Are people losing interest in Star Wars because they went feminist/woke or because of oversaturation?

I for one am supportive of Star Wars taking a more feminist and diverse direction with the new movies, but others might have different opinions. I just think that society has changed, and it's natural to include more people of color and women in prominent roles in popular films and franchises.

But I think the real reason why people are losing interest in Star Wars is because they're releasing a new movie every year and that means that Star Wars is not as special when they do that. You used to have to wait 3 years in between new movies and in the case of a new trilogy, it would be 10+ years.


People will watch anything these days because it's mostly teenagers and 20-somethings that go to the movies and they have plenty of disposable income but Solo and Last Jedi were bad movies. Rogue One was excellent but many SW fans didn't like it because it was too dark or something. Return of the Jedi is considered mediocre by many. The Prequel storyline was brilliant but too sophisticated for Star Wars fans so they were unpopular. So only 2 or 3 films out of 10 really appealed to all fans. And the next movie is sounding dumber by the day. I don't think the average person really cares if there are black people or women in SW but all the online blogs compete for clicks and faux controversies make that happen, so eventually everyone believes the controversy is real because it's all over the media. Same thing that happened with Global Warming, Time and Newsweek made it into a controversy to sell magazines, lots of others followed suit, and it worked, now it's a controversy.


Lol this thread is gold.


Yea, I do kind of enjoy seeing people argue after I post a topic that is sure to garner a lot of responses.

I remember making posts praising Jar Jar Binks on the Star Wars forums 20 years ago that would get thousands of replies. Ah, the memories...
