MovieChat Forums > Fury (2014) Discussion > It's the Gentleman's Guide to Chivalrous...

It's the Gentleman's Guide to Chivalrous Rape During Wartime movie.

Really, best war film ever because it did not shy away from the normalcy of rape, the encouragement and praise of rape and the horror of how too many women spend their last day alive. A ~must see~ film.

ETA on 2/27/15 There appears to be a need for this information. I suggest taking a minute to look at this page which identifies different types of rapists and how best to survive victimization at their hands. This is good for anyone to know, but it's also the bare minimum a poster would need to know to "hold their own" on this thread. Here's the link:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debate. Not hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This is so easy to argue. It's simple.

It wasn't rape because the film didn't portray it as rape. Done deal. Any questions?

And if you're wondering, I'm being completely serious. I can see why people think it was rape but it's all speculation. If it was rape then the scene would have painted it as such. None of the arguments for it being rape include plot evolution, character study, framing, music or any other contexts which must be considered.

"You just stroke it all day. You're a hero!"



If it was rape the scene would have painted it as such.

A rape scene was depicted. A viewer's failure to recognize it as such could come from a few possible deficits in the viewer:

- ignorance... just not up to speed on the topic

- tainted mind... came from a backwards family/community which objectifies women

- corrupt mind... patriarchal hatreds, supremacist delusions of entitlement

- experienced rapist... maybe "fell" to peer pressure as a teen and gang-raped a person; maybe committed a "date rape" and romanticized the crime; maybe guilty of being one of the soldier/rapists, themselves... sadly, these examples could go on...

For some of those people, education can help but others may prefer willful ignorance and cowardice, preferring to maintain their image of being right (while being so, so wrong) and that kind of closed-mindedness will prevent them from growth, learning and adequacy.

"You can lead a horse to water... but you can't make it drink."

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


Good talk.

"You just stroke it all day. You're a hero!"


I was away from this thread for quite a while and just noticed a couple of posts that I need to briefly comment on. It is offensive, highly arrogant and specious to posit that if one does not agree that Norman's behavior was clearly rape, it is a product of ignorance or a diseased mind, or some combination of the two, or worse. A few facts are in order:

(1) Rape is sexual assault, a crime of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will.
(2) Norman has no ill will toward Emma and from his perspective commits no personal assault. He is a young, reluctant and naïve military recruit who is encouraged by his commander to pursue what Norman thinks is romance and experiences no push-back from her.
(3) The scene is poorly written – some emotions displayed and subsequent behaviors are incongruent within the context of a hostile military home invasion.

Given the context, I agree the sisters had no power to say no, and believe Emma probably chose a lesser of two evils -- she did not initiate it and would not have enjoyed it. But as written and acted, this was not at all clear and leaves room to question whether the ambiguity was intentional. Overall, the script of this flick was not very good, and the script for this particular scene was, at the very least, confusing.

Life is a state of mind.


Your entire argument is invalid since you have no way to prove that the two girls (who were cousins, btw) didn't have the power to say no. Secondly, she does initiate it when she pulls him into the room. I'm sorry, but your opinion is nothing more than opinion.

"You just stroke it all day. You're a hero!"


Given the context, I agree the sisters had no power to say no, and believe Emma probably chose a lesser of two evils -- she did not initiate it and would not have enjoyed it. But as written and acted, this was not at all clear and leaves room to question whether the ambiguity was intentional. Overall, the script of this flick was not very good, and the script for this particular scene was, at the very least, confusing.

That's rape. The sisters did not have the power to say no but they at all times, had the right to say no. The violation of that right is called, "rape."

Any confusion or perceived ambiguity is a reflection of a lack of education on this particular subject and is not inspired by the film itself.

BTW, while not relevant to this film... some rape victims are forced into pleasurable sexual responses as a form of sadistic control and humiliation. Enjoyment is not a measurement of rape, either.

