

I hate it. They're coming out with a big box set that has all 9 movies and Skywalker Saga is stamped all over it. It's definitely gonna stick.


Nah, it won't stick. If you talk star wars and they mention anything retconned from 7-9, dismiss it, not cannon. We don't have to let Disney destroy Star Wars any further (though I am enjoying Mandalorian).


Ending the supposedly 'Skywalker Saga' with all Skywalkers being dead and a Palpatine taking the Skywalker name. Ironic.

And of course it'll stick, it's been pushed by Disney on all channels and all the time, to make people care about the end of the 'Skywalker Saga'.


TFA: Dead Han
TLJ: Dead Luke
TRoS: Dead Kylo/Ben, Leia, Palpatine and semi-dead Chewie, C3PO

Jar Jar Abrams wiped out all the established white characters of episodes 1-6 in one trilogy, bravo. In the end Palpatine won in a sense even though she become 'good' in the end.


Yes. An entire generation of children are this very moment learning that this is the Skywalker Saga. It don't matter what us old schoolers think.


Well, that is what it was historically thought of as. Lucas has always stated that the OT movies were just a part of a larger 9 movie saga about the Skywalkers. (Of course he probably only thought if it that way once the OT panned out.)


He's actually said he envisioned 12 movies initially. Every trilogy was supposed to involve another generation of Skywalkers.


oof. deliver us lord from 3 more movies by these writers.


oh i don't expect anymore of this. Disney has made it pretty clear they're all to eager to slam the door on this chapter of Star Wars and put it behind them forever. that's why i don't understand why they decided to keep the Skywalker name alive. fully divorcing future films from the old is the only way to move forward.



Luke Skywalker IS Star Wars. Everything in SW connects to him. Favreau probably knows this, eventually KK and Iger will find this out.


