enemy.

Claim? Its a fact. If a woman come forward and presses charges against a soldier that she had agreed to sex with 10 minutes after he kicked in the door and held her at gunpoint...he would be quickly found guilty. Its kind of worrying that you think otherwise.

You provided some recent opinions

So You think we shouldn't apply modern use of the law when interpreting depiction of historical crimes? Good grief.

Just because this wasn't challenged in a court in 1945, doesn't mean it isn't rape.

So I guess before husbands raping wives was recognised as illegal, it was OK in your mind?

Slavery was OK in your book too I guess, up to the time it was made illegal and then it was not OK.

That's seriously your position?

If you cannot find pertinent laws, then perhaps you can find a case where a wartime GI was convicted of rape after a German woman walked him into a bedroom and invited him onto her bed and then initiated sexual relations.

The laws on rape are well documented. I am not sure why you think I need to provide links to them? I provided a ruling from the Hague in 2001 where women consented to sex with enemy soldiers, it was ruled as rape. The women said they consented as they feared what would happen if they said no.

If the case in Fury went to court today, it would be ruled as rape. Very little doubt in that if you understand the law in any way. Problem is that in WW2, cases like this would not go court. Scrutiny of soldiers actions is much higher now.

Your argument that consent cannot be given when there is no choice was easily refuted by a very common counterexample.

The counterexample of cancer? That's was the worst, most inaccurate analogy I have read for a while on IMDB, so all I could do was call it what it was...nonsense.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Its a fact.

Your "facts" are merely false claims.

Your inability to support them is noted. Your thesis can safely be deposited in the appropriate receptacle.

 Live long and prosper.


Your "facts" are merely false claims.

No they are not.

Your inability to support them is noted.

I supported them just fine. You have already proven an inability to comprehend what is written.

Your 'comeback' against my points is also have none.

Say goodnight Gracie.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


I supported them just fine.

Really? Let's see.

I asked you to provide the pertinent laws of the period. The number you provided: Zero.

I asked you to provide a case where a US WW2 soldier was convicted of rape after of a woman who took him into her bedroom, set him on her bed, and initiated sexual relations. The number you provided: Zero.

You don't know the relevant laws. Ignorance is hardly a sound argument.

 Live long and prosper.


I asked you to provide the pertinent laws of the period. The number you provided: Zero.

And i told you, the laws against rape are well known, i dont have to prove anything. Also that 'laws at that time' are irrelevant when discussion what is 'right and moral'.

I asked you to provide a case where a US WW2 soldier was convicted of rape after of a woman who took him into her bedroom, set him on her bed, and initiated sexual relations.

Because i am not aware of any. And this does not negate a single one of my points.

Can you point to a case where a soldier kicks in a door, holds a woman at gunpoint, then 10 minutes later she willingly has 100% consensual sex with him?

You don't know the relevant laws

RAPE is against the law, i dont have to provide links to prove that to you.

I have provided plenty of reasons why this was rape, both moral and legal. you have not backed up a single one of your points, nor countered any of mine.

You are losing this one badly, you really should quit while you are behind.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Also that 'laws at that time' are irrelevant when discussion what is 'right and moral'.

Nice dodge. We are not discussing morality. We are discussing whether a crime called rape occurred. That crime occurred if and only if the acts depicted violate the relevant laws. So the law is central to the question and quite the opposite of "irrelevant".

That claim was obviously false, much like your others.

I get it. You really, really, really, really, desperately want to pretend a rape is depicted in this movie despite all evidence being to the contrary. Continue pretending such if you must, but don't expect it to be convincing.

 Live long and prosper.


Vulcan -

I get it. You really, really, really, really, desperately want to pretend a rape is depicted in this movie despite all evidence being to the contrary. Continue pretending such if you must, but don't expect it to be convincing.

This is a rapist's mindset. ^^^

It's astounding how so much ignorance can be coupled with so much arrogance but I guess in the absence of reality, fantasy and delusions of grandeur are all that remain.

The poster who expressed concern about this poster was being subtle.

Vulcan, did you find yourself in a situation like Norman's? Is that why you are defending the rapist character so strongly? The common thread in your posts is very pro-rape.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You are just a troll.

 Live long and prosper.


I get it. You really, really, really, really, desperately want to pretend a rape is depicted in this movie

Why do you think that?

I dont care either way what is depicted in a film. I am arguing with you because you are wrong, i have no other agenda.

Continue pretending such if you must, but don't expect it to be convincing.

It hard to convince someone who willfully ignores what i post, and is stubborn to the point of ignorance. But i knew you were like this anyway, seeing your posts on other boards, even when utterly shot down, you still dont concede you may be anything other than correct.

Many GI's in WW2 were found guilty of rape, many more of them got away with it. If the girl had lived and pressed charges, Norman would have been found guilty too.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


It hard to convince someone who willfully ignores what i post,

That is my experience with you, also.

If the girl had lived and pressed charges, Norman would have been found guilty too.

Not a chance. Norman made no threat nor any aggressive act. An argument might be made that Wardaddy made a threat, and that Wardaddy is guilty of some crime related to coercion, although Wardaddy's threat was to Norman. But Norman was just standing there stammering with his mouth agape wondering what to do when the German woman took him into the bedroom and seduced him. It's not just that she consented, it's not just that she did not resist, it's that she actively seduced Norman. She then acted as if she was his girlfriend and was sorrowful of his leaving. That's how I remember it, but it's been awhile since I saw the movie. When it comes out on cable TV we can debate it again. But the scene makes little sense overall and seems very far-fetched, given that the girl then seems to be in love with Norman, so debating an absurd fiction in detail does not sound like a good use of time.

 Live long and prosper.


That is my experience with you, also.

I can somewhat accept that, as i know i am right. oops, did i just agree with you and therefore negate your point?

into the bedroom and seduced him.

You are such a rapist apologist you even think SHE initiated everything? You should read some interviews with the director and what he meant to do with that scene. It certainly wasnt that she wanted sex with anyone.

It's not just that she consented, it's not just that she did not resist, it's that she actively seduced Norman

If that how you saw it, contrary to pretty much every film critic who reviewed the film, then perhaps your memory is very bad?

But the scene makes little sense overall and seems very far-fetched,

This we can agree on, the scene is poorly written.
Ayer clearly wanted to portray the type of abuse enemy women suffered but had it play out like a soft focus love scene. Its like he correctly set up the rape scene right up to the act itself and then chickened out portraying an actual rape. And that where YOUR confusion comes in. The act itself is not portrayed as 'rape', but all the proceeding events do.

The tension of that scene is as much as in the battle scenes, and interviews with the actors validate that it was meant to be that way.

An no i am not providing links, you have google, you can find the interviews yourself.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


You made a legal claim earlier in your thread, and failed to back it up. Whatever the merits of your argument, sounds to me you are in the wrong on that. Otherwise, why did you try to further justify yourself with modern legal opinions when you were unable to provide then-era legal opinions?


Modern legal opinions vs then-era legal opinions???

Rape was not legal in WW2 anyway, but our modern legal system and morals are still the correct way to judge the past. The 'the-era' way of doing things may explain what happened, but doesn't make it right.

Used to be legal to rape your wife, doesn't mean it was right.

Slavery used to be legal, doesn't mean its right.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Either you are making a legal claim or you are making a moral claim. These two are distinct, even if overlapping.

Since you did made a legal claim, you failed to back it up with citations. I am not arguing whether your position is right, I am arguing that you are wrong.


What legal claim are you talking about?

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader

There are circumstances where consent CANNOT be given legally ... In the instance of ... a soldier and enemy civilian ... in fact any situation where there is an inherent power gap

The laws on rape are well documented ... And i told you, the laws against rape are well known, i dont have to prove anything
How about the above legal claims? Laws do not apply retroactively, particularly for citizens of the United States under its Constitution.


I have already answered this point. Modern morality and the laws it creates can absolutely allow us to pass judgement on the past. Its not like rape was OK before it was illegal.

I don't really understand your point, you are incorrect if you think what we saw in the film was OK legally and therefore OK morally. It wasn't OK legally or morally in 1945 either, US GI's were convicted and executed for rape of civilian women.

If the laws about such things weren't well documented or well known, then why were GI's convicted of rape of civilian women in 1945? That's a fact that they were, and also a fact the convictions were a small proportion of the rapes that took place.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Modern morality and the laws it creates can absolutely allow us to pass judgement on the past
No, it cannot. Because you are claiming that it allows you to pass legal judgement, and this is specifically prohibited by the US Constitution.

If the laws about such things weren't well documented or well known ... That's a fact that they were
Sure, prove it. Citation?

"I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader

There are circumstances where consent CANNOT be given legally ... In the instance of ... a soldier and enemy civilian ... in fact any situation where there is an inherent power gap"


No, it cannot. Because you are claiming that it allows you to pass legal judgement,

No, its a film, I am not looking to prosecute anyone. Morality doesn't change because laws are different. It was never morally right to rape someone. I can use our current level of morality to judge events from the past depicted in film. That is correct and what films are trying to do. They are not making films about war crimes and thinking the audience must only judge this with the mindset of the time.

Sure, prove it. Citation?

Prove what? That USA Gi's were convicted and executed for rape of civilians in 1945? Don't you have google?

As this newspaper article about a new book on the subject says, A total of 152 American soldiers were tried for the crime, of whom 29 were hanged. So its a documented fact that rape of civilians by GI's was illegal and punishable by death. Si while our modern morality finds rape to be wrong, so did morality in 1945.

I am still trying to find your point? Rape was morally and legally wrong then just as it is now.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT [emphasis mine] be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader
Nope. Prove the above. Provide a legal citation for your above claim.

My point is simple and straightforward. You made the above claim. Now prove it. Simple.


Seriously, you don't understand the legal concept of consent?

Consent cannot be given if the person who 'consents' was under duress and felt they had no choice but to give consent. This would obviously include a situation where an enemy soldier kicks in your door, pulls you from a hiding place and points a gun at you, forces you to make them food and then says 'if you don't have sex with her, I will'.

Obviously the woman can easily prove in these circumstances that she feared for what would happen to her or the other women if she didn't comply. The events in the film are so poorly written that it makes it look like just 10 minutes after having a gun pointed at her, the woman willingly gives consent...of course IRL this would not happen, and the events depicted are more understandable in the context that she feared for what would happen to her without having sex. Hence consent is not possible in the circumstances presented and any claim of rape would be legally correct and upheld.

Literally hundreds of web pages about the rape and consent laws, so take your pick...heres one for you as google seems to be something beyond you?

threatening or placing that other person in fear that any person will be subjected to death, grievous bodily harm, or kidnapping;

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


[Claim] I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT [emphasis mine] be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader

[Citation] threatening or placing that other person in fear
Nope. Your claim was that under no scenario can a civilian ever grant consent to an armed enemy invader. There was no requirement of threat in your claim, quote provided above.

Once again, provide a citation that a civilian can never under any circumstance or scenario provide such consent. That was your claim, now support it.


I have explained it with citations. The rape and consent laws are pretty clear.