You say you returned to this thread. I added a link to the OP a year after originally posting because this discussion is limited by a lack of knowledge. The different kinds of rapists are described and Norman is right there among them. Perhaps take a look at it.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


First I would start off by saying that the scene is probably unrealistic and the scene could have been better written. However, maybe that was the point of the writer and/or director to make it gray instead of black and white. One thing I found interesting about this discussion is that neither side mentioned the phrase, "Copulation without conversation does not constitute fraternisation" which was a common phrase for US servicemen during WWII. The reason I mentioned the phrase is because that reflects the mentality of some (maybe even a majority) of US servicemen during WWII. That mentality allowed servicemen to justify rape as either consensual sex or even prostitution. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the at least 1 (maybe even all) of the characters in Fury had that same mentality.

Something else that may be worth noting is at that time the US military may have handled the allegations differently depending on if the accused serviceman was black or white. I am basing it on the quote from Osmar White, an Aussie war correspondent covering the US troops during WWII.

As far as actual examples of rape by US servicemen during WWII, J. Robert Lilly's book "Taken by Force" may be one of the better source material for that era. The book "draws upon court records, newspaper articles and trial transcripts, covering the 14,000 rapes that Lilly estimated, using a formula created by Leon Radzinowicz, occurred in Britain, France and Germany at the hands of US soldiers." Even though the book does not cover all the rapes that took place, it would not shock me if the chain of events for 1 of the rapes had a lot of similarities to the scene in the movie.


Thanks for the links, 77. The scene in the movie was constructed with a Hollywood gloss on it that did not ring true, and it was not the only scene that was unrealistic.

Life is a state of mind.


Oh please, there was no rape in this film. The [implied] intercourse was consensual, she obviously liked Norman (and he her), and not once did he threaten, coerce, or even imply that she'd have to have sex with him or face consequences. Especially given Norman's natural shyness, passivity, and unassertiveness...

I don't recall her telling us that her age was 15, but even if she did, so what? Age is completely arbitrary; a construct of the human psyche rather than something with truly intrinsic meaning. A post-pubescent 15-year-old can indeed consent to sexual intercourse with whomever they please, as they are BIOLOGICALLY an ADULT, which both participants surely were. No matter what any puritanical misguided laws might say, they are biologically sexual beings (unlike prepubescent children, for example).

Science above all else...


bricks -

Oh please, there was no rape in this film. The [implied] intercourse was consensual, she obviously liked Norman (and he her), and not once did he threaten, coerce, or even imply that she'd have to have sex with him or face consequences. Especially given Norman's natural shyness, passivity, and unassertiveness...

(this is a partial re-post)
Let's say that an armed enemy invaded your home and they have some game going on between themselves... and it involves you. Now, they think it would be great, if you literally ate some sh##, because in their minds, this is fun. It's not fun in your mind, but that's not a consideration in the game.

You've heard of this game. Your neighbors, friends and maybe even family members were slaughtered, by not playing the game. They were violently forced to eat the sh## before they were murdered. Not eating the sh## isn't an option. However, you heard that others who acted like they were willingly eating the sh##, DID survive. So, you choose to survive by pretending to like eating sh##.

Now, can you see how you have confused a choice to use a method of survival, with an act of consent? They are NOT the same thing.

I don't recall her telling us that her age was 15, but even if she did, so what? Age is completely arbitrary; a construct of the human psyche rather than something with truly intrinsic meaning. A post-pubescent 15-year-old can indeed consent to sexual intercourse with whomever they please, as they are BIOLOGICALLY an ADULT, which both participants surely were. No matter what any puritanical misguided laws might say, they are biologically sexual beings (unlike prepubescent children, for example).

Science above all else...

Is MIT scientific enough for you?

These are facts about biological measurements of adulthood. ^^^

BTW, where did you get the misconception that puberty is biological adulthood? That's like saying an embryo is a newborn.

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


Any confusion or perceived ambiguity is a reflection of a lack of education on this particular subject and is not inspired by the film itself.

Offensive, arrogant, and more than a touch narcissistic.

Life is a state of mind.



Any confusion or perceived ambiguity is a reflection of a lack of education on this particular subject and is not inspired by the film itself.

