Really Enjoyed TLJ, Warts & All

I despised TFA, and Rogue One was completely underwhelming (except for that one scene, and you know which one). I wasn't even gonna go see TLJ opening week, maybe even wait for the DVD, because I couldn't handle any more disappointment from Star Wars. My 11 year old son begged me to go opening night, though, and so I did, prepared for my disappointment.

Except I loved it.

Yes, it's got a lot of flaws and a few plot holes, but I enjoyed it enough that I'm willing to overlook those. The characters and their interactions with one another are what drew me into this movie. The light sabers and space battles are neat, but it's the characters that have made me re-watch the original Star Wars films dozens of times, and these characters were actually interesting. I was emotionally engaged in Luke's back story, and I found Kylo Ren to be most intriguing (I thought he was a whiny emo sissy in TFA). Rey was actually interesting too.

I know a lot of fans were disappointed, but this is the first new Star Wars movie I actually liked in 35 years. It's so sad to think Jar Jar Abrams will put an end to any hopes I have that episode 9 could be good too.


It wuz good but not as good as R1


Respect. Too many people seem to forget that you can acknowledge a movie's flaws but still come away enjoying the movie as a whole.


To your Mom and Dad .... your BIRTH was rather disappointing. DORK.