BTW Your question makes no sense...if the woman presses charges then there would be a court case. I have already cited the times this has happened to USA GI's in WW2. (Obviously women who are raped in war time by enemy soldiers most of them dont press charges, they are just glad to be alive.) If she doesn't press charges because she really was willing, as unlikely and bizzare that would be then there would not be a court no legal case would be heard...and no citation is possible. Or do you really think I can cite the times that no charges were brought on a soldier who had sex with a civilian?

Sorry you don't get this, I am not explaining consent and rape laws to you any more, the statement that an armed enemy soldier pointing a gun at a woman cannot legally get consent for sex is 100% accurate as if the woman pressed charges, he would lose the case as the situation would be one where he can't prove the woman didn't fear what would happen if she said no.

Get it?

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Or do you really think I can cite the times that no charges were brought on a soldier who had sex with a civilian?

You can cite a legal ruling (for a trial where charges were brought) or legal opinion from a judge that this is ipso facto illegal. You claimed that it is ipso facto illegal, so provide the citation.

Simple, isn't it?

[You are basically screwed. Since there is no such ruling I am aware of during the era shown in the film]


You claimed that it is ipso facto illegal, so provide the citation.

The consent and rape laws are well known, I have provided citations.

You are basically screwed as the law is clear in this matter and you are asking for a citation for something that has never happened...a rape trial where no one claimed someone was raped.

Since there is no such ruling I am aware of during the era shown in the film

Well unless you can provide a citation for that, that isn't true.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


The consent and rape laws are well known, I have provided citations
Nope. You provided citations for some other position, not the position you are defending now. As explained, you may provide a citation where the soldier was charged, offered an affirmative defence that consent was obtained, and the judge ruled against such an defence on the grounds that such sex is ipso facto illegal. Do you not understand how legal rulings work?

Well unless you can provide a citation for that, that isn't true
Lol. Haha. You are the one stating a position that such sex is ipso facto illegal, you have the burden of proof and not me. The soldier is not guilty by presumption and have to prove his innocence. You prove that such sex is ipso facto illegal. Or do you wish to back down?

I am sincerely interested in how you try to get out of this. Thus far, usually my opponent just gets pissed, types some insults and run away. Really, there is no favourable end game here I can see for you. Morale of the story? Don't make bold claims (you are not sure of being able to back up) or be willing to back down when called out.


Huh. Guess I finally managed to knock some sense into you. You know, I really wish that people can be more grateful on the internet.

Of the many many people I enlightened, only a few were proper enough to acknowledge it. Most just flee quietly in embarrassment. A simple "You were right and I was wrong about the US Constitution" would be appreciated.


I answered your question correctly and won the argument several times. I stopped responding as i suspect you are too dumb to understand the answer, so i am just wasting my time with you.

So in conclusion, I won the argument, citing legal references to the rape and consent laws and you had nothing and lost badly.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Sure, provide citations then that such sex is ipso facto illegal. We all know that rape is illegal, that is not the citations you are being asked for.

You claim A, now prove A. Don't try to prove B because it is easier. Go on, little boy. Do what you say you did.


So in conclusion, I won the argument, citing legal references to the rape and consent laws and you had nothing and lost badly.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Lol. Repeating something doesn't make it true. Where are these citations that such sex is ipso facto illegal?

If you claim you have it, show it.


I will explain it to you 1 last time numbnuts...

An enemy soldier breaks into a house and points a gun at a civilian. He has sex with the civilian. The civilian presses charges of rape. The soldier claims its was consensual. The woman claims she was afraid what would happen if she said no. That is rape. The soldier is found guilty.

There is no circumstance where an armed enemy soldier can claim the civilian woman didn't fear for her safety if she said no. Therefore if a woman claims she was raped even though she said YES to the armed soldier, he will lose the case and go to jail. Rape is all about consent. consent can't be expected or proven in these circumstances. Saying yes is not consent when someone is completely controlling the situation and you have no choice.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Nope, not interested in your opinion. You claimed that sex between a civilian and an "armed enemy invader" is ipso facto illegal. Prove it by posting the citations you claimed to have.


Already proven. Its not my opinion its a fact that rape is based on consent and no enemy soldier with a gun can claim an unarmed civilian consented to sex when she says it was rape.

You prove its not illegal for an enemy soldier to rape a civilian...with citations moron.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


Nope, not interested in your opinion. Prove it. You are the one making the claim, you have the burden of proof. The soldier does not have to prove he is innocent, you claim he is guilty, you prove it.

Already proven [no actual citation in said reply post]
You see where this is going, right? You claim your legal position is correct and have citations, I ask you for the citations, you claim that you have (but do not actually provide it) and dispute that you are obliged to have citations (when you already claimed to have them). See how stupid you look? 😂


The soldier does not have to prove he is innocent, you claim he is guilty, you prove it.

The law says he is guilty, not me. None of it is my opinion, just the correct interpretation of the law.

You see where this is going, right? You claim your legal position is correct and have citations, I ask you for the citations, you claim that you have (but do not actually provide it)

I have already cited the laws on consent, what more do you need moron? Consent is not possible even when a women says 'yes' if she fears for her safety if she says no. If an enemy soldier kicks in your door, points gun at you, forces you to make him food then says 'if you don't have sex with her I will' then the woman understands she has no choice. Open and shut case. Back to you moron.

See how stupid you look?

Only you looking stupid here moron...carry on. Ask for citations again, and I will again point out that I have already provided them.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


[Claim by MarwoodWalks] I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT [emphasis mine] be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader
Your claim is that sex between a civilian and an armed enemy invader is ipso facto illegal (without indicating any further proof of force or the use of force).

Provide citations for your actual claim as quoted above. Can't do it? Because you are full of sh*t.


Citations already provided.

You do understand that for a person to be found guilty of rape...someone has to accuse them of rape first? you are aware of that yes? So if a woman presses charges of rape, then the rape laws and how consent is determined in regard to the situation we see in the film are 100% on her side, even if she said yes.

Ask me again for citations moron, you will get the same answer. BTW...You really are a moron.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


[Claim by MarwoodWalks] I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT [emphasis mine] be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader

[Current Claim] in regard to the situation we see in the film
Nope. Your idiot claim was that in all scenarios, not merely that shown in the film.

Ask me again for citations moron, you will get the same answer
I already know that. Because you are too much of a moral coward to admit you are full of sh*t. Lol. If you have it, you would prove it instead of loudly claiming to have it. Idiot.


Your idiot claim was that in all scenarios, not merely that shown in the film.

Yes all scenarios where an armed soldier breaks into a house and has sex with the female hiding in the house, and she then presses rape charges.

I'll ask again, you do understand that someone has to press charges for the soldier to be arrested for rape? Do you understand that? Yes or no.

If you have it, you would prove it instead of loudly claiming to have it. Idiot.

I don't claim anything, A link to the laws on rape and consent has already been provided. Ask me again for citations moron, you will get the same answer.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


[Claim by MarwoodWalks] I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT [emphasis mine] be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader

[Current Claim] Yes all scenarios where an armed soldier breaks into a house and has sex with the female hiding in the house, and she then presses rape charges
Nope, this was not your initial claim. I quoted your initial claim word for word above. You are just backpedalling now because you got called out by me.

someone has to press charges for the soldier to be arrested for rape
If your claim is that the victim herself must lodge a claim as an absolute requirement, then this is certainly incorrect.

Ask me again for citations moron, you will get the same answer
The same cowardly answer you have repeatedly given? And the same question that I shall repeat again and again to rub your face in it?

If you have it, then prove it. State the citations and quote from it.


You are just backpedalling now because you got called out by me.

Nope, learn to read, i haven't back-pedalled anything, my interpretation of the law is the same as always.

If your claim is that the victim herself must lodge a claim as an absolute requirement, then this is certainly incorrect.

Let me repeat what i said: " someone has to press charges for the soldier to be arrested for rape"

That someone is very unlikely to be the soldiers buddies. If the woman doesn't want to come forward for fear or whatever, then the case will probably be lost. Lots of wartime rape goes unpunished as victims don't come forward.

Why didn't you answer the question moron?

The same cowardly answer you have repeatedly given?

Aww boo hoo, you trying to upset me, is that it? Yes i have already provided citations pertinent to the discussion. Ask me again moron and you will get the same answer.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


she then presses rape charges ... that someone has to press charges for the soldier to be arrested for rape
If you are not implying that it is necessarily the victim, then yes, I agree that someone must initiate the process. So? You can still provide citations from a judge that it is ipso facto illegal when the soldier claims consent as a defence.

Ask me again moron and you will get the same answer
The same cowardly answer you have repeatedly given? And the same question that I shall repeat again and again to rub your face in it? If you have it, then prove it, cowardly idiot. State the citations and quote from it.

[Claim by MarwoodWalks] I am trying to explain that consent CANNOT [emphasis mine] be legally given by a civilian to an armed enemy invader


RAPE is against the law, i dont have to provide links to prove that to you.

Read what you can about the footballer Ched Evans case in the UK of recent months.

Potted story. Girl meets footballer and goes to a hotel type room and perhaps [consensual sex takes place] After wards footballer calls friend [the subject above]. Hey friend I have just finished got of a really hot bit of pussy here. She looks well out of it. Wanna come over and have a go. Response 'why not girl friend is pregnant and not really up for it see you soon. I PARAPHRASE of course. Wel ove he comes and uses the unconscious girl to offload what normally would have gone into a bit of tissue or his girlfriends face/breasts or buttocks.

The girl did not even know that this had happened. It was even filmed by couple of friends. Somehow girl got the knowledge. Case was tried he got 5 years. Denied rape for the 2 and half years he served and then an appeal was made. Apparently a large sum of money was able to used to find a couple of guys who had had sex with this girl. I must assume in the first instance that they did indeed at one time have sex and knowingly with the girl. This was enough for a new judge to suggest that the man who came over to enjoys sloppy seconds with an unconscious girl did not RAPE her.

Now in my world the guy would not have been able to mount an appeal as it is hard from an unmarked grave at the back of a jail wall.

IMHO all those policemen who are depicted as doing a prostitute are rapists. EVERYONE who knowingly has sex with a girl OWNED by a PIMP [are they really nearly all black?] are rapists. ALL those who have sex with trafficked girls from eastern Europe are rapists. But what can we do other than just wipe them out. What can we do about the traffickers who must deserve something worse than just execution. Someone did suggest that there area different levels of RAPE. I do understand what that statement was trying to convey but it is not helpful. Never having been in a situation with a female who I was only just meeting hopefully means that I ever pushed myself on anyone. I do not know what I would feel waking up in bed with a relative stranger as seems the norm.

In this film an attempt was being made to show the many aspects of an ordinary tank crew. They were now advancing through the Germany, A Germany much depleted in nearly everything. How they managed to have eggs and made it seem like a big thing I do not understand as never spotted Telly Savalas [Guffy look it up right here IMDB now] anywhere. The scene causing so much rift here is trying to show a few emotions. Pitt does tell the rookie that if he does not take her to bed HE WILL. A backhanded attempt of showing a form of acceptance maybe but the statement was one of potential rape or use of power by him. The girl seems to understand and chooses to let the younger man take her. If they had wanted to show a RAPE that was brutal that intent had already been displayed by some who were becoming numbed and cruel. The cruelty is often shown when an anti war theme is being pushed.