Offensive, arrogant, and more than a touch narcissistic.

"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."
David Brinkley

I should have written, "...a lack of sufficient education on this particular subject matter..."

What I like about the link I provide in the OP

is how it deals with facts and not with opinions nor egos. Truly great reference.

What I love about "Fury" is that it did what ALL war films should do... show how rape is an ever-present part of war. Truly brilliant movie!

~~~~ SCANDAL - "Thinking is for losers!" Best satire ever televised.


crazy OCD thread, back to a little simplicity (as it is a film / artwork / piece of fiction)

Emma seemed pretty impressed by Norman prior to Don's threat

Don's threat seemed more like a push for them to experience something while they were still alive (which is what he said to Irma a few moments later), at least I'd like to think so, so I choose to believe he wasn't serious and he wouldn't have done it, he just saw the attraction between them

A lot has been made of Norman grabbing his weapon on the way into the bedroom, it's soldiery 101 to carry it everywhere (anny soldier would tell you it would be straight up crazy to leave it in the next room), so I very much doubt he meant it as a threat, nothing in his body language or manner inferred so

much has been made of her age as well, back then age wasn't as much of an issue and she is clearly much older than that crazy 15 number early on in this discussion... anyway from WWII till present day, the age of consent in Germany is 14 and Norman seemed to be 18 or 19...

also there was a discussion of Wehrmacht rapes, in the East, in the West.... Westen Allied soldiers committed rapes with alarming frequency, esp. in Japan after Macarthur closed all the brothels, so it's just outright incorrect to say it was an 'Eastern' thing... also, to say this even compares with an actual rape as they occurred in WWII is absurd... literature is filled with eyewitness accounts and none of them include singing together, hand reading, and passionate kissing

in the end, it's a piece of fiction, it was well done, and it wasn't offensive to me nor any of the women I know who saw it as we chose to interpret it in the most positive light.

Honestly, I think all the radical criticism and calling it an outright rape is a little ridiculous


Has anyone noticed that Pitt believes that the other woman is going to try to stop Emma and Norman being together ? He tells her " They are young, they are alive", but the truth is that she was going towards him to give him a cup of coffee or something? And she tells him "Bitte". This scene in my opinión shows that there is some kind of connection or empathy between Pitt and the woman.
I think this part of the whole scene is interesting, too.


no, it looks to me as she is urgently going toward the bedroom to stop it, but I do agree that she and Pitt connected on his statement about it.

Europeans of the WWII generation had a very serious philosophy about living for the moment for brutally obvious reasons so it seems to me that everyone was on the same page even though Pitt's pushing them was a little harsh.



I don't recommend watching A Clockwork may put you in a coma.

LOL, no coma.

That sounds like the beginning of a thought. I can see some parallels between Fury and A Clockwork Orange in terms of themes and even jarring, violent images and repellent characters with twisted minds.

Are you able to elaborate and connect your idea to the topic of the discussion?

Susan, "but I was thinking..." Leo, "STOP! Thinking is for losers!" - Scandal's satirical message.



ghostly_host -

Okay, now I understand your POV... thanks for clarifying. :)

It looks like you misunderstood when you said this:

I just think that if you're going to go after a film for portraying rape in a glamorous way then there are a lot more better examples.

because I began this thread and in my OP, I said this:

Really, best war film ever because it did not shy away from the normalcy of rape, the encouragement and praise of rape and the horror of how too many women spend their last day alive. A ~must see~ film.

I am sincerely applauding the filmmakers for showing these kinds of rapes on film. I think it is reprehensible, to the point of being propaganda, to tell any war story without also including the rapes. "Fury" didn't cower from reality so kudos to them! :)

Also in my OP is this (which addresses the rest of your post):

ETA on 2/27/15 There appears to be a need for this information. I suggest taking a minute to look at this page which identifies different types of rapists and how best to survive victimization at their hands. This is good for anyone to know, but it's also the bare minimum a poster would need to know to "hold their own" on this thread. Here's the link:

The female characters were captives of armed, enemy soldiers. There is no lawful possibility of consent under those conditions.

