So...Ghost Protocol or Rogue Nation??

There's no wrong answer, I'm just curious to see what other people think. I loved both films, but I was blown away by GP (had no real expectations going in), while I did have high expectations for RN (and it surpassed them for a while...but I ultimately felt it didn't live up to them, though I enjoyed the film very much).
So while loving both films, and reserving the right to change my vote upon rewatch, I have to go with Ghost Protocol.


I'd also like to add that RN score is the best in my opinion of any of the 5 MI movies.


Ghost Protocol for me, maybe my expectations were too high, but I just found something lacking with this. Although I can't wait for MI:6 especially if Rebecca Fergusons in it, loved her character.

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”


Ill take rogue, its a little darker and cleaner. Ghost was fun but it was kinda light overall compared to rogue.


Both are way above average blockbusters but McQuarrie is a genius who rarely if ever gets called that, I vote Rogue Nation.


Rogue Nation. Both are great, though.

Take her to the Moon for me, okay?


I waited for rental.. I defiantly pick Ghost Protocol Rouge seemed flat compared to Ghost which had it all (Humor - Stunt's - Story) it took me on a real ride with all the character's. Rouge just didn't flow very well in my opinion and TC's Plane stunt came on far to quick in the movie to be appreciated for it's difficulty or hold up to all the pre-release hype!
Glad I saw it, but not as good as Ghost in a number of way's.


Ghost protocol... hands down.


I agree that there is not really a wrong answer, both movies are great! But for me, I liked Rogue Nation even better than Ghost Protocol. Especially considering action movies of the past decade or so, it's almost a perfect action flick. So much fun!