Technically and maybe even morally this was rape. BUt you can see here why some feel that there are different levels of rape. Did anyone notice that in the series TUDORS out king Henry often asked the lady about to be penetrated if she was okay with what he was about to do. The fathers and mothers may well have schooled them to the possibility and the need to graciously accept the few thrusts of the royal member. Allegedly never a very long event so that might have been a small blessing. SO here was serial rape endorsed by abusive parents.

Quite a few american soldiers were executed for rape. A few in England of course as men tend to be that group which does such things. When a man finds that he can perform the sex act under such conditions I will suggest that the rapist has always been in his make up. Gang banging, threesomes, on camera to order with audiences all point towards a very suspect character IMHO. Yes it was RAPE but I doubt the film makers saw it that way. They tried to show a good american heart at work and the anguish when the home was demolished in front of. How the girl managed to be on top off the rubble was amazing though. That was the chance for Coon Ass to take advantage while she was still warm.


well, 15 year olds can give consent in a lot of places in Europe...

"It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big."


Fisktor -

well, 15 year olds can give consent in a lot of places in Europe...

The medical research is that a girl who has sex before the age of 17 is more likely to develop ovarian cancer and the risk of dying of pregnancy is ridiculously high. Both dangers, after the age of 17 are greatly reduced.

So, the cultural mores mean nothing to me, nor the religious or bohemian perspectives on the sexuality of women. Look at the science... to know what is good, safe and natural, for women's bodies and health and well-being. If those are not the primary deciding factors in when to become sexual, then what exactly is the purpose of having sex?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I am surprised that we even have women left in Sweden, considering everyone I have ever met had sex before 17.

"It's a big rock. I can't wait to tell my friends. They don't have a rock this big."


Would a reasonable person accept a claim that there was no consent? If armed men kicked the door in, I think not.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


Squeeth -

Would a reasonable person accept a claim that there was no consent? If armed men kicked the door in, I think not.

Did you write that correctly?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Hotrodder -

This scene shouldn't have been included in the movie IMO, as by far the great majority of US and British servicemen were not rapists but this movie gives the impression it was commonplace. It's an insult to Allied servicemen.

I couldn't disagree more. Rape should ALWAYS be depicted in war films because it is ALWAYS used as a tool of war. It's soldiers as rapists.

A modern example was in the DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo, when the government supplied the troops with Viagra so they could complete the planned, 3-days of rape of nearly 300 women.

You say, "It's an insult to Allied Servicemen." Well, is it an insult to all men when we call some of them rapists in civilian life?

Here's the fix, Guys...

Are you one of the good guys? Are you honorable, protective, respectful and do you say you love women?

When's the last time you did anything at all to combat rape, domestic violence and incest? Have you so much as typed one key to sign an online petition to fight rapists?

If not, go do it now, or shut up knowing that you are a rapist supporter. Maybe a silent one and maybe you say words in your head that make you feel like a good guy, but if you have done nothing to fight it, remember:

That which we permit; we promote.

And, Gals, you aren't off the hook, either! What have you done? Do you befriend, date or marry guys who do NOTHING to fight abuses of women? Don't! Give the good guys a chance, instead. Think about it... when you say you care, don't you back it up with action? Respect the guys who respect women. :) They are far superior to those who don't walk their talk.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Actually, it shouldn't have been omitted. Allied servicemen (western) raped well over 100k German women, there's plenty of documentation of this, and then there was the looting (You've seen Band Of Brothers, right?). Unfortunately these things happen in wartime situations. That's no excuse though.

The Germans did the same thing, especially in Russia, and the Russians "returned the favor" when the tide turned for the Germans.


I agree that there was some threads of intimidatory behavior, certainly Coon-asse behaved like a complete chimp, Pitt's character seemed a little Jekyl and Hyde not making up his mind if he was going to behave well or as a monster, there was some implied menace in him, but although they had uninvited guests that they did not know what they might be capable of, I did not see any compulsion for sex.They were given gifts, cigarettes, coffee, maybe food, which would have been highly welcome anyway.
I don't think the women were that worried about them.


If your home is invaded, and your daughter forceably taken, will you tell the police that she had consensual sex or was raped?


If your home is invaded, and your daughter forceably taken, will you tell the police that she had consensual sex or was raped?

"Invaded" and "forcibly" are the factors which preclude consent, so any sexual activity would be assault and penetration of any kind is rape.

Susan, "but I was thinking..." Leo, "STOP! Thinking is for losers!" - Scandal's satirical message.


Personally i would not take advantage of a desperate woman and would share any food i had if she was starving.

I would like to think that I too would share my food and not take advantage. But I'm sitting in my house, warm and safe as I type this. I'm not away from home ,fighting in a war ,surrounded by death and destruction, scared, overwhelmed and knowing that I could be dead soon. So the truth is I have no idea what I would or won't do in that situation.
Yes the US Army had strict regulations forbidding fraternization with enemy civilians. These regulations were almost universally ignored ignored.


So the truth is I have no idea what I would or won't do in that situation.

fair enough, and i agree. I do not know how much war would change me from the person i am now.

Yes the US Army had strict regulations forbidding fraternization with enemy civilians. These regulations were almost universally ignored ignored.

Correct, those rules are to protect female civilians. And i agree that Norman would never have seen the inside of a court room for his actions, but that does not mean it wasn't illegal.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Correct, those rules are to protect female civilians
I was under the impression they were part of the attempt to get control of the extremely high VD rate among US G.I's.


Marwood -

Yes the US Army had strict regulations forbidding fraternization with enemy civilians. These regulations were almost universally ignored ignored.

Correct, those rules are to protect female civilians.

What is the source of this ^^^ statement? Is it opinion?

I ask because I am unaware of any war policy initiated in the interest of women.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I ask because I am unaware of any war policy initiated in the interest of women.

Army wartime regulations and procedures exist to protect the soldier and non combatants. International law, local law, the Geneva convention all prohibit sexual violence against women, FYI - this is in the interest of women!

Wartime rape of civilians can be prosecuted as a war crime.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Marwood -

Army wartime regulations and procedures exist to protect the soldier and non combatants. International law, local law, the Geneva convention all prohibit sexual violence against women, FYI - this is in the interest of women!

Wartime rape of civilians can be prosecuted as a war crime. nst-women/international-violence-against-women-act

^^^ This Act, IVAWA, is in the works because there is no International Law regarding violence against women.

I'm in America, which is the only country which did not sign international agreements which respect the lives of women. Lives, I mean that literally. Dead's okay as things stand now.

I ask if that's opinion or if you have a source because your assertions appear to be propaganda-like and not fact-based. You know, like we wish things were that good, but they aren't.

Again, I'm American and here, the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide, committed by husbands and boyfriends. The laws exist but the culture is cool with letting it continue. No one would pay lip service to the woman-hating. The more common experience is guys who say they love women but have never so much as signed an online petition to fight rape, domestic violence and incest.

Not so long ago, the government of the DRC supplied soldiers with Viagra so they would be prepared for a planned, 3-day rape campaign in which 300 women and girls were brutalized. And, guess what? The DRC maintained their "post-conflict" status, which meant they remained eligible for peace-building funds. Why? Because what constitutes the end of genocide is usually a shift to femicide - because there are no negative consequences for horrors perpetrated against women.

Those facts ^^^ are why I asked what sources you are drawing from because there's a glaring disconnect between us, so I wanted to go read what informed you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I am not sure i understand your point, Rape is against the law, has been for many years, soldiers are not above the law. The only reason soldiers get away with it is a lack of people pressing charges.

904 American GI's were tried of Rape in Europe during WW2. Whilst the number of rapes committed by USA soldiers is undoubtedly much much higher, this does at least prove that rape was against military law and local laws.

Again, I'm American and here, the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide, committed by husbands and boyfriends.

Sorry to hear that, thats really messed up. Are these murders because they are pregnant?

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Hi Marwood -

Internet threads kind of limit the extent and depth of any discussion but I'll answer as best I can. Your other posts have me thinking that we share a common value, so here, I think I'm refuting wording and not the point itself. I leave it to you to correct me if I'm wrong on that point.

I am not sure i understand your point,

I'm unclear as to which point you refer to.

Rape is against the law, has been for many years, soldiers are not above the law. The only reason soldiers get away with it is a lack of people pressing charges.

I strongly disagree. Do you know that saying about raising children, "It takes a village."? That also pertains to a rape culture which gets even worse in war zones. Looking at every step, from the thought of rape to getting away with it, involves the support of many people, even in the form of passivity and silence. (think of the Germans who lived happily in denial right beside the camps)

That same apathy, hostility or support for the Holocaust is exactly the same kind of human depravity which allows most people to accept that every few minutes, someone is raped, and do absolutely nothing to end it.

904 American GI's were tried of Rape in Europe during WW2. Whilst the number of rapes committed by USA soldiers is undoubtedly much much higher, this does at least prove that rape was against military law and local laws.

True, but incomplete. The societal culture back then did not support reporting rape. This changes drastically when the rapists are from somewhere else... then, people are encouraged to report the rapes. It's the concept of "the other" and "the stranger." The bad people are the other people and when we put a spotlight on "them," it does not reflect our own community. There are some who will read your example of U.S. soldiers and they will tell themselves that it's more of a problem for Yanks. Of course not, the problem is global.

Also, the laws evolve. I'll use an example from American domestic violence laws:
In 1980, a woman had to suffer 5 acts of violence which required hospital care, within a 6-month period, to qualify to ASK for a hearing for a restraining order. Today, a temporary order is granted almost upon request, based on a sworn, written statement of personal danger. A hearing is set and the facts are reviewed to determine if it will be dismissed, made permanent and to determine if a larger criminal case is required.

So, there's a difference between those two realities, yet the statement, "Domestic violence is against the law." fits both situations. Which is why I said, "incomplete."

Again, I'm American and here, the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide, committed by husbands and boyfriends.

Sorry to hear that, thats really messed up. Are these murders because they are pregnant?

"Because" - I'm going to assign the reasoning for the "why?" of it, to some deficiency in the murderer. Same as with rapists, the problem and the dysfunction is theirs alone.

The statistics drop for non-pregnant women.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



I agree with all you say, and the confusion is probably just the wording. I thought you were saying that there is no 'law' against wartime rape. I was just saying there is, but I agree that it is not much to stop the wartime culture of rape.

The statistics drop for non-pregnant women.

Do you know if this just an American statistic or is this common for all countries?

Don't understand why they don't just leave the woman if they cant handle the increased responsibility and stress, why kill? But then I am not a violent cowardly person, so maybe its impossible to understand these things.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Marwood -

Do you know if this just an American statistic or is this common for all countries?

