
I did NOT see that coming. Holy shit...
Don't read on if you haven't seen the latest episode...

Her Mom...you knew she was "off"...there's some pretty obvious indications throughout the series, but this?
Wow! And the step-dad knows what she's done...or at least suspects, because he's shown as being conflicted now that the little sister has suddenly become "sick".
I've been on the fence with this show, but it just got real...and the emotions that must be flying through Amy Adam's character right now.

This has just become an amazing show...so much has just come together. And it says a lot about the buildup when there's this kind of pay-off that, in all likelihood, has nothing to do with the main story arc (the murders).

Paydirt for those of us starting to question the entertainment value of the show, ending on a note that packed a powerful emotional punch and we're still climbing to the top of the coaster ride here. Top-knotch thriller stuff here.

Its also some creepy, disturbing shit...but at least she's letting herself see the truth, you know? The veil has been lifted. Its not her fault, the cutting etc...her Mom is just a sociopath freak. No wonder she's got no sense of value.


I think it was mentioned in articles that Adora had Munchausens if you googled anything about this series. It wasn’t really news. It was news that Adora seemed to have an abusive mother in Joya. It just that we all thought that Marian died from an actual illness. But still - to see Adora strangling and pulling the two “lost” girls’ teeth out is a bit unbelievable. A child’s death from a mother with MBP is one thing but the mother gathering up rebellious girls and strangling them is a bit much and then the teeth. That’s why she has MBP - she has to be adored (no pun intended) but she has to be the adoring mother caring for her children - she isn’t an overt strangler. She really believes she is caring. The key thing here that ties Adora to something is the painting of the nails - all girls had their nails painted. Young Camille made a big deal at Marian’s funeral about Marian’s nails. And usually, the funeral director paints the nails. I think there are others here involved. The coming attraction with the family at dinner with the ham was really creepy - like the beginning of a horror movie.


Wait, what about the family at dinner with the ham? You mind jogging my memory? Not remembering that scene...

Nah, I don't think Adora killed those two girls either.


Google “sharp objects ep. 8 promo.” Camille walks into the house in their candlelit dining room with Amma wearing this weird pink rose wreath thing on her head (like a crown of thorns) along with Adora and Alan sitting at the table about to eat dinner with the ham - they are after all a wealthy family of pig slaughtering. They are celebrating the arrest of John - the scapegoat. Camille walks in as Alan says, “all is well.” And she sits down and says - is it? Very strange vibe. Amma looks like she is in a devil trance. Rosemary’s Baby-ish. So there is more to come in this finale - don’t know if it is Alan or Vickery or someone else we saw very little of. And don’t know if Amma is victim or the evil one.

Also we all assume nothing is going to happen to Camille. But what if the ending is so climatic where all is divulged but with the demise of Camille. There’s no season 2. So when you think about, anything goes. How has Camille gotten so close to things without something happening to her. She is ruffling a lot of feathers even though she is the worst journalist. And how can Amma roam around Wind Gap at all hours. The guilty one is always the one who sleeps easiest. Next week will be fun.


Ohhh okay, I hadn't seen that promo.
Great questions you pose there...
I wonder if Amma is both the victim and the murderer...taking out some pent up aggression on her victims...maybe even with the help of her friends. She mentioned to Camille that they'll do anything for her.

I don't know, Amma is frucking weird as hell either way. The lollipop in Camille's hair? Her personality in that moment was unrecognizable...there's more to her than she lets on.

Good point about Camille still being alive lol
All that ruffling of feathers, all the drinking..."even though she is the worst journalist" LOL

Hey that's a good point about Amma being out at all hours. Especially with a frighteningly overprotective Mom...wth is up with that?

Oh, and you notice how stepdad stands up to Adora after having a few drinks? Looks like there's something under the surface there...maybe even animosity. It'll be interesting to see what part he plays in the upcoming confrontation, see if he might step up. And the housekeeper...there's a chance she knows everything, you know?

Next week can't get here fast enough. So nice to be rewarded here after having stuck it out with this show.


the killer is revealed at the end.


Ok well any thoughts on the finale? I wrote on a few threads here and cant write anymore, but I will check back tomorrow to see what people thought of the ending....


