Boycott this fecal mess. Copycat JJ Abraham is out of ideas.

In less than 2 Star Trek Movies ...useless hack JJ Abrahms ruined the Star Trek franchise.
He cannot possiblity elevate Star Wars movies out of the fecal mess Rian Johnson left behind.

Blue Titty Milk? Really?


I think he's doing fine
The Star Treks were fun


I thought Star Trek (2009) was "okay" as a simple, fun and dumb movie but then again I had no emotional attachment to Star Trek and the canon it crapped over. Was never particularly impressed with anything else Abrahams had done.

I found TFA to be a $200 million fanfiction abomination. TLJ was terrible mostly because it was left to salvage the absolute mess left behind by TFA yet somehow got the brunt of the blame.


Could not agree with u more!!!! Inferior and perverse fan fiction. Blue Titty Milk! haha wtf.
