Course correction

The universe has a way of course-correcting.
- Ms. Hawking, LOST

Going by the trailer, IX appears to course correct after Rian Johnson tried to turn Star Wars into his own little indie project:
-J.J. appears to have realized (like many of us) that The First Order isn't intimidating and Kylo Ren won't work as the final, big bad, so IX provides a proper big bad to replace Snoke (AND connect the entire saga)
-It goes back to George Lucas material(?). I know I saw concept art for The Force Awakens featuring a submerged Death Star and people diving into it. I don't remember if this concept art was based on the GL outline later discarded but I seem to remember something like that??
-Kylo Ren's mask is repaired after Rian smashed it. Okay this isn't really a big deal but the mask was really Revanesque and anything that makes Star Wars more Kotory is good in my book

Looks like SW is back in competent hands


I hope he has actually pulled it off and created a satisfying conclusion to the saga despite Rian almost derailing it.


Yes, more Lucas artwork is revived.

What youre remembering is artwork for Lucas's ep.7 where his Kira dives into the Endor waters and gets into the Emperor's tower. It is there she finds the partial map to Luke iirc.

Previously, her exploration was turned into her scavenging of Star Destroyer parts. Much of the art Lucas commissioned was used heavily in The Last Jedi.


That sounds so much better than what we got.


Oh I did get one thing wrong... Kira finds the location of the ancient Jedi temple in that throne room or in the Imperial computers. She either finds Luke when she goes to the temple, or takes him there.
