MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > Remember after Casino Royale came out

Remember after Casino Royale came out

And people actually thought they were going to start remaking all of the novels and go in order in which they were released and adapt them much closer to the novels? First of all that was a horrible idea, they would just be rehashing something we've already seen and I doubt these people have even read the novels. Do you seriously think that people would want a faithful adaptation of The Spy Who Loved Me? It's really more of an erotic romance for women and Bond doesn't even show up until the last third. No one wants to see that. On top of that the way Casino Royale film ended was not a proper setup for the Live and Let Die novel, and what about the novels that were already faithfully adapted as films like Dr. No? What about For Your Eyes Only and Octopussy which weren't even complete novels they were just short story collections, are we going to have films that are just 4 or 5 individual short stories that aren't connected to each other?

People are so stupid.


The funny thing is that most people in defence of the Daniel Craig "Bond", who claim his interpretation is closer to the Bond in the books, haven't even read the books!

Therefore people who have actually read the books and who also enjoyed the authentic screen version as a completely different entity are screwed over by an argument from people who were fans of neither!

However back to the adaptation point - I have always said I'd like to see a faithful small screen limited series run of the Blofeld trilogy set in the historic time period.


I was going to say exactly that. People who haven't read any of the books just spread a copypasta saying Craig is the closest to Fleming's interpretation. That's obviously bullshit, but I go further in saying that the Fleming novels are not very good and that Eon did the right thing all those years ago by making the cinematic Bond much different than the literary Bond.


Exactly and another thing, does anyone actually think a faithful representation of the Live And Let Die novel would fly in today's PC culture?


The books are too outdated in many respects. Moonraker (the novel), for example, was already extremely outdated by the time the film came out in 1979, so Eon had no choice but to radically change the story. There's not much from the novels that could be adapted in modern times. All they can really do is replicate some of the interpersonal interactions between characters, such as how they took character traits and dialogue from Hugo Drax in the Moonraker novel and applied them to Kamal Khan in the Octopussy film.


Yeah "Spend the money quickly Mr. Bond". Eh I think they could do a somewhat faithful adaptation of Moonraker but still it wouldn't be completely faithful, what works in one medium won't work in another.

Also the way Bond defeated Drax in the Moonraker novel is very similar to how he destroyed those two subs in The Spy Who Loved Me film.


I think they could make a good film adaptation of Moonraker with an evil Elon Musk-type character as the villain, but there always seems to be a backlash when they go too far in the sci-fi direction.


Well Dr. No had some sci-fi elements and that film is a classic and I could still buy something like that happening in our universe, but yeah the Moonraker film just went way too far and that wasn't even sci-fi, that was science fantasy.