There are over 150 posts on this thread, so it's likely you just jumped in without reading all of that, but the whole thing is chock-full of not only the superficial stuff: "Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.," but many people contributed supporting facts which are quoted and referenced.

About 6 weeks after starting the thread... last year, I could see how many were confused about recognizing what constitutes rape, so I added that link in hopes of a better-informed discussion.

I did not think the film "glamorized" the rape. I thought it showed a different version of rape in war. What is usually shown is stuff like femicide in the DRC and the use of bayonette rape to stop the reproductive capability of those whom survived. The government issues viagra to the soldiers for rape campaigns. These true horrors allow the viewer to make these rapists seem like they are very, very different from everyone else.

This film, Fury, shows the kind of rapists whom display manners and chivalry and an "aren't we all civilized here, just having a good time... so long as you do everything I say while I have you held captive under threat of your injury and demise, or that of your loved one." These were soldier/rapists.

Rape is about a lack of consent. There was no consent.

Norman was coerced, as well, but it is unclear whether he would have been at risk to his life, or if he'd just be teased a lot and excluded from the rapist/soldier version of manhood like some warped gang initiation. Still, he had a weapon and she did not. All is not equal there.

The piano and such BS is about the soldier/rapists' pleasure. It's a way to deny just how horrific they are which adds to the evil. It's about them telling themselves they are civilized while committing a crime against humanity - rape. What the women wanted and needed and what would have pleased them... would be if the armed, enemy soldiers left them alone!

So, they adapted to the situation in ways which would allow them to survive until their captors set them free. To save her life and the life of the other woman (her Mom?), she submitted to a rape. She is acting like she is interested in him because it's a survival technique.

IF, there had been any genuine connection between this armed captor and her, then he would have asked if he could see her again. You know, when she wasn't his captive. And, he surely would have made WarDaddy back the heck down and let him know that nothing was going to happen to her. IF he'd had any respect, empathy or concern then he would have made choices which honored her right to control what happens to her own body. "You'll be saving me from a gang rape if you rape me yourself" is NOT consent. It's defeat, terror, desperation and hope. She is bargaining for her life.

That is very different from having a sexual encounter with a free woman whom has chosen to express her desire. It's different in the way that makes it rape... consent.

So, I applaud this film for having the courage to show that soldiers rape during war. Even soldiers whom "appear" to be familiar with manners. It's a "must-see" film. :)

Susan, "but I was thinking..." Leo, "STOP! Thinking is for losers!" - Scandal's satirical message.



WW2 was different because the amount of crimes, rapes, murders done by the Germans, Japanese and even the Soviets overshadowed things done by the Anglo-Americans (at least in mainstream history. Perhaps history has been sugarcoated somewhat?)

About the only thing The British & American military did that was unlike Germany Japan (& the USSR but only early on-they established a fairly draconian discipline after it got to be too much)was punish the acts when they had the chance.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


It was only the Japanese and the Germans who had the idea to enslave women and force them into brothels. The axis racial theories regarding occupied populations led to a permanent policy of treating them like commodities.


interesting discussion.
made me think of the movie 'Casualties of War'
where the soldiers committed brutal rape, and murder... of a Vietnamese girl
and when Michael J Fox was trying to turn them in,
the commanding officer said Fox better worry about payback, and did nothing.

Interesting that opinions are so varied on whether or not this is rape.
The fact that the girl pulled the guy in the bedroom, you could say it is not rape. But add the facts they came into the apartment with guns, that the girl was hiding until Pitt found her, they were enemies killing all kinds of Germans. These unsaid things made it clear who had power and who did not. The women knew their lives were hanging by a thread. If the crude mechanic from the team would have came in and forced himself.. there would be no arguments.
But even though Pitt was polite and acted was clear he expected what he wanted to be done. Of course it was rape.


That Brock Turner/Recall Persky case is a great example of how stories like "Casualties of War" happen in the homeland, too. Rapes... hosted by Stanford and supported by alumni. Their victim's letter to her rapist went viral and it became the catalyst for victims posting their letters, too. So, despite so much ignorance posted on this thread (as well as wisdom, but it's the ignorance that poses danger), there is cause for hope as survivors speak up.

