Star Wars: The Last Jedi Official Teaser


I thought it was very good


I think it shows potential. If it can do better this time around and not mess up the premise it could be the darkest one yet.


" it could be the darkest one yet."

Dark does not mean it will be good. They went dark with the new Superman and Batman movies and they turned out horrible.

Why do modern audiences seem to crave things going "dark"?

I do not wish to see Star Wars going "dark" just for the sack of it. If good story telling means some dark things happen like in ESB, then so be it. But if the goal from start is to make it "the darkest one yet", which does seem to be the intent, I do not have confidence the filmmakers have the right objective in mind and thus the story will be lackluster.

Look at TFA, the intent from the start was to "make things right". They did this by selling a rehashed story pandering to fan's nostalgia. The story turned out garbage because they did not care about the story, only 'setting things right.'


What did "make things right" even mean from the start?
In order to make things right, there must have been something "wrong". And while there were certainly some things wrong with the Prequels, the answer should never been going from one extreme to the opposite extreme.


It was a shot at the prequels being so different from the OT. "make things right" for JJ meant giving the audience the same story they loved before but pandering to modern progressive ideology.


When did this thread suddenly turned into a political pissing contest???
