Petition to stop Jumanji remake

The fact that they are even contemplating remaking this movie is an extreme show of disrespect to the memory of Robin Williams. Hollywood has become a swamp of sellout joke artists who have no originality by taking the amazing movies of our childhood and ruining them for the future generations with substandard scripts, bad directing, and horrible casting decisions. If you are a fan of the original or a Robin Williams fan in general stand up with me and boycott the making of this movie. Let us rise together to put a stop to the nonsense that is remaking good 90's movies.


If this was in the same universe rather then a remake, I could maybe contemplate it but this is even worse then Ghostbusters 3.


It was! And it's a great film.


nobody can stop it.... only God will...



A petition to stop the 1st USER of Jumanji remake post and tell him that to back off and wait for it to come out and see it: it will be DEDICAATED to Robin Williams! It is not insulting why they are still making this, it is a new generation, according to Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Nart when they first made their first movie Central Intelligence to be involved in this!


How is it even possible to dump all these people together and remake a classic. What are they trying to accomplish? Unfortunately, only one thing - earn some money.
Jack Black is amazing, but not for this movie. Dwayne Johnson is average and certainly not for this film. Kevin Hart?? Is it a joke? Even if it is, it's a bad one. Tom Holland would nailed it though. And it isn't even about Robin Williams' legacy. It's about the story, the dynamics, the whole cast of actors - they're all brilliant and they don't deserve to be remade is such a way


I´ve never understood the reason why Hollywood has always seemed to go back to their major successful film franchises and try to reboot them. I don´t even care about the Fantastic Beasts film because, to me, it´s never going to be as big as Harry Potter and won´t be as successful. My parents are even saying that the new Star Wars films are a major fail compared to the last 6 Star Wars that they made in the past. Jumanji was an amazing film with Robin Williams, a man who had the most amazing of talents and, like many have said, this remake will be like a slap in the face to the memory of Robin and would be surprised if anyone would actually spend money to watch a movie that is an insult to an amazing, skillful actor. There needs to be an end to ¨remakes, reboots¨ and just try and create new ideas, not a new version of an old idea. Reboots are incredibly overrated and fake to where there needs to be new, fresh ideas and not new versions of old ideas. Everyone needs to put an end to especially this new Jumanji and keep spreading the boycott of new versions of old ideas and move to new ideas of movies all the time. Everyone, stand with us and make a big enough boycott against this remake of Jumanji and to all remakes that come along because remaking is old and needs to stop!


It's not a remake, it's a sequel.


It's not a remake. It's a sequel. 'Plot details are being kept under wraps, though Johnson recently revealed that the film would be a continuation of the 1995 pic starring Robin Williams and not a reboot'.


Dude, its just a remake of a film. Why you gotta cry about it?


This movie is actually not a remake. Dwayne Johnson has reassured us that it is a continuation of the first movie. And they are even going to do a nod towards Robin William's character. They are by no means going to re-do the original. It is probably more along the lines of someone else finds the game and plays it, not realizing what horrors will be unleashed. Also this was in the works before Robin Williams passed away, no one knew he would die then.


But that doesn't address the real problem--Ugly, Unfunny Kevin Hart in the Robin Williams roll, there was a recent picture of Hart in a jungle outfit, and he looked like a freaking pathetic Moron!!
