Rey should have been the child of Palpatine(father) and Leia(mother)

This would have given the whole "Rey is a Palpatine" even more dramatic punch. It would be very much out of character for Leia to have had a child with Palpatine, but this could be explained bv some momentary seduction by the Dark Side where Leia tries to compromise with the enemy. Make it ambiguous as to whether or not Rey's conception was consensual because Leia was put in a no-win situation.

By going this route, you get rid of Rey's parents in the movie who acted as middlemen. Moreover, this could have been the reason why Han Solo left Leia as well as giving Luke another reason to self-isolate as a hermit on Ach-To.

"Rey, your mother is Leia and she abandoned you. But she gave her womb to me, your FATHER. She let herself be seduced by the Dark Side, willlngly!" would have been a great moustache-twirling scene.

I just don't think that having Palpatine as her grandfather packs as much emotional impact.


Leia sleeping with Palpatine, LOL?! Are you drunk?


Leia gets an out because there is implied coercion.


Because that's what Star Wars was missing: cuckholding.


But it gives a strong reason as to why Han left Leia.


There already was a reason: their kid turned into a dictator and mass murderer. Tragedy leading to divorce is quite common:

That's 100x more believable than Leia sleeping with Palpatine.That is just laughable. For starters, Leia would NEVER do that. EVER. You could torture her and she still wouldn't do it.

And Palpatine having sex, LOL?! The man cloned himself he was so asexual. He cares about nothing but power and control.


For starters, Leia would NEVER do that. EVER. You could torture her and she still wouldn't do it.

In the context of the Disney sequel trilogy, saying what Leia or Luke or Han or anyone would NEVER do EVER is laughable.


People who say "Disney Star Wars" can't be taken seriously.


Luke believed that the most ruthless villain in the galaxy was redeemable - that he still had good in him and was worth the effort to turn back to the light side. In ROTJ he put everything at risk - himself, his friends, the attack on the Death Star, the rebellion (and by proxy the galaxy itself) - with the intent of turning Vader back.

And this guy, who infiltrated the Death Star 2 and faced the combined force of Palpatine and Vader because of his conviction in his belief, tries to assassinate his own nephew over a bad dream? Are you fucking kidding me?

So, don't post some dumb shit like "Leia would NEVER do that. EVER." in the context of this nonsense. Nothing is off the table for these characters in this debacle.


No, Luke believe his father was redeemable. They aren't related, that doesn't happen. This franchise has a bad habit of excusing murderers if they are related to main characters or soon will be (as in love interests)

His nephew was the mass murderer that would kill his own dad, right? I forget.

Luke saved his dad and contemplated killing his nephew, so Leia would bang bang Palpatine? This is what passes for logic to you?


"His nephew was the mass murderer that would kill his own dad, right? I forget."
Vader was a mass murderer that murdered a room full of Jedi younglings and went on to be the greatest villain in the galaxy. Kylo Ren is nothing compared to Vader. How is this relevant?

In addition, at the time Luke was going to execute him, he had done nothing wrong. He was still training at Luke's new Jedi order and sleeping peacefully in his bed.

Luke went from risking everything and everyone to redeem a villain who actually did terrible things, to attempting an execution of his own nephew, who had done nothing wrong, based on a bad dream.

"Luke saved his dad and contemplated killing his nephew, so Leia would bang bang Palpatine? This is what passes for logic to you?"
Nice strawman. I'm not suggesting one would logically flow from the other. I'm suggesting that if Luke can behave in such a contrary manner to his character as established in the original trilogy, then it is laughable to claim that Leia couldn't also, with your "NEVER do that. EVER" rhetoric.

In light of what they wrote for Luke, there's no reason to believe they couldn't write the same sort of nonsense for Leia.


I didn't compare them, I said Luke only saved Vader because he was his father. When he didn't know he was his old man, he tried to kill him (vision in the cave and the fight on Bespin). So yes, Luke would try to kill someone he believed was awful (like Ben) because he'd already tried to do it (Vader).

It wasn't a dream, he read Ben's mind..... and he was right.

"I'm not suggesting one would logically flow from the other."

You just did it again:

"In light of what they wrote for Luke, there's no reason to believe they couldn't write the same sort of nonsense for Leia."


This is why people say that the Star Wars films were underwritten.

Who could Rey's parents have been ? If not some nobody as Kylo Ren was always insisting then the field is pretty thin. Han and Leia are out because Kylo Ren is their son and they already did the " Surprise it's twins ! " with Leia and Luke so again that's out. Luke ? Well there was never any indication that Luke had a wife or even a girlfriend.

So that only leaves Palpatine, but of course he was too old so it turned out to be Palpatine's son and the woman he married who were as good as nobodies because no-one had ever heard of them.

Rian Johnson perhaps was trying to point to something extraordinary with his Cave of the Dark Side "reveal" that Rey's parents were none other than Rey herself ! Suggesting I suppose that she was a clone which might have been better than what we got. Who knows they could even have made the phantom evil Rey a real evil Rey.

But again that would have painted them into a corner where they couldn't have used the Dyad in the Force idea with Rey and Kylo Ren which I thought was a brilliant concept that they might have done more with.


What is why people say that the Star Wars films were underwritten?


Well if you read what I said below that sentence you will have your answer.

Another example of underwriting was the idea of Rey and Kylo Ren being Dyads in the Force. It wasn't planned but simply got plonked in when Rian Johnson had Rey and Kylo Ren being able to talk to each other remotely via being connected by the Force in The Last Jedi. In that film it was explained away by Snoke connecting them.

But in Rise of Skywalker they continued the very neat plot device and then upped the ante by revealing that Rey and Kylo Ren were connected because they were Dyads in the Force without bothering to explain what Dyads in the Force were.

Or in other words they just made it up as they went along because the Star Wars films were underwritten. There was no back story, no lore from which things originated. So when they needed a plot development or a plot device they just made something up on the spot and threw it in. Never mind if it was inconsistent or didn't make sense.


The OP said Palpatine should have been Rey's father and Leia her mother and you said:

"This is why people say that the Star Wars films were underwritten."

Then you proceed to talk about evil Rey, Rey's actual parents, and Luke, and Leia, and Han. I legitimately don't know what you are trying to say. WHY do "people" say the sequels were poorly written?


You "legitimately" don't know what I'm "trying" to say. Oh really !? Well all I can say, if that is actually the case, is that you can't understand plain English and have an inability to follow simple ideas that are logically and clearly expressed. In short that you are an imbecile and so I can't help you with your incomprehension.

Of course it may well be that you are not an imbecile and in that case you must be a troll or a sock puppet. So if this post has caused you to be offended in any way then it won't have been a complete waste of time for me to have written it.


Offended, LOL?! I believe the kids call that gaslighting.


No woman in her right mind would fuck palpatine and keep the pregnancy to the end …


The OP's suggestion is one of the worst suggestion I ever heard. I can't believe someone actually said that. NO ONE would find Palpatine appealing, least of all Leia. He's without a doubt asexual. He has no personal life. No interests outside of power. The man CLONES himself because he has so little interest in anything outside of "work". And Leia sleeping with him? LEIA, LOL?!