I was referring to a Department of Justice and Healthy Start study which found that the leading cause of death in pregnant women is homicide, so that's an American statistic.

For an international, or comparative view, I suggest these sites: rankorderguide.html

I frequently use these sites because they are credible references. ^^^ Statistics, on human beings, should be used as "ballpark" figures, IMO, because no one is perfect and debating the exact accuracy of numbers, tends to distract from the issue, itself.

This is a recent case: pregnant-women/

If you google these words, "leading cause of death in pregnant women" you will get a list of relevant sites.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I would like to think that I too would share my food and not take advantage. But I'm sitting in my house, warm and safe as I type this. I'm not away from home ,fighting in a war ,surrounded by death and destruction, scared, overwhelmed and knowing that I could be dead soon. So the truth is I have no idea what I would or won't do in that situation.

to me, it always seems a strange aphrodisiac, frankly...

as a sidebar, it has been reported or noted, places like France and Italy,you could cite Germany itself but of course there the German army was not an occupying army just a defending one, apparently US forces passing through or occupying actually committed far more rapes/sexual assaults, than the occupying Germans had done...

It seems odd, when women could usually be freely had for a few cigarettes or food anyway..


I was never even sure if he actually bonked her..

Was sure over in a New York minute, if he did, plus, he may have shared the moral compunctions alluded to here...even though she seemed enthusiastic enough.


It's a movie, who cares.


TD -

Is it a rape when a hungry woman trades sex for food?

Why do you ask? What is your answer to your own question?

My answer... we call that prostitution - trading sex for food, but a lot of times, there's cash paid and then later the food is bought and eaten.

We now know that 98% of all prostitutes began as children fleeing incest and children sold or stolen for sexual exploitation (rape). The fact that a prostitute ages and is "hired" as an adult, does not excuse the "purchaser" from the fact they have become a part of that child in an adult's body's destruction and suffering.

For anyone who is fuzzy about what rape actually is, a safe place to draw the line is to ask this, "Does she / he want to have sex with me?" If the person NEEDS to have sex with you to survive, some may call that a "gray area," but I'll call it rape. Non-rapists would be unable to participate in causing sexual harm to another person, just because they could. A non-rapist doesn't see a rape opportunity when faced with another's suffering which they could alleviate (by offering food with no sexual demands, pressure or suggestions) involved.

There are so many rapists and military rapists that it is certain that on any discussion board, a few of them are posting and reading. Some of the posts in this thread surely reflect their mindset.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Not every case of women trading sex for money is called prostitution. Sometimes it´s called marriage.


Yes, because there's an element of power involved, besides, it's not like they were in a position to say NO. Just like during slavery and colonization. Rape doesn't have to be violent. Threat, coercion, or the fear of repercussions against oneself or others is enough constitutes rape.


Vulcans_Rule -

Was there a rape in this film?

Yes, there were many rapes in Fury... however, those with a rapist mentality would be unable to recognize them.

Those who are rapists would be so infuriated by this being pointed out that they would quickly move towards:

1 - denial

2 - minimization

3 - rationalization

4 - confabulation.

They are easy to spot, really. Stick out like a sore thumb!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Wow, that Trekkie kuntext or cuntext or kotex guy from 9 years ago is a true moron. They're easy to spot, really. Stick out like a sore thumb! How fucking stupid do you have to be to say anyone who doesn't think there's a rape in the movie is a rapist? That's not a rhetorical question--seriously, how fucking brain-dead retarded would someone have to be to think that?


It can't be wartime rape of civilians by an occupying force if Brad Pitt is shirtless and flexing while a fresh-faced young recruit plays the piano.

Please refer to the relevant NATO charter.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


jake -

It can't be wartime rape of civilians by an occupying force if Brad Pitt is shirtless and flexing while a fresh-faced young recruit plays the piano.

Please refer to the relevant NATO charter.

Well said.

And thus... The Gentleman's Guide to Chivalrous Rape During Wartime.

We've seen rape depicted in war films before... nothing new there. What I love about Fury is that it showed how nonchalant and accustomed to the horror both the soldiers and the women were, but it also highlighted the deliberate nature of indoctrinating soldiers to become rapists.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


WW2 was full of rape. The Russians supposedly raped over 2 million German women aged 13-70. In a war like that, you can get away with anything and do whatever it takes to get by. Cannibalism, rape, torture, genocide, you dream it, they did it. The women in this film were probably so used to using their bodies to stay alive at that point or so happy to be "liberated" that they didn't mind at all. These women were surrounded by men behaving like animals, bombing raids, famine, death at every corner FOR YEARS. You remember that scene in Monsters Ball where Halle Berry tells Billy Bob she just "wants to feel good" because her son was just murdered and her life was sh*t so she has sex with him? That's probably how they felt. Plus women can get just as horny as men. :)

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


stand -

WW2 was full of rape. The Russians supposedly raped over 2 million German women aged 13-70. In a war like that, you can get away with anything and do whatever it takes to get by. Cannibalism, rape, torture, genocide, you dream it, they did it.

Rape is a traditional and effective tool of war. All wars... there are no "rape-free" wars. War isn't just about killing people. It's about destroying a culture, decimating land and property and over-powering the will of others. The Enemy.

Rape is a natural fit because it is a violent expression of power and control. A rapist uses a body as if it is a thing. That objectification is exactly the same perspective soldiers are trained to use towards The Enemy, except sometimes soldiers share a mutual regard, a respect for the warrior, which is not present in the rapist's view of the raped.

The women in this film were probably so used to using their bodies to stay alive at that point or so happy to be "liberated" that they didn't mind at all. These women were surrounded by men behaving like animals, bombing raids, famine, death at every corner FOR YEARS. You remember that scene in Monsters Ball where Halle Berry tells Billy Bob she just "wants to feel good" because her son was just murdered and her life was sh*t so she has sex with him? That's probably how they felt. Plus women can get just as horny as men. :)

Okay, I'm a little sick to my stomach after reading this. ^^^

No, only in a rapist's fantasy would a woman find a rape to be a vacation from the troubles of war! Women mind being raped. Just think of that as a fact.

Consider this... what if... instead of sending men to shoot each other, we sent them out to rape each other in the fields or mountains or beaches, and just let the rapes happen until no one can walk anymore. Because you know, men can get just as horny as women.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


they didn't rape the women in the film, they let the guys have sex with them because of the implication that things might not go over so well if they didn't (or they just wanted to have sex), but it wasn't rape, if those women fought back then maybe they would have been alright, we'll never know, but they didn't put guns in their mouths, when it comes down to it women have to use their greatest tool, men have muscle, women have their sexuality, of course women "mind" getting raped, and there's no need to joke about men getting butt raped, films like "last house on the left" "cross of iron" and "deliverance" show rape, if a woman doesn't want to have sex and thinks she's getting raped I sure she's not just going to hop into a tank with a stranger, or do you think they tricked her into getting into the tank because she thought they'd just end up playing monopoly, all the axis, especially the german people knew that invading armies were coming to kill, pillage, and rape, hitler and horihito had their people suiciding themselves to the thought, so the women expected the americans to be animals, unless you use force it's not rape, it's sex, if you have to pay cigarettes and eggs for sex then it's prostitution, women prostitute themselves for goods all the time

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


unless you use force it's not rape, it's sex,

That is dangerously ignorant. Coercion can take many forms.

You better educate yourself with the law, or you will end up in prison.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


nope, not the lyric, I learned it all was a lie

dangerously ignorant? well there are many levels of coercion, hell a wing man on a friday night paired with a nice pick-up line at last call could also be considered rape if the naive girl falls for that crap, a one night stand is rape now I guess

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


stand -

dangerously ignorant? well there are many levels of coercion, hell a wing man on a friday night paired with a nice pick-up line at last call could also be considered rape if the naive girl falls for that crap, a one night stand is rape now I guess

These words and this stance reflect a rapist's mindset.

So, what's going on here? Either you lack any education on rape and healthy boundaries or you do know and agree with rapists.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


you guys seem to lack reading comprehension, yes I'm a rapist, I'm a sexual predator, a deviant, congratulations chris hansen, you found me out, I'm a regular bill cosby though because I use drugs instead of force, which we all know is perfectly legal in the lower 48

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


standrkm -

you guys seem to lack reading comprehension, yes I'm a rapist, I'm a sexual predator, a deviant, congratulations chris hansen, you found me out, I'm a regular bill cosby though because I use drugs instead of force, which we all know is perfectly legal in the lower 48

I think it's a good first step to admit the problem.

Online, it's difficult to ascertain if you are kidding or being a bold rapist, high on the manipulation.. If I admit it can I hide in plain sight? So, I'll take you at your words. Multiple posts show the problem clearly so I wondered at the origin. Obviously, there's an ego issue here, so I'll just say that if you are a rapist, stop and get help now. If you are simply ignorant, go educate yourself because you write the rapist's mindset to perfection. If you are a rapist, then your posts are congruent and clear, but if you aren't, then you may not wish to present yourself like that anymore.

In person, we can't see a rapist by just looking at them. Same as here... just watch for the red flags.

1) The refusal to respect and submit to being told, "No." Consent is EVERYTHING!

2) Rage from powerlessness. Psychological and maybe sexual impotence.

3) Objectification (Madonna / Whore complex) Women are good wives/ Moms OR sexually free beings (whore, to the rapist's mind).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


yes I'm a rapist,

From what you have written here, i believe you.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Marwood -

unless you use force it's not rape, it's sex,

You beat me to it... your response to that ^^^

That is dangerously ignorant. Coercion can take many forms.

You better educate yourself with the law, or you will end up in prison.

Or worse, that there are more rape victims out there! Plus, rapists shouldn't count on prison. Some people die as attempted rapists. Just sayin'.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


kuntext, i think we are on the same page in this debate.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive

Is that meant to be the Soundgarden lyric? Cos its wrong if it is.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


stand -

Okay, so you express your unique snowflake self by rebelling against paragraph breaks and any capitalization other than the LOL, "I."

Your post is full of pro-rape sentiments. Those words couldn't possibly be more wrong. I'm surprised that you and Vulcan aren't embarrassed to be revealing yourselves.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Oh, you're one of those people that needs a capitalized word at the beginning to tell you when to start reading and a dot when to know when to stop. Yeah, me and this Vulcan guy are in cahoots. We live near an Army base and tag-team the daughters of military officers 0-6 and above. We don't use drugs though, we use good ole fashioned words and they're more than happy to follow us back to our hide-out where we coerce them into jumping our bones via their need to piss off their overbearing and neglectful daddy.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


stand -

I feel sorry for you. Truly. Seek help ASAP.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate.


ok, you're a woman, it all makes sense now

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


you're a woman, it all makes sense now

Why? Because only women are against sexual violence?

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


ok, you're a woman, it all makes sense now

I tend to doubt Kuntext is a woman. "She" gave Fury, American Sniper, and 300 ratings of 10. These are definitive guy movies. "She" also gave best picture winner Titanic a 1. "She" gave very low ratings to many Best Picture winners, indicating attempts to game the system rather than provide honest opinions.

