MovieChat Forums > Orange Is the New Black (2013) Discussion > Next season? /spoilers I guess/

Next season? /spoilers I guess/

Do you think it will focus on the characters that were moved to the other prison, or are we done with them and it will continue where we left off in Litchfield?


We follow the same characters in the new prison. Lichtfield is not in this season.

* actually, they are still at Lichtfield, but in a new part of the prison that somehow never existed until this season. Which is quite ridiculous.


They did talk about "Max" before this season and Nicky was sent there a few seasons ago, so I have to disagree with you that it didn't exist until now.


Yes, but it was never mentionned or seen in 5 seasons that the maximum security prison was right there next the low security one. Which makes you wonder
why they got on buses instead of walking.


"why they got on buses instead of walking"

I guess it was in case someone would try to run. But still, its kind of stupid to have them in bus to bring them right next to where they were already.


"Max", which is, "down the hill" (as opposed to directly next door) is mentioned numerous times in all seasons.


I've just been rewatching the earlier seasons, and it was not only mentioned, but the exterior was shown when Nicky was sent there in S3.


Hi Mina!

Have you been watching the new season, and if yes, how are you liking it?


Hi Cat!!!

I've finished the new season. It's more serious I guess than I expected. Not as much silly stuff as the previous seasons. I still don't know what to make of it, but I didn't dislike it, and it has some new additions to the cast that are interesting.


Mina! 😘

I liked it. There were a few times I LOLed and snort-laughed. I agree, some interesting new characters, and it's interesting to me to see what Max was like. Fun seeing Mackenzie Phillips again!

One thing I didn't get is [spoiler]how Carol's hairdresser managed to work the miracle of getting Red's bald pate to sprout hair again in one session! Now *that's* what I call one hell of a good hairdresser![/spoiler]


Yes, that bit with Red was very odd. Her hair also grew out the red in weeks it seemed!

I really liked the season opener. It reminded me a bit of Oz. Suzanne's charecter has become very sad to me the last few season.


Whatever the case may be, I hope the seventh season is the last. I can't really see them dragging the story out much longer since Piper was released and is going to be working on her memoir.

I suppose this show could work beyond the main character, but the plot is about Piper and her life-changing experiences while incarcerated.


Piper hasn't been the main character in my eyes in a while now. It's become much more an accemble show. I can see them dragging the show on for longer with adding new characters and making it about prison in general (like they have been IMO).