The women knew their lives were hanging by a thread. If the crude mechanic from the team would have came in and forced himself.. there would be no arguments.
But even though Pitt was polite and acted was clear he expected what he wanted to be done. Of course it was rape.

^^^ That needed to be put in bold.

This 2016 film, "The Innocents" from Sundance, is also set during April, 1945, but in Poland rather than in Germany.

It's all about rapists/soldiers' harm to the innocents and what words they use while doing the raping. What's interesting is how this film delves a bit into the social climate and culture regarding girls and women and premarital sex, virginity and rape. Understanding that adds to the horror of what War Daddy and Norman did to that girl and her mother.

"Thinking" involves a lot more work than simply "having a thought"!


The fact that the girl pulled the guy in the bedroom, you could say it is not rape.

Wardaddy tells Norman that if he doesn't take the girl into the bedroom and have sex with her, he will. Although there is a language gaps, to me the girl understands she is to have sex, there is no choice in that matter, so she takes norman as a preference to wardaddy.

But how anyone can see that scene as being consensual sex and not rape is beyond add in the fact that armed men from an enemy force break down you door and pull you from a hiding place...

But even though Pitt was polite and acted was clear he expected what he wanted to be done. Of course it was rape.

The scene is badly written, so I get why it confuses some of the other posters.

"Don't you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


there was no rape scene in this movie.
The girl had consensual sex with the boy (which wasn't shown either)
they wanted to write each other letters as they seemingly fell in love on first sight.
Wardaddy said to her mom, let them enjoy themselves, they both enjoyed this little intermezzo and later Wardaddy saved her from really getting raped, so I don't understand this uproar and of course there happened real rapings during WWII which is a fact and a logical consequence of a state of war which should be seen as such, yet there also have been many cases of love affairs and venal "love" with prostitutes and the women were also craving for some physical closeness and warmth in a very distressing situation the same way men did...

"Some people are immune to good advice."
-Saul Goodman

"I ignore pathetic trolls"


Look i'm no sjw or anything like that and in fact i hate the overt pollution of political correctness of today but c'mon... obvious rape is obvious in this movie!

Guys with guns barge down the door. There is a clear power play here where 2 other bystanders are clearly at their mercy. Then later one of the guy escalates and initiates the ordeal by literally saying "if you don't f-you-c-k with her right now then i will"!!! Sure you can try to argue "but..but she liked his piano" (i'm literally rolling my eyes) but anyone with a brain that can put 2 and 2 together will understand the situation is beyond that.

Seriously some of you guys are just a tad bit out there and need some sense/reality check drilled into you. (Hint: Taking rules as absolutes is stupid and i believe that's the main problem with some of the posters here. Are you guys capable of reasoning with your own brain or do you need to follow a field manual for it? Christs.)


Guys with guns barge down the door. There is a clear power play here where 2 other bystanders are clearly at their mercy.

they do, but the door-kicking and gun-waving is in case there are armed Soldaten hiding inside, not because they expect to find vulnerable local women and lean on them for sex.

If the women had said thank-you very much for the food and smokes, run along now..."

there is no real evidence that physical pressure would have been applied, in the case we it a completely natural situation with no power dynamic at all? no... I liken it more to, the women are given gifts and then left to respond with "gratitude" if they think it is in the favorable spirit of things and their own material interest...not, they better give some up if they know what's good for them.

You cite the Sergeants urging to his driver about 'if you do not take her in there and *beep* her, I will..."
It is open to some interpretation what he means, or if he is fully serious literally at all.He probably does not mean, 'if you do not go in there and rape her ass, I will go in there and rape her ass".
He is telling his man that it is game on anyway, and to wake up and get with the program.

I think you might fail to draw the distinction of women doing what helps them get along in an unfavorable situation, for an actual rape.