Far more likely Kuntext is a guy masquerading as a feminist while trying to make feminists look very stupid. If so, mission accomplished. His/her posts are incredibly stupid.

 Live long and prosper.


vulcan, I've had you all wrong! You're the thread's comic relief.

Which genitals are attached to those thoughts? Look to movie tastes to discern. LOL Wisdom is as wisdom does... LOL

tend to doubt Kuntext is a woman. "She" gave Fury, American Sniper, and 300 ratings of 10. These are definitive guy movies. "She" also gave best picture winner Titanic a 1. "She" gave very low ratings to many Best Picture winners, indicating attempts to game the system rather than provide honest opinions.

Far more likely Kuntext is a guy masquerading as a feminist while trying to make feminists look very stupid. If so, mission accomplished. His/her posts are incredibly stupid.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


What do we observe in the movie? Brad's character breaks down the door, first finds the woman, and then finds the daughter that she is hiding under the bed. Both Brad and the other kids character, know that the ladies are shell-shocked/frightened/etc. But they are also not 2 dimensional to fit into some cartoon box like charlie brown. They know whats up. They know, rape is a possibility with these men. So, the decide, its best not to resist. If Brad wanted, he could have had sex with the mother, but he didnt. Both the mother and Brad, knew the human condition, that in terrible circumstances that men bring upon each other, terrible things are done. War is one such thing. Both women knew that, and they also knew, there is nothing that can be done about this. This is certainly not a normal situation in the lives of these 2 women, and they did what they had to, to survive. What was the point of resisting, they must have thought. Certainly, if either of them had violently resisted, they both would have been dead or seriously maimed. So, the daughter, found the younger kid attractive perhaps. And she figured, hey, as long as i am going to have sex, let me atleast share something human and civil with the guy if he is also being civil and decent in the circumstance. So thats what happened. She consented, and it was a choice because the penalty for not consenting could have been death. She must have thought, if i have to choose between Brad and the kid, im not sleeping with an older guy, who probably is old enough to be her father. There is no sense in bringing morality or any of this *beep* in. Idealism and the so called real world wisdom, both are lop-sided. Human beings, are complex and the lives we lead, are everything from *beep* to perfect and everything in between.


shriyash -

Despite writing a post in which you take note of the elements which make consent impossible, you fail to see the crime of rape.

breaks down the door (invaded by the enemy - no consent)
first finds the woman, and then finds the daughter that she is hiding under the bed (obvious signs of avoidance of and fear of, capture)
the ladies are shell-shocked/frightened (mentally compromised, can't give consent)
rape is a possibility with these men (real danger which did happen)
its best not to resist (the need to resist being raped was clearly present)
they also knew, there is nothing that can be done (no choice = no consent)
they did what they had to, to survive (yes, the rapists were armed)
if either of them had violently resisted, they both would have been dead or seriously maimed (that fact alone makes it rape)

So, the daughter, found the younger kid attractive perhaps.

Heck, people go on dates with someone they find attractive who ends up raping them. There is no valid or relevant point to made there. Some rape victims are forced to orgasm during the attack, and a body can be forced into reactions... this doesn't mean the rape victim thought he was sexy or hot or enjoyed the climax, it's just biology and they end up needing therapy because their bodies betrayed them.

And she figured, hey, as long as i am going to have sex, let me atleast share something human and civil with the guy if he is also being civil and decent in the circumstance. So thats what happened.

Rape is not sex. One involves the violation of another while the other is a freely chosen activity.

Many rapists are well-spoken with impeccable manners, but while they are anywhere in the process of raping someone, they are not remotely "civil" or "decent."

Someone has done you a great disservice to allow you to reach adulthood with a rapist's mindset and beliefs. You are so deeply confused. Rape is about a lack of consent.

She consented, and it was a choice because the penalty for not consenting could have been death.

No consent was given. Consent is a choice. When there is no choice, there is no possibility of consent. Yes, there was the threat of death. That threat is an effective form of force. Forced sex is Rape.

She must have thought, if i have to choose between Brad and the kid, im not sleeping with an older guy, who probably is old enough to be her father.

More empathy for the rapist's mindset. No, rape victims do not view the rapists as being anything good. And, she had NO choice. The choices were being made by the rapists. Even if she were able to choose, "which rapist?" it's still rape.

There is no sense in bringing morality or any of this *beep* in.

The "sense" is that horrific crimes were committed and must never be repeated. But, you don't even have to go that far... in a war zone, enemy occupying forces may take people prisoner, but when they rape them, they have committed a war crime. Even immoral idiots who wear a uniform can grasp, "No, you are not allowed to rape." They don't need to be given a moral reason which they personally agree with. They only need follow the law - don't rape.

Idealism and the so called real world wisdom, both are lop-sided. Human beings, are complex and the lives we lead, are everything from *beep* to perfect and everything in between.

True, so true. But we aren't discussing human imperfection here. We're talking about rapists, criminals, violent sociopaths who did harm against the innocent.

You can take your philosophical "idealism" right to the mirror. Look at your own genitals, and see how accepting you are of someone else choosing what to do with them, under threat of death.

I'm fairly certain that is why rapists rape other rapists in prisons. A bit of empathy may be born once it's their own a$$. 39470116#239470116

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"No, only in a rapist's fantasy would a woman find a rape to be a vacation from the troubles of war! Women mind being raped. Just think of that as a fact. "

In fact, only in a rapist's fantasy would consentual sex be seen as rape. YOU are the one who writes like a rapist in this thread, are you so twisted that you can't see that ?


Raven -

I wrote:

"No, only in a rapist's fantasy would a woman find a rape to be a vacation from the troubles of war! Women mind being raped. Just think of that as a fact. "

to which you responded:

In fact, only in a rapist's fantasy would consentual sex be seen as rape. YOU are the one who writes like a rapist in this thread, are you so twisted that you can't see that ?

Just to be clear... you aren't actually disagreeing with the part you quoted, right?

You disagree that a rape was depicted in Fury. Here's where your thinking failed you: 39470116#239470116

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


To get to a a safe assesment of whether it was rape or not, one would have to know what Emma *thought* of it. That, we can olnly try to guess.

There are ambiguous things in play - like of course when soldiers break down your door you'd be more submissive. But "no way you'd have consensual sex within five minutes"? Well, that's debatable too... as sex drive might also be a lot greater in times of war, when death is always around the corner - and it literally was in this case. Like in the "i don't want to die a virgin" teenage cliché - expressed here as "they're young, they're alive". Anyway, one can only try and guess how much of any was in play.

We don't know exactly what Wardaddy wanted to do when he went there in the first place.
Did he intend to rape someone himself? Try and seduce or buy off? Just have dinner? Or just getting some booty for Norman was the plan all along?

What we do know:

1. Norman playing piano overturned the settings - from fear to enthusiasm. Being able to play a score on first sight is impressive in itself, while that being a lied familiar and dear to Emma seemed downright overwhelming. The sudden change from fear to enthusiasm is *clearly* portrayed.

2. Wardaddy's "threat" looks like a clumsy plot device to hurry things up. Did Emma understand? Probably so, or at least she suspected. Did she count it as a threat? Well, you can never say that for sure, but notice one thing: her reaction was almost instantaneous and completely unhesitant. Not like a choice of the lesser evil.

3. Still, she didnt't have to actually do it, as Norman was the kind that would have backed off by his own in front of the slightest opposition. Not the threatening type either, so you coul say that she only played willing. So what actually happened in the bedroom was only between them.

So, apparently, as ambiguous and far-fetched the plot, the film makers din go to extra-lenghts to portray a romance rather than a rape.

But admitting it was rape, why limit it to the girl? You could easily say that both Emma and Norman were raped, under threat - Emma to save herself and Norman to protect her from a more brutal outcome. Maybe he would have refused in other circumstances, why assume that the one gave consent by default and the other didn't?


cikichan -

To get to a a safe assesment of whether it was rape or not, one would have to know what Emma *thought* of it. That, we can olnly try to guess.

No, all things just aren't equal here. While it is true that Norman was coerced, pressured and told that if he didn't rape her, that wardaddy would... he was a trained, armed soldier and he understood it for the hazing that it was. Clearly, he would be rewarded with respect and inclusion and he chose to join the brotherhood of rapists, rather than maintain his manhood. By indoctrinating Norman, the other rapist soldiers are encouraged to act as if rape is normal because "we all do it."

This mother and daughter had sovereignty over that apartment. They rule. They control the doorways. It's their decision on who may enter and who may not. The minute their wish to not invite others in was not respected and obeyed, they became crime victims.

For any idiots out there... crime victims cannot give consent to have sex with their victimizers during the crime. This is true whether military or civilian circumstances. There is no judgment call required here... no need to catch nuance... it's a limit, it's a law and those suffering from pathological levels of entitlement can't grasp the concept.

There are ambiguous things in play - like of course when soldiers break down your door you'd be more submissive. But "no way you'd have consensual sex within five minutes"? Well, that's debatable too... as sex drive might also be a lot greater in times of war, when death is always around the corner - and it literally was in this case. Like in the "i don't want to die a virgin" teenage cliché - expressed here as "they're young, they're alive". Anyway, one can only try and guess how much of any was in play.

This reflects youth, ignorance of the facts and a lack of war zone experience. No, there is zero ambiguity in that story. They were violated and traumatized by armed rapists who happened to be wearing military uniforms which visually identified them as their enemy captors. In civilian life, the charges would begin with the armed breaking and entering, then rape and kidnapping (because the moment you prevent a person from physically leaving, you have taken custody of them).

Sadly, I met one of these convicted offenders. It was an armed robbery of a home and the family was asleep. The woman he raped he said he fell in love with and he thought she fell in love with him, too. He thought she consented because she smiled and pleased him. She romanced him, which saved her husband's life and her own and the lives of their children. THAT is why she pretended to be experiencing this strange, unique and beautiful love with him. Destiny. It took him years to believe that all of that wasn't true. To be honest, I think he just says that for the parole board to hear about and is likely to go find her the moment he would be released. And, over the decades I'm sure she sought advice on how best to survive should that moment come. She may have to feign being in love again.

You see, the other view is that of the rapist, "She wanted it." Pedophiles do that, too.

We don't know exactly what Wardaddy wanted to do when he went there in the first place.
Did he intend to rape someone himself? Try and seduce or buy off? Just have dinner? Or just getting some booty for Norman was the plan all along?

A few strong hints.

1) wardaddy's experience with raping civilian women and knowing where to find the ones who have a stove to cook his eggs. He's a planner.

2) wardaddy deliberately took Norman with him, eggs in hand. He did so with such ease and familiarity and confidence, it was clear this wasn't his first time navigating an enemy town.

3) wardaddy spoke about raping the women, his expectation that Norman rape her, his threat to rape her himself and then to offer them to their brother soldier rapists.

Yeah, some of us were extremely clear about what wardaddy wanted. Just like the captive women knew.

