C3PO: "Master Luke"

The last jedi is in my opinion the worst star wars movie but that short moment between Luke and C3PO with, again, the nice music of John Williams is just great.


One of the reasons The Last Jedi is so frustrating to me is that it's got GREAT moments surrounded by garbage. R2-D2 re-activates the decades-old hologram to call Luke back to the adventure he must finish...that's SO GOOD. If only it had occurred in the first film so we could have had a trilogy of Luke finishing his quest. But noooo...


Yes I agree totally. TLJ is the only film of the sequels that I haven’t decided to re-watch since seeing it the one time only at the Flicks.

It’s such a shame because, as stated by others in this thread, the film has a few really good moments. I just cannot forgive the ‘Leia Poppins’ flying scene, that was awful, just GODDAMN awful! Even after 3 years I still cringe when I think of it. I have resorted never to watch that scene ever again!


That scene with "the flying Leia"is just terrible.


In my opinion, the whole calling a white guy "Master" by C3PO is a travesty! They should go back and edit all interactions between the two characters by overdubbing every occurrence of "Master Luke" with "Mister Luke".


They could be more forward-thinking and go with 'Zher Luke'


I'm ashamed of myself for assuming I know what sex that Luke identifies with.