OTOH, were instances of rape common in areas occupied by US forces in WW2? places like France and Italy, locals have complained that their discipline was far worse than their German occupiers had been, and that sexual offences with the Germans had been rare, whereas with the Americans, they were not rare.
I do not doubt it.
Compared to the German one, the US army probably was a poorly educated one with a lot of Depression-era bad eggs drafted into it.And you do not even have to ask only non-Americans to pick up on that assessment.
Ask USN officers what they themselves thought of GIs...I've heard a story of a destroyer captain who had picked up survivors from a sunk u-boat.
In port, the Germans are to be handed over to Army.
The US captain takes his German captain aside...tells him "no, here, don't take your watch or anything out there on you with them ..they are (some epithet)...give it all to me, give me your address, I'll keep them, when war is over, I will have it all mailed to you".
He seemed to think more of his *beep* prisoners than he did his armies soldiers.


the door-kicking and gun-waving is in case there are armed Soldaten hiding inside, not because they expect to find vulnerable local women and lean on them for sex.

It's not who or why they were doing it, it's the very act of doing it that matters. It's wartime and people die at a whim's notice. The moment they barged in with guns, the girls knew it was all over--that they had zero control anymore and they knew they were basically at the other's mercy. These girls could not simply say something like "this is my house so gtfo" although they should rightfully be able to as owners of the property. Complete power has been relinquished and transferred due to the circumstances and conditions of the scenario. They either resist and most likely die, or they follow every command without a hitch hoping to survive. Same if a random stranger/burglar comes into your house with a loaded gun but 1000x worse because the sliver of escape is diminished even more so [there is no chance you will get outside help, no police, no chance to slip out in your car, etc]. People are dropping like flies and you will be too if you don't do whatever comes next..peacefully. You can bet a lot of rape occurred during wartime with fake smiles and fake enthusiasm all in the name of survival.

Besides I don't think any one of these girls really wants to bang some foreign strangers who has come with guns ready to shoot anyone. They aren't attracted to these guys.. They are scared out their minds. Y'know just like you wouldn't want to bang a gun-wielding stranger who breaks into your house? You'd be scared out of your mind, not feeling horny! (hey burglar, i'm not going to call the police on you, in fact, i'm dripping wet and want you take take me now! congrats you're the luckiest burglar in history! lolol) And are you guys seriously saying the daughter wanted to have sex with this guy because she has feelings for him for knowing him for a whopping 10 minutes and not only that but wanted to have sex with him knowing the mother is right there knowing what's going on? No embarrassment at all? Oh but yes it's romantic isn't it? You don't think it's more reasonable that she and her mother has a mutual understanding that bullcrap has to go down and they understand it's not going to be pretty but they have to just suck it up and roll with it? Let me guess, you also think the girls obeyed and followed Pitt's every command (cook these eggs, sit here, eat this, etc] like a fearful robotic slave dog purely because they wanted to?


"this is my house so gtfo"

no, but you cannot say that to cops who just opened your door with a 14-lb key, either, but it does not mean they can or will do anything they want with you.

Besides I don't think any one of these girls really wants to bang some foreign strangers who has come with guns ready to shoot anyone. They aren't attracted to these guys.. T

I don't know about 'attracted" define that.

No, it is not like a burglar came in the women's house and they got dripping wet over it.. but, have you evaluated all of the inputs on the women's landscape here?

the time, the place, the events...their own imperatives and needs...their own survival constructs in the whirlpool around and currents around themwhich were heady and groundshaking...

not like, 2016, and a burglar appeared in some woman's crib.

No, it is not some woman getting dripping wet over some guy...but we do not really witness a rape either.
One reason we may not witness one, is because it never came to that. We do not know what would have happened, if, say, the women were fanatical ideological Nazis who perhaps bravely/stupidly refused all co-operation or fraternisation.
It's not instant lustful date copulation in a civilian peacetime context, but we do not witness a rape...maybe you have been attending college feminist lectures or something and are applying that coloured lens to everything,you may have concluded that almost all intercourse is rape like those dike lunatics on campuses these days, but there are other third kinds of situations.