What we do know:

1. Norman playing piano overturned the settings - from fear to enthusiasm. Being able to play a score on first sight is impressive in itself, while that being a lied familiar and dear to Emma seemed downright overwhelming. The sudden change from fear to enthusiasm is *clearly* portrayed.

No, playing a piano mid-crime does not suddenly mean the crime is no longer being committed. Horrific crimes can happen amid a facade of merriment, as this scene depicts clearly. It shows a scary level of psychopathy to be able to pretend evil is nice. The capacity to view a victim who is scared for their lives, as being willing or romantic... that's a rapist view.

No, her fear was clearly depicted in her acquiescence to her armed, captor's rape. And, she explained that she could get killed or worse if they didn't go through with it. She sadly knew that because we know that women in war zones understand the need to prepare each other, and their children, on how to survive being raped by the soldiers.

If you (the general you) don't know that, then you are living a privileged life. So, you should get educated and then do something to make things right. Seriously, to post such rape-supportive views reflects a deep problem.

2. Wardaddy's "threat" looks like a clumsy plot device to hurry things up. Did Emma understand? Probably so, or at least she suspected. Did she count it as a threat? Well, you can never say that for sure, but notice one thing: her reaction was almost instantaneous and completely unhesitant. Not like a choice of the lesser evil.

Really? If it were your rape being discussed... Sorry, but one of the key problems rapists have is a complete lack of empathy for the victims.

Empathy for the girl and her mother would entail understanding that they have prepared for this invasion of their home and for the violation of their bodies. Women share tips on how to survive rape because they must, especially in war zones. Mothers try to attract the rapist to protect their daughters but they know it may not work, so they teach their daughters what to do and what to say... to survive. That is what this scene depicted clearly. Rape culture.

Do you know there are different types of rapists and that women are taught to identify which kind they are before choosing to speak, act or flee, because depending on the type, those things may mean life or death? Playing romantic is just as effective as throwing up or defecating... depends on which kind of rapist needs to be survived.

3. Still, she didnt't have to actually do it, as Norman was the kind that would have backed off by his own in front of the slightest opposition. Not the threatening type either, so you coul say that she only played willing. So what actually happened in the bedroom was only between them.

No, there was nothing personal going on between those people... we were shown a war crime.

When armed gunmen, uniformed or not, enter your home against your will and without your permission, freely granted, they are criminals. That would be the definition of "threatening type."

Well, soldiers are captors but to equate their behavior as that of soldier's, is to share wardaddy's view, and wardaddy has clearly described himself as a very self-accepting and experienced rapist. He thinks gang-rape is a party he can offer his brothers. Those women weren't people to him... just things to be used to harm the enemy.

So, apparently, as ambiguous and far-fetched the plot, the film makers din go to extra-lenghts to portray a romance rather than a rape.

Please clarify. Is that did or didn't? I don't understand that sentence.

But admitting it was rape, why limit it to the girl? You could easily say that both Emma and Norman were raped, under threat - Emma to save herself and Norman to protect her from a more brutal outcome. Maybe he would have refused in other circumstances, why assume that the one gave consent by default and the other didn't?

I thought about Norman, but differently than what you write. Emma, pure rape victim. There was no possibility of consent to an armed invader, who perpetrated war crimes against them.

But, while I'm clear that Norman chose to become a rapist, I also take into consideration that if he didn't acquiesce, then his brother soldier rapists, might let him die once they got back into the field. That doesn't make it mutual romanticism, though... he did choose the "rape her" option.

He's the invader, she's the captive.
He's trained and armed and has backup and she's just vulnerable.

And, let's go for the obvious difference, Emma was raped... by Norman. Norman, was not raped by Emma. Norman is the war criminal.

If the same scenario happened in civilian life, then I'd be okay with Norman being charged with kidnapping and rape and being convicted of both. However, I'd rather see him sentenced to sex offender counseling to unwarp his brain. Keep him supervised until he is essentially, reprogrammed as a human.

However, soldiers are trained and they are entrusted with the public faith of the citizenry they represent. Rapists, do NOT represent the citizenry. The soldiers are prepared to act within their duty and words like honor matter. Soldiers are afforded certain powers... such as taking control of a place or of taking the enemy prisoner. These powers we bestow upon soldiers must also come with the expectation that they be held to a higher moral standard of behavior.

For that reason, Norman should get the counselling, but also spend decades in prison. She was his prisoner and he was duty bound to refuse the order to rape her, whatever the cost to him.

This was about war criminals, with an intimate look at how they maintain a rape culture by initiating the new soldiers to become rapists, too. That scene wasn't really about the women, at all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


To make the argument that the sex happened during a crime (the crime of Break and Enter) you would need to show that going into someone's house in a time of war is a criminal act. During war, people expect enemy soldiers to come into their house - for the purposes of establishing security. I'm not saying it's right, but it's expected, and probably not comparable to Break & Enter, where a victim would be truly terrified and submissive to an intruder. If the soldiers come in, and there is no evidence that they want to do harm or have sex (like in this scene), and in fact they only seem to want you to prepare them a meal, would she feel any pressure to give him sex?



To make the argument that the sex happened during a crime (the crime of Break and Enter) you would need to show that going into someone's house in a time of war is a criminal act./quote]

Governments and military types may want to play semantics. So, here goes...

Did the soldiers enter that home for security reasons? No, Brad wanted to make someone cook for him, against their will, and with glee, to be making the friends/family of enemy soldiers, serve them.

Had the soldiers scared them sufficiently into compliance? Obviously, otherwise, either the soldiers or the women, would have left. If for some security reason, the soldiers had to stay, and keep the women there, they are required to keep the women in place and watch them. NOT, touch them.

There are military codes. In none of them is sex with an enemy captive legal. Consent is NOT a possibility, it's not up for individual interpretation... it's rape.

[quote] During war, people expect enemy soldiers to come into their house - for the purposes of establishing security. I'm not saying it's right, but it's expected, and probably not comparable to Break & Enter, where a victim would be truly terrified and submissive to an intruder[

You speak of "Probably." You are guessing incorrectly. NO ONE cares under what circumstances others forcibly enter their home. It's a primal, human response. I've lived in a war zone where people had to burn books so when enemy soldiers broke in, they would not be taken for owning them. You are lucky to not comprehend this kind of terror.

Since you have no idea what you are talking about, I have to ask... why is it so important to you that the rape shown in the film be denied or minimized?

If the soldiers come in, and there is no evidence that they want to do harm or have sex (like in this scene), and in fact they only seem to want you to prepare them a meal, would she feel any pressure to give him sex?

Can you re-phrase this for clarity? As written, it's confusing.

War Daddy was specifically hunting for women who could cook, and then be raped. Remember, he knew what to look for, found it easily and knew exactly how to use his body and eyes to convey the threat? Look at the scene outside, when he makes the younger soldier accompany him. Then, listen to his words and how he says them. Sociopath, experienced rapist, indoctrinating the new guy.

Your really need to know at least this much ^^^ about rapists to discuss this.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Interesting thread.

Really, best war film ever because it did not shy away from the normalcy of rape,

I'm not so sure if I get what you mean

Rather than showing 'normalcy' isn't it rather suggesting acceptability of rape - to be honest most viewers don't seem to have cared that this might have been rape. Even the PC Guardian didn't pick up on it!

If you mean normalcy to be as a normal occurrence then I'm still not sure recent studies bear that out to be true. Certainly, rape happened, but studies haven't found it to be on a scale that would make it seem a normal occurrence. As was mentioned elsewhere - it's rather unfair because it may give the impression rape was commonplace.

Lastly, if you mean normal by the manner of the two soldiers and how the scene went - ie they were doing a normal thing and the girl accepted the 'normalcy' of it then I again have issues. I have read a number of accounts myself and I have a feeling that Ayer is less informed about the issue (and possibly, had no intention of commenting on rape).

I'd give the film a 1 for that scene alone.


Lyndhen -

Sorry I took so long to reply.

I have 5 questions.

Interesting thread.

Really, best war film ever because it did not shy away from the normalcy of rape,

I'm not so sure if I get what you mean

I'm using "normalcy" in accordance with its root meanings as defined here, in the Oxford Dictionary:

Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected:

The usual, average, or typical state or condition:

Rather than showing 'normalcy' isn't it rather suggesting acceptability of rape - to be honest most viewers don't seem to have cared that this might have been rape. Even the PC Guardian didn't pick up on it!

I'm asserting both... the normalcy of rape in war and the acceptability of rape in war. Normalcy refers to the definitions given above.
Acceptability is a judgment based on noticing that it still goes on. When slavery was deemed unacceptable by enough people, it no longer continued unhindered. Rape is both normal and acceptable, to most people. That becomes even more glaringly obvious in war zones.

Your observation that most viewers don't seem to care is confirmed by the rape statistics.

If you mean normalcy to be as a normal occurrence then I'm still not sure recent studies bear that out to be true. Certainly, rape happened, but studies haven't found it to be on a scale that would make it seem a normal occurrence.

I've offered numerous links to credible references on the topic in this thread. I welcome new information. Would you please share your credible research, links to studies or resources here?

As was mentioned elsewhere - it's rather unfair because it may give the impression rape was commonplace.

I care very much about fairness. If you refer to the rape-y paintbrush being swept across ALL soldiers, this is of no concern at all. Soldiers protect, so they are actively fighting rape, in public, out loud, within their branches, and at home. There is no possibility of them being confused with the rapists, or with those who support rapists, because they have distinguished themselves as being the enemies of rapists.

When you say, "it's" - what do you mean, specifically?

"Commonplace" - that definitely needs to be clarified. How many (what number of) wartime rapes must be perpetrated to fit into the parameters of "commonplace"?

Lastly, if you mean normal by the manner of the two soldiers and how the scene went - ie they were doing a normal thing and the girl accepted the 'normalcy' of it then I again have issues. I have read a number of accounts myself and I have a feeling that Ayer is less informed about the issue (and possibly, had no intention of commenting on rape).

I'd give the film a 1 for that scene alone.

What issues?

What did you find so objectionable in that scene to rate the film with a "1"?

I'll say it again. The soldier/rapists committed a war crime against the young woman. The normalcy aspect is shown by War Daddy's experience and ease with the crime, including the nonchalant option he stated, "to give her and her mother to the boys for a party" should the younger soldier decline to rape her himself.

On the victims' side of it, they were knowledgeable and prepared, should their turn come. Mothers in war zones teach their young how to survive such personal and horrific and expected, attacks.

I'm unaware of Ayer's experience or education on the matter, but the treatment of war zone rape in this film reflects a great depth of knowledge. I thought Ayer made quite the anti-rape statement in Fury.

Most people avoid discussions of rape, yet each "comments" in their choice to be complicit by remaining silent and doing nothing to end it.

That which we permit; we promote.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Thanks for the reply. As I said, it's an interesting thread mainly because I don't like the scene and therefore disagree with your OP but also because everyone seems to be talking at cross purposes. I have some observations.

I see where you are coming from - this is a war film which makes a universal comment on the nature of war and rape. But most of the other people are talking specifically about WW2 and the allied forces in the west.

