MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > I need to know if it sucks

I need to know if it sucks

I need appraisals on this film by those who've seen it as I was thinking of going. I was profoundly disappointed with Prometheus and don't want to go through that miserable experience again.


Depends what you want from the film. If you want a typical monster movie with dumb characters doing stupid shit that gets them killed, it's awesome. If you were looking for something with more depth and no plot holes that doesn't shit all over franchise, maybe give it a miss.

It's beautiful to look at. It's dripping with the signature atmosphere, but the writing let's it down big time.


Thanks for the reply. That sounds dreadful.


There are a few cool deaths but I just didn't think this movie answered a lot of the questions posed by Prometheus. Plus the characters were pretty dumb and hard to root for.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Can one take enjoyment out of watching these dumb characters reach their demise sort of in the manner of a Friday the 13th film?


I didn't. Mostly cause I expect more from a director like Ridley Scott and this franchise.


I have seen some bad movies over the years, but Prometheus completely dispelled any illusions I may have had about Ridley Scott. Was hoping to hear better word of mouth on Covenant.


It's OK, not great. Third best Alien film imo. It's predictable as hell, though.


I gave Alien3 another chance recently not having seen it since its release. I thought I might at least be able to appreciate it for its unique Fincher dark look. Not so. It's every bit as bad as I remembered and boring as hell. It remains one of the few films I've seen which completely made me fall asleep at the theatre.


What the heck, go and see it in the movie theatre whilst you can. Everyone has different tastes, so unless you see it for your self, you never know if you are missing out on something. BTW I loved Prometheus and liked it better than Covenant, so maybe you might like Covenant more.


I love the Alien series and I can say unequivocally that it sucks


Bad as it may be, who are you kidding? You're going to see it. It's Alien.


It was made with about as much care as the Alien vs. Predators movies. If that was the case, things would have been forgivable, but for some reason, this was supposed to be an intelligent movie.

All that goes right out the window during the first backburster scene. Sigh.


You'll never find the answer here. Most of the posters here don't even understand the movie enough to recommend it or not.


Could it be any more obvious you work for Fox?


Terrygg, if you haven't even seen the movie, how can you claim the posters don't understand it. You really are either just a stupid troll are you are just an annoying Fox plant.