maybe you have been attending college feminist lectures or something and are applying that coloured lens to everything,you may have concluded that almost all intercourse is rape like those dike lunatics on campuses these days

oh please don't even try to pull that hilariously simple cliche interweeb "you must be a sjw then" lingo bs. It's called having common sense and situational awareness.

not like, 2016, and a burglar appeared in some woman's crib.

yet you are completely okay alluding cops from 2016... makes sense. It's apples and oranges when it's coming from the mouth of another. But it's apples and apples when it comes from yours. Don't be silly now.


oh please don't even try to pull that hilariously simple cliche interweeb "you must be a sjw then" lingo bs. It's called having common sense and situational awareness.

well, ok, but tell us a little about yourself anyway. It can be in the form of a disclaimer if you want it to be.

the woman copulates lustfully with burglar device was yours or someone else's analogy ..I think it is actually a fairly common role-play fantasy..anyway, once more, your example, not mine.


Its a movie about war and the kind of things that happen during one. Its up to you to take it as a what it is, or as a manual.


People like you who blindly buy into "rape culture" are one of the biggest problems in today's society, not the so-called rapists that your tiny brainwashed mind sees everywhere you look.


NameoftheGame -

People like you who blindly buy into "rape culture" are one of the biggest problems in today's society, not the so-called rapists that your tiny brainwashed mind sees everywhere you look.

That's one way of looking at it, but there's another way and it is fact-based. The topic has been in the spotlight in America around this election so I'd written this which also fits here. Whether ignorance or denial, the "sees everywhere you look" part needs to be refuted.

America is a very pro-rape, anti-woman nation. Here are (referenced) facts so you may verify:

1 – American girls are born into rape culture.

In America, a sexual assault occurs every 109 SECONDS – every 8 minutes, that victim is a child.

In every 1000 sexual assault cases, 344 are reported to police.

Hundreds of thousands of rape kits sit untested, some gathering dust for as long as 30 YEARS.
In every 1000 sexual assault cases, 994 perpetrators walk free – only 6 go to prison.

(And, there are still people whom ask why assaulted women don't speak up!)

Lots of lip service goes to "I love women.," but what other group whom you say you love, would you stand by and do nothing while they are being attacked every few minutes? Your family, your friends?

2 - Let’s consider pregnant American women...

"Pregnancy-associated death has become more commonly termed as pregnancy-associated homicide."

For decades in America, homicide at the hands of a husband or a boyfriend has been the #1 cause of death of American pregnant women. A year here or there, it dropped to the 2nd leading cause of death.

3 - An American woman is more likely to die delivering her baby in America, than she would be if she gave birth in 40 other countries. 40! Half of those deaths are preventable and this despite the fact that America spends more money on healthcare than any other nation.

Why aren’t women’s lives valued here?

4 – In Islamic Sharia Law, the testimony of 2 women is required to match the word of one accused man. In Trump’s America, the word of 10+ women is expected to be doubted in deference to one man’s denial. Recognize what that means!

5 – There are fair-minded men and women, though.

6 – American women are THE determining voting block of this election as they were in 2012. Single women, specifically, are stepping up as protectors of each other, of our men and of our children. Rebecca Traister’s research stated here: (it’s a fun clip)

None of the above addresses wage disparity, poverty and hunger levels for women and children and a myriad of other vital issues pertaining to the health, safety and freedom of American women. But do you know whom has been working to help women?

7 - Hillary Clinton addressed the United Nations Fourth Congress on Women 20 years ago and she said:

“Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights."

The Electoral College needs to vote for Hillary so that American women are no longer being taxed without representation. Given the power... she'll fulfill her goal of making the country safe and fair for women. And, that's good for men, too.

In closing, I want to thank and honor the many women whom spoke up to warn us that Trump is a danger to our nation. They are as courageous and protective of our democracy as any warrior. Listen to them, respect their voices and be a sexual assault/rape-victim supporter rather than supporting the rapists:

“All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Edmond Burke

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Be well, Everyone!

~~~ "Thinking" involves a lot more work than simply "having a thought"! ~~~


Statistics vs. reality... I stand by my original statement.