Hence, people (eg Hotrodder) take issue with the idea of normalcy of rape among allied soldiers in 1945 . It wasn't normal, accepted, standard. In fact in contrast to the Germans (offically condoned) and the Russians (unofficially acceptable) rape was officially unacceptable and any would-be rapist soldier would have to bear in mind potential consequences. The film is an insult to those allied soldiers who fought in WW2.

Also, Vulcans_Rule (possibly overdoing the Vulcan bit) is correct to say it is not rape when looking at the specific scene. Others are also correct when they say it is rape - if one looks at the wider context and the universal nature of rape. I've been debating with Vulcan for maybe 5 years and I do not think you are justified in accusing him of having the mindset of a rapist.

To be honest if anyone has the mindset of a rapist it is evidently the writer/director who came up with this absurd scene in the first place. The whole thing, after all, is plucked from his imagination.

What did you find so objectionable in that scene to rate the film with a "1"?

1- I honestly believe that Ayer had no intention of addressing the issue of rape. The woman is merely a thing for the main character to fall in love with and push his arc along. For Ayer, it is completely plausible and natural that she would want to have sex with the boy. Look at Ayer's other films - End of Watch, Training Day, Harsh Times, Street Kings etc.

2- A lot of people don't seem to care or even notice that there might be an issue of rape here. That's quite sad.

3- Lastly, I don't like the scene because it is the sole product of Ayer's limited imagination and discussing it perhaps has as much use as debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.


Lyndhen -

You missed 3.

If you mean normalcy to be as a normal occurrence then I'm still not sure recent studies bear that out to be true. Certainly, rape happened, but studies haven't found it to be on a scale that would make it seem a normal occurrence.

I've offered numerous links to credible references on the topic in this thread. I welcome new information. Would you please share your credible research, links to studies or resources here?

As was mentioned elsewhere - it's rather unfair because it may give the impression rape was commonplace.

I care very much about fairness. If you refer to the rape-y paintbrush being swept across ALL soldiers, this is of no concern at all. Soldiers protect, so they are actively fighting rape, in public, out loud, within their branches, and at home. There is no possibility of them being confused with the rapists, or with those who support rapists, because they have distinguished themselves as being the enemies of rapists.

When you say, "it's" - what do you mean, specifically?

"Commonplace" - that definitely needs to be clarified. How many (what number of) wartime rapes must be perpetrated to fit into the parameters of "commonplace"?

Those are the questions you missed.

I asked about the studies you mention, because what you've written appears to be misinformed opinion, unrelated to facts. We'd all like it if things, and rapists, weren't that bad, but they are. I invite you to share the research which supports your view, yet you didn't. Or, can't?

I questioned "it's" because it appears you prefer victims remain silent in deference to the soldiers who got away with rape, and their fellow soldiers who let that happen. Tough! Image and guilt do not trump the victims' rights for their story to be seen or told.

"Commonplace" I'm not surprised you didn't specify exactly what you meant. I'd be ashamed if I'd said such a disgusting thing.

Hence, people (eg Hotrodder) take issue with the idea of normalcy of rape among allied soldiers in 1945 . It wasn't normal, accepted, standard. In fact in contrast to the Germans (offically condoned) and the Russians (unofficially acceptable) rape was officially unacceptable and any would-be rapist soldier would have to bear in mind potential consequences. The film is an insult to those allied soldiers who fought in WW2.

Oh, please... do you know what else was going on in the 40's? Shaming and blaming and silencing of the victims, much like today, except add female financial dependence, madonna/whore complex husbands who left their raped wives, or tortured them emotionally forevermore, and social pity and scandal. Guys back then weren't even used to discussing menstrual periods, let alone rape! In America, marital rape wasn't even a crime until the 80's. In the 40's, that women = property mindset warped men's brains so that in peace time, they felt entitled to rape their wives and felt it was their due.

Take those guys to enemy territory - how would they recognize it if they saw it?

Rape is still a crime which goes mostly unreported, so when you consider the stats on wartime rape, you must also remember that society did many, many things to punish those who did make reports. This means, when victims were asked in the 40's, most denied it. Decades later, when they were widows, then more women spoke up about their lifelong secret.

Also, Vulcans_Rule (possibly overdoing the Vulcan bit) is correct to say it is not rape when looking at the specific scene. Others are also correct when they say it is rape - if one looks at the wider context and the universal nature of rape. I've been debating with Vulcan for maybe 5 years and I do not think you are justified in accusing him of having the mindset of a rapist.

That made it clear. Rape, is not about context at all. It's about the lack of consent.

I have been actively fighting rape, both in war and in peace times, for decades. I know the subject from many angles. I was a sexual assault counselor. I housed 77 people when the shelters were full. I meet with Senators and Congress to change laws. I worked for an abuse agency. I AM the product of a rape. My world has been a balance of dealing with the lowest humanity has to offer and well, the entertainment industry. It is easy for me to spot a rapist's mindset.

A rapist's mindset is based on irrational and delusional thinking. There's a distinct lack of empathy and a total disregard for consent. I've addressed that poster directly and am in no need of a mediator, and certainly not one so misinformed as yourself. Perhaps you two could do some research and come back at me armed with actual facts?

To be honest if anyone has the mindset of a rapist it is evidently the writer/director who came up with this absurd scene in the first place. The whole thing, after all, is plucked from his imagination.

Again, aren't you pretending that your opinion is fact? If not, prove it. How do you know the scene is not a true story the writer adapted to change names, etc, but is otherwise completely true?

1- I honestly believe that Ayer had no intention of addressing the issue of rape. The woman is merely a thing for the main character to fall in love with and push his arc along. For Ayer, it is completely plausible and natural that she would want to have sex with the boy. Look at Ayer's other films - End of Watch, Training Day, Harsh Times, Street Kings etc.

Again, it's "cute" that you think so highly of your opinion, but can you see that you are not basing them on facts? You "believe." Based on what? Obviously, the director did address rape. The scene isn't in there by accident. It didn't slip by the director.

The woman is a thing. BINGO!!! That's how rapists see them. Objects for use.

Again, rapist mindset. There was no falling in love... it was rape. The characters even spoke the words for the audience! It's downright irresponsible to suggest that this director was pro-rape - unless you have proof.

3- Lastly, I hate the scene because it is the sole product of Ayer's limited imagination and discussing it is has as much use as debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

Bottom line, don't come to a debate armed only with your opinion, or propaganda. To refute an assertion, you must offer credible facts to prevail in making a point.

If you just want to see your opinion, have at it. But, understand THAT is better likened to "how many angels..." and refutes nothing at all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You missed 3.

Try Wehrmacht Myth and reality, Sex crimes of the Wehrmacht, A woman in Berlin, After the Reich, The End - Hitler's Germany. Conquerors' Road: An Eyewitness Report of Germany 1945. among others.

You talk about the normalcy of rape and how the film shows it. However, it was not standard; usual, typical, or expected. There was a lot of rape carried out in the West but the fact that it was against the law and it was punished prove that it was not standard unlike the normalcy of rape in the East.

(Edit to add - commonplace - I mean by that acceptable or normalcy. After all, this thread is addressing your OP claim of normalcy so that is what is meant by commonplace)

questioned "it's" because it appears you prefer victims remain silent

I understand your point. But what also might motivate people to object to the 'normalcy of rape' statement is that rape wasn't 'standard'.

That made it clear. Rape, is not about context at all. It's about the lack of consent.

The scene explicitly showed her consenting (Vulcan's point). The context (War in April 1945 etc) suggests lack of consent.

All I can say with any reasonable certainty is that Ayer intended to show her consenting for the purposes of the story - ie that the boy falls in love with her - she is 'murdered' by the Nazis - he learns to hate etc.
If we are to believe that this was rape then that particular story line falls apart.

Point 1 - I mean - Ayer seems to regard the women in this film as merely two dimensional 'things' that enable the story to move on (as described just above).

Point 3 - He's a film director. They make things up to suit their narrative, openly care little about accuracy and don't have time to widely research. I don't think his vision of war adds anything of value to serious debate about anything.

Point 2 - which you didn't refer to. I think I have a point. If this scene was about rape, Ayer has signally failed to provoke a negative reaction in the vast majority of viewers. In my own opinion (very much my own) - this scene is just as likely to encourage poor attitudes to women in a war zone by showing rape as a normalcy.


Yep, they had to throw in sex to appease the "realists," but tried to awkwardly twist as some "consensual" gesture in order get a break from the feminists. A movie-ruiner as this article correctly points out:


Yep, they had to throw in sex to appease the "realists," but tried to awkwardly twist as some "consensual" gesture in order get a break from the feminists.

There was no consent. There was no sex. Only rape.

Feminism is clearly about fair treatment. Anyone needing a break from fair treatment is what sort of human? Sociopath? Criminal? Incompetent?

To you and to anyone:

When the "reply" box comes up, you'll see a button that says, "Link." Click on it, and then paste your link between the symbols to make it clickable in your post. The quote and spoiler buttons work in the same way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


she liked it


naked -

she liked it


Obviously, most people are supportive of rapists... defacto, pro-rape. We see the proof of that fact in rape statistics. So, your cry for attention here is kind of insignificant and lost in the proverbial din.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You might need to watch this scene again. She did not consent, she initiated it. Brad Pitt spoke in English about taking her in the bedroom. I'm assuming she didn't understand what he said (being German), but coincidentally stood up at this point, nudged the young soldier, and he followed her into the bedroom.
So she was never asked, she initiated it.
If you believe she understood Brad Pitt's English about taking her in the bedroom, then yes, you could argue coercion based on an imbalance of power.
It seemed clear from earlier that Brad Pitt 'let her go' (after she stood before him terrified), and the women were under no obligation other than preparing food.


wlee -

You might need to watch this scene again. She did not consent, she initiated it. Brad Pitt spoke in English about taking her in the bedroom. I'm assuming she didn't understand what he said (being German), but coincidentally stood up at this point, nudged the young soldier, and he followed her into the bedroom.
So she was never asked, she initiated it.
If you believe she understood Brad Pitt's English about taking her in the bedroom, then yes, you could argue coercion based on an imbalance of power.
It seemed clear from earlier that Brad Pitt 'let her go' (after she stood before him terrified), and the women were under no obligation other than preparing food.

I did re-watch, before posting here. And, I've spent decades fighting rape, both in peace and war times. It's you who needs a bit more information here.

Do you understand the mother and daughter were NOT free to leave? This made them captives.

Do you understand that they were forcibly invaded in their home by armed men who were also enemies? Outside their window, other "soldiers" were actively killing their friends and neighbors. This meant the women were captives of their enemy.

There is NO possibility of consent. Period. Captives have no choice except to guess which words or actions will allow them to survive.

Some rape victims vomit or defecate to repel the rapist. But, that doesn't work with all kinds of rapists.

Some rape victims will cry or scream or hit back. This doesn't work with all kinds of rapists.