I wrote right after having seen it last night...like, turned off the episode, came straight to Moviechat here to vent a little lol
No, I thought it was a great series, and one that was well worth watching.
The ending...it was pretty anticlimactic for me. I mean, I wanted to see the step-dad confronted...the guy was completely complicit, bribing Amma back up into her room, lying to the cop about Camille's whereabouts, he had a special kind of evil, you know?
And I wanted to see the realization from monster Mom as to just how f*cked she was, how much she had to account for. She killed her own daughter for attention, spent decades dumping on Camille as if she was the problem, and then we just see her led out the door in cuffs, confused.

And the Amma reveal didn't have any real impact, we saw that coming a mile away. I wish they'd have played her a little more low key or something. I don't know. Mom being cuffed...and Emma saying, "Don't tell Momma" were our payoffs, and I wish they'd have chose the long-form ending instead and showed what happened with this stuff. All the buildup, the slow pace of this show...the ending didn't fit with the theme, it was out of place IMO.

But the second to last episode got me in the "aw shit!" meter and made this series worth it...just to see what was behind the kind of family dynamic that created someone like Camille. Seeing her piece it together at the end...just excellent story telling right there.

That's about it from me. You?


Loved your take on it all....
For me, I didnt like the gimmicky ploy to get people to miss seeing the scenes in the credits, then find out about it thru social media, and then have to go back to re watch. But I did see it through the credits the first time, and felt they really needed another episode to answer your comments on Alan. Alan was shown as the potential killer and so was the sheriff. (Did we really have to see his early morning routine several times? No, but it was there to throw us viewers off)
Why wasnt Alan arrested as well is beyond me.

Adora,,,oh Adora..my favorite character. How I would have liked seeing her backstory with her own mother. How it would have been so good to understand more about her dynamic with Alan.
Now Ashley.... her ear was bitten. We never see why.
Camille.... she passively but purposely ingested the serum from her mother,,,to gain evidence against her. Perhaps tell her cop friend before doing this, since she almost died in the process?
So I will get on a waiting list at the library for the book. The book gets more into depth on the ending. I did love the series,,,I believe its from the same director as Big Little Lies.. It also reminds me of the Sinner. Catch that series, but the first season is best. Second season I am watching now,,,not as good as the first. Let me know if you do.


Lol that's a good point, Camille letting herself be poisoned while assuming that Amma is going to have the strength of running away for help. Lol sidelined by a piece of cake, that Amma...yup, you're spot on there, Camille should have told someone.
The Sinner, huh?
Big Little Lies was mentioned a couple times in another thread, I just grabbed the series and am almost halfway through the first episode...looks pretty intriguing. I'm liking the intermittent interview cut-ins, where we get a little narration help from the witnesses, makes you feel like you've got an inside track as you watch this stuff play out.

Ah just looked up The Sinner and am downloading it now, looks creepy as hell lol
Hey in the book, was Alan arrested, do you know?
And yeah, itd be interesting to see what created someone like Adora, and yeah she was a GREAT character.

That was another great thing about this series...that stuff made sense psychologically, you know? The dysfunction...it all fit together. Amma's attachment to her Mom, her jealousy carrying over to her new friend's relationship with Camille (that dinner table scene), why Camille was the self-loathing type...seemed like the author had a pretty firm grasp on people and what makes them tick.


Sidelined by a piece of cake, lol...

Ok so The Sinner with Jessica Biel, is the first season and the best one of the 2. She is exec producer on both. Its a bit creepy and disturbing, but thats a good thing. Big Little Lies was great, you will enjoy it. They are coming back for a 2nd season.

They say the Sharp Objects series followed the book closely, but that the book went deeper and carried on further after Amma was found out by Camille..so Im getting the book soon.

Ive watched Ray Donovan (it was great in the first few seasons, then started to get a bit silly)
Ive watched The Affair (fabulous 2 seasons,,the 3rd was odd, and the 4th was good,,, getting last and final season 5).
The Handmaids tale is so disturbing, I needed therapy and a drink after, but worth the watch. 2 seasons.
If you have any suggestions for me, I am all ears (not bitten like Ashley, lol) because it seems we like the same type of films. Keep me updated on what you think of the Sinner, Big Lies...


I totally agree with you, though most here don't, I don't care. This was a punch to the gut in the end. As many complain about the last two eps, they are everything. Very powerful and a few twists that are potent.