Some rape victims (as depicted in Fury) "make nice" with the rapist. In war zones, the women are likely to be killed before, during or after the rape(s). So, they are taught to make themselves valuable to the rapist in some way, to make the rapist want them to live. When a woman flirts with a threatening captor, she is doing the same exact thing as pooping or throwing up - it's an attempt at survival.

Like right now, do you know about the DRC or The City of Joy (not the film, the hospital)? Women arrive there needing fistula repairs. Their uterus' and vaginas and rectums and bladders may have been bayonetted, or in a slower method, gang rapes which last until they are mistaken for dead. It may take months for them to get to medical care and many die of sepsis before then. They leak urine constantly and get infected and smell. They attract insects. Get the picture? It's so bad, City of Joy was built. It only serves them.

Those women often offer themselves to save their children from being raped. In their own homes. In wartime. Armed soldier rapists. They are as good to the rapists as possible to avoid the outcome I described above.

From the rapist's POV, hey, one is worse than the other. But from the rape victim's POV, "making nice with rapists" is a survival skill.

This isn't about you and I sharing a perception or coming to an agreement. This is about the facts.

This ^^^ link describes the different types of rapists... scroll down to see the list of ways which tend to work best to react to each type with optimum chance of survival. After reading that page, then I recommend that you re-watch the scenes. (the one outside before they enter)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


You are assuming the women "felt" like captives, as opposed to people who were simply unable to leave their home due to the dangers around them. For example, the soldiers were not safe to leave the village and wander the countryside - are they captives too? Obviously not. They are just stuck where they are because of war.

As for the issue of consent - when there is an imbalance of power, when there is fear, there can be no consent. I agree with you there. But she initiated the sex. So the question is: did Emma do this out of fear (for survival), or did she do it out of love/like/horniness/loneliness? You assume that because of her situation, it had to be out of fear. So take a hypothetical scenario. A young prisoner, living in a POW camp, starts talking to a young guard. They are making small talk and then the prisoner shows the guard a magic trick. The guard asks to know the secret and the prisoner tells him. Why does he tell him? Is he afraid of not telling him, or have they actually formed a brief friendship during a terrible period in history in which they are both trapped?


You are assuming the women "felt" like captives, as opposed to people who were simply unable to leave their home due to the dangers around them.

They were captives. 2 armed soldiers storm into their apartment and when they see that they are frightened and pose no danger to them, those soldiers lock the door behind them.

The danger was not somehwere outside - it was right in front of them in the form of two armed enemy soldiers.


Why did they lock the door? It wasn't to try and keep the women from escaping, rather it was to prevent others from coming in. The danger to all of them was outside, as was proven when they were all enjoying a nice meal and then the rude soldiers came in and spoiled it.
The women were trapped alone in their house long before anyone entered. So now that two soldiers enter, with food, they are considered "captive"?
But, yes, for the women, the danger was both inside the house and outside.


Why did they lock the door? It wasn't to try and keep the women from escaping, rather it was to prevent others from coming in. The danger to all of them was outside, as was proven when they were all enjoying a nice meal and then the rude soldiers came in and spoiled it.

And those rude soldiers came in because they were looking for their comrades. If Norman and Wardaddy had simply left the house and told the women to lock the door, the women would have been better off.

Once the soldiers had left and the danger was gone, those women could have gone to a nearby farm to steal some eggs (apparently what Wardaddy did) - or, more likely, get food in exchange for some of the valuable stuff they had insider their appartment.


This thread is pretty disgusting.

The girl was terrified and didn't know what might or might not have happened to her if she said no. Just because it isn't violent doesn't mean it's not rape. The fact is they could have killed those 2 women and no one would have blinked an eye. The girl had no rights except those given to her by the men and since they had total and unequivocal control it was obviously rape. She literally couldn't consent with out the threat of being violently raped, tortured and killed hanging over her head.


The thread is fine - there's no reason why people can't have different opinions about this scene.

The girl was terrified and didn't know what might or might not have happened to her if she said no. Just because it isn't violent doesn't mean it's not rape. The fact is they could have killed those 2 women and no one would have blinked an eye. The girl had no rights except those given to her by the men and since they had total and unequivocal control it was obviously rape. She literally couldn't consent with out the threat of being violently raped, tortured and killed hanging over her head.

What you say is true. The problem here is that the film itself seems to suggest it was not rape - ie her demeanour / Norman being the 'good guy' / him caring for her.

Because of this most viewers don't even notice it's rape - I don't blame those viewers - I blame the film.


I don't blame those viewers - I blame the film.

I agree with this, the scene is badly written. Everything leading upto the point where Norman and the girl go hand in hand to the bedroom IS rape. The situation is beyond the womens control, there is no ability to give consent.

But then the act itself is just implied with some soft focus loving hand holding. Its as if the film makers went 90% of the way to show how a wartime rape might have gone down, then bottled it.

The situation as shown is clearly rape, but the sex scene itself is confusing and I think it does confuse some shouldn't, but it does.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


I don't think the filmmakers bottled it. I have a suspicion that the writer didn't write it as a rape scene and it didn't occur to him that the scene could be interpreted as a rape scene.


it didn't occur to him that the scene could be interpreted as a rape scene.

The scene would have to go unnoticed for what it is by many people before it appeared int the final film, even the editor could have made the scene seem very different to what it is.

But maybe you are right...i do think its a poorly realized scene, badly written and badly thought out. It almost doesnt make any sense and is certainly not 'realistic' in any way.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Agree. It`s poorly written. It`s basically a rape scene which all of a sudden turns into a romantic encounter once Wardaddy encourages Norman with a rape joke.

IMO the problem is that Ayer regards the women in the movie only as "things". It`s a movie about manly men.


I find it alarming that two intelligent posters (Kuntext and MarwoodWalks) would conclude that Vulcan's_Rule and standrkm are rapists due to their reasoned statements supporting a point of view that Norman's sex with Emma was not a war crime nor rape. I do not believe that given the facts, any American or British court of law in 1945 would convict or charge him of a war crime for his behavior in the civilians' home that day. Their conclusion has a smell of authoritarianism and the dysfunction of thought policing.

Life is a state of mind.


I think it was just Kuntext - gotta love the logic she/he uses.

- Rapists deny rape
- "X poster" denies this scene shows rape

Therefore.... "X poster" is a Rapist!!!

No idea if the scene was rape or not. I just suspect Ayer didn't intend it to be.


I do not believe that given the facts, any American or British court of law in 1945 would convict or charge him of a war crime for his behavior in the civilians' home that day.

I disagree. The most common form of rape for which GIs were sentenced by US military courts in Germany was similar to what is shown in the movie, i.e. it started with a home-invasion by two or more GIs. I doubt that any court would have believed someone who claimed that the woman in question was a willing participant let alone initiated the sexual encounter in such a scenario.

But the main problem with the scene is the unrealistic scipt.


The ending was certainly disappointing with its script-- reminded me too much of a foolish 1960's Combat TV show, but I'm ambivalent about the scene with Emma and her sister. The danger to them posed by the US soldiers is palpable and I generally agree with the OP's position of "Chivalrous Rape" as shown. Though unlikely, in today's legal environment (after 40 years of modern feminism political success) Norman could technically be charged and convicted of rape given the aggregate accountability of his and Wardaddy's behavior after entering the ladies' home. But to Norman's point of view, as well as to many reasonable viewers of the film, the beautiful Emma became attracted to him while he played the piano and appeared to be a willing partner to their subsequent love making that afternoon. As far as we can see, he harbored no ill will toward her and from his perspective committed no personal assault. He is a young, reluctant and naïve military recruit who was encouraged at the time to purse what he thought was romance by his non-com commanding officer and then verified by his actual experience with her. Nonetheless, the sisters had no choice with permitting them inside their home -- violating their private space -- and logically did what they needed to do to stay alive with the enemy present. And the believability of Emma's attraction to him, whether or not it is a ruse to stay alive, is questionable; we don't know given the script's incongruence with the emotions displayed.

I think the main problem with the film is the Wardaddy character and the star power of Brad Pitt playing it. Ayer's exploitation of the concept of flawed Hero is too entertaining and insufficiently disturbing. This is essentially a movie about 1945 that has a 21st century psychosocial script tailored to millennial viewers yet still retains traditional, romanticized Hollywood notions of 20th century American male valor (a la SPR) and its role in saving the world. Pitt is portrayed as a version of Clint Eastwood (from Unforgiven) or John Wayne (from The Searchers) without a foundation of mores and norms from the time portrayed, and with character development short-cuts. The Pitt character doesn't feel real -- he's a 21st century cartoon version of a 20th century hero, and practically all the Germans in the film are cartoons. It's an entertaining mess, and I suspect a largely unintentional mess.

Life is a state of mind.


But to Norman's point of view, as well as to many reasonable viewers of the film, the beautiful Emma became attracted to him while he played the piano and appeared to be a willing partner to their subsequent love making that afternoon. As far as we can see, he harbored no ill will toward her and from his perspective committed no personal assault.

No, any reasonable viewer would INSTANTLY realize that her actions were of SELF PRESERVATION, not because she fell in love with Norman after 20 minutes. She had NO WAY of knowing his/their intentions towards her, and at that point in the war, rapes (by allied soldiers) had already taken place, so it's not as if people didn't know that these situations couldn't happen to themselves. She "chose" the "lesser of two evils", knowing that if she resisted, Norman could have beaten her, or he'd back away and some of the other soldiers would have stepped in and brutally raped her. It's a common fact that women "pretend" to take a liking to a conquering soldier, in hopes of his protection of her against other soldiers who may be even more savage.

This whole "she wanted it"; "She initiated it" ; "she liked it" reasoning has been used since ancient times. Same *beep* happened with hundreds of thousands of African women and girls (and Boys/Men)during slavery & colonization (The "Jezebel" stereotype). These two Germans had no power to say "no". Nor did people who were considered to be chattel. It's as simple as that..

Did consensual sex happen between Allied soldiers and German women happen during WW2? Sure it did, but this scene doesn't portray that at all. This was rape, and there's no way around that fact.

Thanks to Kuntext for your intelligent replies & information btw.


No, any reasonable viewer would INSTANTLY realize that her actions were of SELF PRESERVATION, not because she fell in love with Norman after 20 minutes.

Well said! Actually, I loved your whole post.☺

If the goal of eradicating rape is to be met, I think that it needs to be understood that those whom fail to see the rape, likely do think themselves to be reasonable people. Of course, they can't reason without the facts, so that's a mistaken self-assessment. They don't know what they don't know.

It's my hope that the ones who publicly argue the point will at least privately, admit to themselves that they haven't taken the time or put in the effort to actually educate themselves using credible sources and will do that for themselves now.

And thank you for the kind words directed towards me.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


I don't think I went as far as to say anyone was a rapist because they didn't see the issues with that scene?

If I did then that was not fair of me. Vulcans is a total tit though.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Original poster is an imbecile, and "normalcy" is not a real word.

Yes, I'm resorting to name-calling. So what? I have no further obligation.


Mirriam-Webster acknowledges it. Twice.

It's also used in medical terminology and included in that dictionary.

I just figured you'd like to know that for future reference.

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
